• 成熟肉瘤血病毒粒子C结构

    The mature sarcoma and leukemia virions have type C morphology.


  • 临床常见证候有热和寒等四种。

    Clinically 4 types of blood disorders are commonly encountered, namely blood asthenia or deficiency, blood stasis, blood-heat and blood-cold.


  • 癫痫评估治疗诊疗方面的造诣。

    In the assessment of treatment of epilepsy and cerebral blood disease clinic has deep attainments.


  • 对L1210自血病没有明显作用的马利兰一定疗效

    Myleran, which had been ineffective in L1210 leukemia, was also found to have definite effect in L615.


  • 基因改变,即所谓部分串联复制位于MLL(混合血病)基因上。

    The genetic change, known as a partial tandem duplication, is located in a gene called MLL (for mixed-lineage leukemia).


  • 当前公开报道没有能够孩子自己的脐带治疗血病例子。 白血病是脐带他们的广告宣传中提到常见儿童

    There are no published examples of a child’s own cord blood being used to cure them of leukaemia – one of the most common childhood diseases mentioned by the banks in their sales pitches .


  • 所有捐献要进行艾滋其他传染检测

    All donated blood is tested for HIV and other infections.


  • 了解胆固醇升高会增加心脏发作中风风险

    Know your blood lipids: Raised blood cholesterol increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


  • 了解胆固醇升高异常会增加心脏发作中风风险

    Know your blood lipids: Raised blood cholesterol and abnormal blood lipids increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


  • 缺乏这种基因老鼠吃了富含碳水化合物食物不会胖,而且他们胆固醇含量更低,也就是说降低它们得到心脏的风险。

    He said the mice who lacked this gene did not get fat when they ate high-carb food and they had lower levels of blood cholesterol, which can reduce the risk of heart disease.


  • 正是由于控制心脏发作关键尽快恢复心脏,因此隐性心脏发作的致命率变得更高的。

    Because the key to recovering from a heart attack is by restoring the blood flow to the heart as quickly as possible, silent heart attacks are even more deadly.


  • 普通心脏发作时,患者动脉受阻心脏肌肉得到不到迅速导致组织坏死可能永久损害心脏功能。

    In a conventional heart attack, an obstructed artery starves the heart muscle of oxygenated blood, quickly resulting in the death of tissue and potentially permanently compromising heart function.


  • Donohue博士,进一步恶化结果称之为脂肪沉积开始积累破裂、剥落,最后形成导致心脏发作

    The progressive result is an accumulation of fatty deposits called plaque that can rupture or have their caps shear off, causing clots that lead to heart attacks.


  • 如果传染了(由精通实验室检验决定)并且只蜱虫还吸满了,那么被莱姆螺旋体传染的可能性非常高,而且可能需要考虑非常严重治疗方法

    If a tick is infected (determined by testing at a proficient laboratory) and the tick is engorged, infection by Lyme disease spirochetes is highly likely and treatment may be seriously considered.


  • 呼吸道腰围人群死亡的主因,其次是心癌症。 曾研究表明,腰围过大心脏、各种炎症胰岛素抗拒胆固醇超标以及二糖尿都有关系。

    Previous studies have associated large waistlines with heart disease, inflammatory illness, insulin resistance, high blood cholesterol and type 2 diabetes.


  • 背景疟疾疟疾一种危及生命寄生虫,是按蚊雌性蚊子就需要培养鸡蛋

    Background on Malaria Malaria is a life-threatening parasitic disease transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquito, which requires blood to nurture her eggs.


  • 纤维蛋白小板一起形成就是因为遗传上缺乏一种胶原引起的。

    Fibrin and platelets combine to form a clot. Hemophilia is caused by a hereditary lack of one of the clotting factors.


  • 也预测可用鳄鱼制成软膏可用治疗糖尿引起的部溃疡,保护烧伤患者创面的感染

    He predicts creams made from alligator blood could be used for treatment of diabetic foot ulcers or to keep infections at bay in burn patients.


  • 细胞(贫镰状细胞一种可以使球变形的遗传症状

    Sickle cell disease, also called sickle cell anemia, is a genetic condition that deforms red blood cells.


  • 一氧化氮水平降低胆固醇糖尿有关

    Reduced levels of nitric oxide in blood vessels has been linked with high cholesterol and diabetes.


  • 减轻体重有助于增强药物治疗效果可能降低其它危险因素糖尿胆固醇症。

    Losing weight can help to enhance the effects of high blood pressure medication and may also reduce other risk factors, such as diabetes and high bad cholesterol.


  • 糖尿相关受损条件下,眼部供应受限VEGF(内皮生长因子)释放出来。

    Vascular endothelial growth factor, or VEGF, is released when the oxygen supply in the eye is restricted by blood vessel damage related to diabetes.


  • 在禁食,移植组的胰岛素波动较小显示它们抵御糖尿的能力更强。

    Their blood-insulin levels fluctuated less after fasting, suggesting they were more resistant to diabetes.


  • 通过针头感染艾滋几率50%,通过母婴传播几率是30%。

    Answer: the needle through the blood of HIV infection risk is 50%, through mother to child transmission probability is 30%.


  • 心脏发作一个多个冠状动脉阻塞所引起的。

    Heart attacks are caused by the blockage of one or more of the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart.


  • 大多数心脏发生原因都是由于堵塞了心脏引发的冠脉

    Most heart attacks are caused by coronary-artery disease, which occurs when a blood clot blocks blood and oxygen flow in a blood vessel leading to the heart.


  • 大多数心脏发生原因都是由于堵塞了心脏引发的冠脉

    Most heart attacks are caused by coronary-artery disease, which occurs when a blood clot blocks blood and oxygen flow in a blood vessel leading to the heart.


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