• 人们中心机构直到医疗需要前,这些血会一直贮存机构

    People give blood to the centers, where it is kept until it is needed for medical purposes.


  • 破了,凝固结痂

    When you cut yourself, blood clots and forms a scab.


  • 它们许多客人都觉得道菜好吃。

    Their blood would go into the noodles, and many customers thought the taste was excellent.


  • 这个地方以前是肥沃土地不久再次肥沃。

    This place was fertile farmland. Soon, your blood will make it fertile again.


  • 一项特别引人注目观察o病人大量输o型血会导致一系列O型细胞对病人细胞虚拟替代

    A particularly striking observation was that in patients not in group o, massive transfusions of o blood resulted in the virtual replacement of the recipient's cells by cells of the o group.


  • 另有一些热门提问挺让担忧其中包括如何”——480次搜索,“要是喝了怎样”——一个月内880次搜索。

    Other popular but worrying questions people ask Google every month, include 'how do I hide the dead body? - with 480 queries and' what happens if I drink blood? 'with 880 queries a month.


  • 心脏为了使通过肺脏而增强收缩如果压力升到足够时,最终心脏能够继续维持下去,此时到达肺脏进行氧合变的很少

    The heart works harder, trying to force the blood through. If the pressure is high enough, eventually the heart can't keep up, and less blood can circulate through the lungs to pick up oxygen.


  • 导致心律失常——是因为贫能力下降,作为代偿心脏不得不燃烧小宇宙,在单位时间内泵出更多从而使心跳变不规则

    Anemia can lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat - an arrhythmia. Your heart must pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood when you're anemic.


  • 导致心律失常——是因为贫供氧能力下降,作为代偿心脏不得不燃烧小宇宙,在单位时间内泵出更多,从而使心跳变不规则

    Anemia can lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat - an arrhythmia.Your heart must pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood when you're anemic.


  • 一口咬出来散开了,引来大量的食人鱼。

    The first bite draws blood, and blood draws a pack of piranhas.


  • 爸爸仔细倾听随时评论句,总是一针见

    Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the point.


  • 恐怖电影看到可能捂住眼睛真正一点可怕

    Seeing blood in a horror movie might make you cover your eyes, but real blood isn't scary at all.


  • 选择玫瑰而久之就变成手上蚊子玫瑰变成嘴角粒未掉的饭粒。

    Select red rose over time will become the hands of mosquito blood, and a white rose will not sweeping movements out of the cooked rice into the mouth.


  • 但是太清楚是什么检测使用了;二月时候仅有关于抗体的检验显示是否携带病毒,当人类流感认为已经爆发时。

    But it was not clear what test was used; only blood tests for antibodies would show whether pigs had the virus in February, when the human outbreak is thought to have begun.


  • 容量减少随之降低

    When blood volume goes down, blood pressure goes down.


  • 有些觉得把红色白色花朵一起不错,然而两种颜色放在一起的迷信代表和伤痛。

    Some people are funny about mixing red and white flowers together, as there is a superstition that this combination symbolises blood and bandages.


  • 休息心跳减慢需要更多的神经传递素,和肾上腺素来刺激感觉和大脑皮层

    By relaxing you slow down the heart and keep much-needed blood, oxygen, neurotransmitters, and adrenaline from stimulating your senses and cerebral cortex.


  • 实际上只有墨水出来:不再溅。

    Only ink actually gets spilt: there will not be blood.


  • 贝特曼测试这些淋巴蟋蟀吐出物(反流物)效力。 他把这两物质分别涂抹另外一种小型的蟋蟀身上,然后看看斑纹石龙子是否吃掉他们

    Bateman also tested the power of the haemolymph and regurgitated food, by painting another smaller species of cricket in either substance, and then seeing if striped skinks would eat them.


  • 他们有时残忍,我们,他们供给我们雨水阳光和风丰收多产动物许多孩子

    Sometimes they were cruel and drank our blood, but also they gave us rain and sunshine, favourable winds, good harvests, fertile animals, many children.


  • 猴子看到笑脸时,为脑部视觉部分神经细胞短暂隆起,其隆起模式与看到图案惊人的一致。

    As the monkey looked at the face, blood vessels supplying nerve cells in the visual part of the monkey's brain transiently swelled in exactly the same pattern.


  • 这些牟利为目的的公司大打以防万一张牌,鼓励父母们储存婴儿脐带以防有一某个亲戚需要

    These for-profit companies lean heavily on the fear factor, encouraging parents to bank their baby's blood just in case a relative needs it one day.


  • 项研究表明甘油三酯(堆积动脉壁上脂肪)水平升高可能增加白内障的风险

    One study suggested that elevated levels of triglycerides, a form of fat that can accumulate in the walls of your arteries, may increase the risk of cataracts in men.


  • 肾病综合症时,结果可能提示:白蛋白症及低蛋白症、高胆固醇高甘油三酯症等。

    Blood tests. If you have nephrotic syndrome, a blood test may show low levels of the protein albumin (hypoalbuminemia) specifically and decreased levels of blood protein overall.


  • 长期手指手指敏感而且存在感染可能

    Fingers can become sensitive over time and there is always a small risk of infection.


  • 蚂蟥皮肤上,你的

    They adhere themselves to your skin and start sucking on your blood.


  • 挤压症候群造成局部组织损伤器官功能障碍代谢异常包括酸中毒、高钾和低症。

    Crush syndrome can cause local tissue injury, organ dysfunction, and metabolic abnormalities, including acidosis, hyperkalemia, and hypocalcemia.


  • 祭司门口耶和华上,把脂油焚烧,献给耶和华麝香祭。

    The priest is to sprinkle the blood against the altar of the Lord at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and burn the fat as an aroma pleasing to the Lord .


  • 祭司门口耶和华上,把脂油焚烧,献给耶和华麝香祭。

    The priest is to sprinkle the blood against the altar of the Lord at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting and burn the fat as an aroma pleasing to the Lord .


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