• 美国虽说许多问题观点不同

    Although Americans have different views on many issues.


  • 虽说西班牙很多优秀球队通常这个国家竞争更加激烈一些。

    Obviously there are some very good teams in Spain, but generally the competition is stronger in this country.


  • 虽说2009年夏天离开了家乡俱乐部英格兰边锋关注米堡动态。

    Despite leaving his hometown club in the summer of 2009, the England winger keeps a close eye on Boro's fortunes.


  • 虽说中国内地圣诞节没有假期还是这个周末经历美妙的四季

    Although we have no holidays at Christmas in China, I still experienced a wonderful weekend of 2 days through 4 seasons.


  • 出自中国佛山艺术家舒勇之手的厕所喷泉虽说实用层面比较缺乏,但设计创意方面却别具一格

    What this toilet fountain by Chinese artist Shu Yong in Foshan, China, lacks in practical terms, it makes up for in ingenuity.


  • 虽说哈利波特系列之前剧情过,丹尼尔·雷德克里夫、艾玛·沃森分别同其他演员有过些小亲密戏。

    Sure, we've seen it before in the "Harry Potter" franchise, Daniel Radcliffe or Emma Watson reeling in one of their co-stars for a smooch.


  • 玛斯克莱虽说427日的会议没有发生什么事情刺激弱不禁风债券市场马德里交涉迫眉睫。 试译:玛斯克莱说加泰罗尼亚与马德里的中央政府达成一项协议,但4月27日的会晤中,这个协议并未达成,这使得证券市场出现了急剧的变化。

    Mr Mas-Colell says a deal with Madrid will emerge, but it did not happen at a meeting on April 27th, making bond markets jumpier.


  • 虽说强大的实力也许赢得尊敬方面有帮助作用,但它赢得喜爱毫无关系。

    And while strength may be instrumental in winning respect, it has nothing to do with winning affection.


  • 我当然有虽说他们跳舞野花没有他们头发留下叶子

    Yea; though no leaf of the wild garlands, which they wore while they danced, be left in their hair!


  • 诗歌创作虽说越来越不精彩一时期发表死亡登场》(1946)的诗歌仍不失为上乘之作。

    He was writing his poetry more and more slowly, but nonetheless his poems from this period published in Death and Entrances (1946) are among his best.


  • 虽说这么做并不会导致不同浏览器上代码测试工作量,毫无疑问有助于我们开发过程中了解是否已经偏离轨道。

    It wouldn't eliminate the need to test the code on many browsers, but it would sure help during the development process to know if you are on track or not.


  • 虽说如此,20集团的协定着一些严重的缺陷,应该解决本次危机中的得分是不及格

    That said, the G20 agreement has some troubling flaws, leaving them with something short of a passing grade in dealing with the crisis.


  • 认识一个专业人士虽说很多方面都很优秀,但却喜欢公开地贬损非洲裔美国人

    There is a professional person I know who, though brilliant in many ways, likes to make openly derogatory remarks about African-Americans.


  • 虽说户外行走效果最好,但如果受天气或者其他条件的限制,跑步机上或者室内也可以

    Outdoors is best. If weather or obstacles make that impossible, you can walk on a treadmill or find an indoor space.


  • 虽说别人这么说他可能生气但是飞机读物领域,格拉·菲尔德确实像丹布朗小说领域里那么红。

    Gladwell might take offense, but in the airplane reading field at least, the New Yorker writer is the Dan Brown of nonfiction.


  • 虽说原则上算是进攻球员,但大部分时间他是中场靠前的位置活动,并且球队主要进攻球员苏亚雷斯后面

    Although he was in principle a striker, he mostly played in an advanced midfield position, behind the team's main striker, Luis Suarez.


  • 妻子赵海霞(音),10年前春节自杀。 春节虽说是一重要节日,但也是家庭纠纷好发的时节。

    Sun's wife, Zhao Haixia, committed suicide 10 years ago during the Spring Festival, the biggest holiday of the year and one that often brings out family conflicts.


  • 虽说并不需要刻意地去接近陌生妹子日常生活中或是网络上,你就能碰到许多妹子

    You don't technically have to be able to approach strange women. You can always meet girls through your day to day life, or through online dating.


  • 但是虽说托利党人至少国家层面传达信息,不过与此同时他们更多的是给民众带来不悦伤害

    But while other Tories may have only a limited role in projecting the party message, at least at a national level, they have a bigger, negative capacity to inflict embarrassment and harm on the cause.


  • 虽说这些设计师都充满兴趣热情,但是他们没有任何一个人觉得自己将会痴迷于把这种可再生材料将来时尚现实设计中提升地位。

    Despite the interest and enthusiasm, no one at the event said they weredeluded about the realistic roleof sustainability in fashion’s future.


  • 治疗我们焦虑情绪的症候灵丹妙药,人类物质极大丰富之后虽说不会再为生存焦虑,可身份焦虑就很难别人的“救助”之下完成能力实现自我救赎者又有几

    Though people are no longer anxious about their survival when there are abundant materials they will find it difficult to get rid of anxiety with othershelp.


  • 因为这里每个人都知道那儿夏威夷意思是说我就知道夏威夷,虽说我16辍学了。

    Because everyone knows it was Hawaii. I mean, I know it was Hawaii, and I dropped out of school at sixteen.


  • 虽说锡层脱落时还是能用,但你必须保证每次菜前用力擦洗锅子,而且烧好就马上出锅,因为烧好的菜可能会跟锡层已经脱落的铜锅发生有毒化学反应所以最好还是及时地重镀锡层。

    If cooked food remains in a poorly lined pot, some kind of a toxic chemical reaction can take place. It is thus best to have the pot re-tinned promptly.


  • 虽说如此,宾利上周洛杉矶车展媒体接待日就售出了辆23万美元ContinentalFlying Spur。

    That said, Bentley sold a $230,000 Continental Flying Spur sedan on the first press day of the Los Angeles auto show last week.


  • 意义——虽说电影学院总是坚持这些奖项的必要性,但是真的有必要么?

    No Minor Awards -- The Academy has always resisted this, but really.


  • 虽说签证大厅里一些椅子饮水机但多数申请人必须站着,拿颜色牌子某一窗口排队等待。

    Although there are some chairs and a water cooler, most applicants have to stand in line with a certain color card in front of a certain window.


  • 这个问题越来越频繁地提起来,虽说主要是保守派圈子出版物里。

    That's a question being asked with increasing frequency, though mostly in conservative circles and publications.


  • 虽说83%儿童某个年龄段会受到影响,但严重程度差别极大而且绝大多数孩子很快自行康复

    Although glue ear affects 83 per cent of children at some time in their lives, it fluctuates enormously in its severity and most children recover quickly and spontaneously.


  • 虽说83%儿童某个年龄段会受到影响,但严重程度差别极大而且绝大多数孩子很快自行康复

    Although glue ear affects 83 per cent of children at some time in their lives, it fluctuates enormously in its severity and most children recover quickly and spontaneously.


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