• 然这部电影是一部喜剧,但它也有一些悲惨,反映了卓别林自己的生活。

    Although the film is a comedy, it also has some tragedy, reflecting Chaplin's own life.


  • 虽然这部电影非常令人愉快但是长了。

    That cinema is very nice, but the tickets are quite expensive.


  • 虽然这部电影吓人,但还是诱惑着许多同龄人观看

    Although the film is scaring, it lures many of my peers to watch.


  • 虽然这部电影票房上取得了成功评论家说什么好话。

    The film was a fair box office success, but the critics were not kind.


  • 虽然这部电影大约2000年拍摄,但是技术不过时。

    Though the movie was made in about 2000, its technology is still not out of date.


  • 虽然这部电影可能淹没的哈里·波特热潮今年秋天绝对值得

    While this movie may threaten to be swamped by Harry Potter mania this fall, it definitely deserves to be seen.


  • 喜欢电影虽然这部电影已经很长时光了电影故事浪漫

    My most favored by film is TITANIC, although this film has been a long time, the films story is very romantic.


  • 虽然这部电影改编自同名小说不管用, ,故事一点意思没有

    This movie is based on a novel of the same name, but it'll never fly, the story is not interesting at all.


  • 虽然这部电影情节仍旧保密斯托克》绝对我们非常期待的影片。

    Though its plot remains almost entirely shrouded in secrecy, "Stoker" is nevertheless one of our most anticipated projects by quite a lot.


  • 虽然这部电影依旧无法巨片相比我们带来了无限童年回忆美好梦想

    Although this film still has no way to be compared with huge movie, have been brought about the boundless childhood memory and fine fond dream by us but.


  • 虽然这部电影中的动画多数电影都要先进,但是有时候难以观看特别是打斗场景

    The animation, though more advanced than most films, is really hard to watch sometimes, especially in the fight scenes.


  • 巴拉克虽然这部电影广告早已电视因特网报纸上铺天盖地,但挑战传统的室外广告不会出现耶路撒冷和佩塔蒂克瓦。

    Alternative outdoor ads will not be hung in Jerusalem and Petah Tikva, though the movie is heavily advertised on TV, the Internet and in newspapers, Barak said.


  • 虽然这部电影拍摄40多年前,但现在提起它正合时宜,因为最近恰好出现一份报告——《为何不能威吓银行家正确》。

    The screening of this film, now over 40 years old, proved to be timely in the wake of a new report entitled, "Why You Can't Scare Bankers Into Doing the Right Thing."


  • 看起来接下来两部阿凡达系列电影会紧接在一起拍摄虽然这部电影缔造者表明能力避免落入如其他电影的续集总是走老路线陷阱

    It seems likely that the next two Avatar films will be shot back-to-back, though the film-maker is suggesting he'll be able to avoid the pitfalls of other series which have followed a similar route.


  • 虽然孔子故事并不了解还是这部电影

    I went to see the film knowing very little of Confucius' personal story.


  • 虽然得以在全国上映,但直至今天某些议会依然禁止这部电影在当地放映。

    While it did get a national release, several British town councils banned the film locally and some bans continue to this day.


  • 虽然评论界褒扬,商业上取得巨大成功,《禁闭好像仍然被低估了——这部电影带来的意外在于第二遍时会更好。

    Critically lauded and a commercial hit, "Shutter Island" still seems underratedthe film's real twist is that it's an even better movie on second viewing.


  • 这部电影虽然没有梦乡,但是实在乏善可陈。

    It didn't quite put me to sleep but this movie was sure nothing to write home about.


  • 虽然缺少特别收录短片,但是拥有这部电影DVD乐趣电影本身

    Despite a lack in featurettes, the real joy of owning this DVD is for the film itself.


  • 类型虽然在借刀杀人扮演反派引起关注,但是迈克·尔这部电影还是有不少克鲁斯以前的影子。

    Against Type: Whilst playing the villain in Collateral might have raised a few eyebrows, there's still plenty of the old Cruise charm on display throughout Michael Mann's film.


  • 此外,虽然BBC播放该片,但令人气愤的津巴布韦的邻国,没有影院认为这部电影适合上映,电影本可以立刻阻止穆加贝的行为。

    A shocking postscript is that although the film has been screened by the BBC, no cinema in neighbouring South Africa, which could stop Mr Mugabe in his tracks, has yet seen fit to air it.


  • 虽然这次有意识低调出山作为一名孤儿的不动声色的感人表演,还是为这部其实不起眼电影增加了很多的份量

    While this is a consciously low-key re-emergence, Tang's subtly affecting performance as an orphan with misguided taste in men adds weight to an otherwise unremarkable film.


  • 另外这部电影会让明白虽然电玩世界有趣,但你终究面对现实生活

    On the other hand, the movie also tells you that, although the world of video games is fun, you must face real life at the end of the day.


  • 虽然观众电影情节非常熟悉——许多人甚至倒背流——他们还是第一这部电影那样全神贯注地欣赏。

    While they may already know the story - and many off by heart - the audience remains 2 engrossed in the movie as if it was their very first time.


  • 虽然没有看过这部电影不过它应该是部受欢迎的电影

    Although I have never seen this film, it is supposed to be a popular one with people.


  • 虽然很难说明这部电影到底受到了怎样影响,但我们看到,《摇滚藏獒》排片量连《大鱼海棠》的四分之一不到

    While it's difficult to quantify what effect that had on the film, we do know that Rock Dog had less than one-quarter the showtimes of Big Fish.


  • 这部电影深深地感动虽然电影结局不是那么的完美,但是我们看到女孩生活改变

    I am so moved by the movie, though the ending of the movie is not so perfect, we see the change of the girl's life.


  • 这部电影深深地感动虽然电影结局不是那么的完美,但是我们看到女孩生活改变

    I am so moved by the movie, though the ending of the movie is not so perfect, we see the change of the girl's life.


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