• 虽然被迫扮演傻瓜很多他们可能会坚持这个观点觉得每个内心正直令人钦佩的。

    Although forced to play the fool many times, they will just as likely hold fast to the notion that everyone is at heart decent and admirable.


  • 虽然总人口比例很小,但很大比例青年男子被迫迁出某一地区时,可能当地产生巨大影响

    Although a small proportion of the total population, this perhaps had a massive local impact when a large proportion of the young men were removed from an area.


  • 虽然开始一些糟糕往内线的传球被迫投篮,在比赛结束后李还是展现出了为什么火箭奖励这些年的表现。

    While he struggled early with a couple of bad entry passes and forced shots, Lee showed by the end of the game why the Rockets have prized his services for years.


  • 虽然国际法难民国内流离失所者有明确的区分,但这种区分对于那些被迫离开家园失去一切来说荒谬的。

    Although international law distinguishes between refugees and the internally displaced, such distinctions are absurd to those who have been forced from their homes and who have lost everything.


  • 虽然歌剧院设计师被迫辞职虽然歌剧院的装潢从未圆满竣工,但是这件作品不仅仅座城市的标志,而且也是国家一个的象征。

    Although its architect was forced to resign and it was never properly finished inside, the opera house has come to define not only a city, but also an entire nation and continent.


  • 纳税人虽然咬牙切齿,还得被迫掏钱让失败银行家大把的钞票退休他们发现议员们来蹭口吃的,不发火才怪。

    Having been forced, teeth gritted, to support failed bankers in lavish retirement, taxpayers are rightly outraged by the discovery that MPs too have their noses in the trough.


  • 虽然沃伦(Warren)最近表示,“当前只有一个问题而且这个问题还有个快速解决方法”,但问题关键决策者那些被迫实现这些决策的人之间裂痕

    Although Warren is the last to say there is one problem and one quick fix, the crux of the matter is the huge chasm between policy makers and those forced to do the implementation.


  • 虽然己方军力受损,柏戈因将军还是决定10月7日进攻比迷斯高地Bemis Heights)的大陆军这次他遭遇了失败被迫撤退

    Though his troop strength had been weakened, Burgoyne again attacked the Americans at Bemis Heights on October 7th, but this time was defeated and forced to retreat.


  • 虽然一些定制允许的,但大多数情况下他们被迫接受控件所有功能无论是否是真正要的。

    While some customization is allowed, for the most part they are stuck with whatever features comes with the control whether or not he actually wants them.


  • 中国是世界上最大的太阳能电池板生产商虽然几乎用于出口,但该行业面临着一个巨大供应过剩,(它们大部份)被迫关闭

    But Chinese firms have emerged as the biggest solar-panel producers in the world-almost all of it exported-just as the industry faces a massive supply glut that is forcing firms to close.


  • 虽然幸免不死,但她的攀爬能力遭到严重损害,从此无法再树叶上所聚集的了,她被迫冒险湖边喝水注定了她劫数难逃

    Unable to drink from water trapped by tree leaves, she would have had to venture down to the lake to drink. This would have proved to be a fateful decision.


  • 研究人员推定虽然肌腱额外刚性补偿失去肌肉功能,但是只要不穿高跟鞋肌腱被迫再次伸展开,导致疼痛

    The researchers posit that although the extra rigidity of the tendon makes up for the lost muscle function, it causes pain once the pumps come off and the tendons have to stretch again.


  • 现在说话了,挺随便立刻看出还是回去孤寂合适些开始了,她虽然骄傲,也被迫渐渐地我们接近了。

    He talked now, freely enough; and she presently saw fit to retreat to her solitude: but the frost had set in, and, in spite of her pride, she was forced to condescend to our company, more and more.


  • 恩格尔展览的目录中写道:在眼中它们同宗血缘兄弟虽然年幼被迫分离血缘不会改变。

    Referees are called umpires in both. “I see them as blood brothers, separated at birth but genetically linked, ” writes Mr Engel in the catalogue’s introduction.


  • 虽然没有由于破产而被迫作出改变带来阵痛代价美航要承担最高劳务成本退休金费用。

    Without the pain of bankruptcy to force change, it is left with the highest Labour costs and pension obligations.


  • 虽然小学教育中国义务教育贫穷人家还是无法支付低廉学费他们小孩子被迫离开学校

    Although primary education is compulsory in China, poorer families are unable to pay even the small fees required, compelling them to take their children out of school.


  • 此外虽然目前很多人仅仅关注美联储量化宽松举措美元但要不了多久,欧洲的央行很可能被迫采取同样举措。

    Further, while many are focused on this question of QE by the Fed and the dollar, we argue that the ECB will likely be forced down the same path soon.


  • 虽然这些资产已经卖掉,但金融机构常常保有这些证券化工具权益、要对它们按揭提供服务有时被迫回购部分资产。

    Although the assets were sold off, firms often retained interests in the securitization vehicles, service the mortgages in them and in some cases can be forced to take back some of the assets.


  • 虽然从不一些“2000人代表团”成员那样被打击报复被迫静静地下台,一个具有帝国意识的议员接替

    Though she was never targeted for reprisal like some of the members of the Delegation, she was quietly forced to step down from office, to let a more Imperial-minded Senator take her place.


  • 我们非洲如何依赖于中国,从而被迫中国形成牢固的合作关系虽然意味着他们不得不放弃自己资源

    In this case we see how Africa depends on China and is forced to form a strong relationship to strengthen their security even if it means giving up their resources.


  • 虽然他们被迫服兵役,但还是不能成为军官

    Although forced to serve in the army, they could not become officers.


  • 虽然他们被迫服兵役,但还是不能成为军官

    Although forced to serve in the army, they could not become officers.


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