• 纵观过去20虽然结婚降低几近三分之一,而婚礼费用几乎翻番

    Yet over 20 years the price has almost doubled, while America’s marriage rate is down by nearly a third.


  • 他们不是恋人.虽然结婚多次Lowell曾经考虑Bishop求婚,但最终都没有.

    They were never lovers, and although the much-married Lowell once considered proposing to Bishop, he never did.


  • 虽然结婚人生里程碑一步,应该给与足够的重视但是重要性并不意味着要通过很多来表现

    Admittedly, marriage symbolizes a milestone in one's life and should be given extreme emphasis. But importance should not be necessarily expressed by how much money is spent.


  • 虽然结婚世界上几乎所有国家人们都做的事情,但结婚习俗文化不同而大相径庭

    Though marriage is practiced in almost all countries of the world, the customs are quite different from one culture to another.


  • 2017年,虽然还没有结婚,但是她决定成为一名母亲。

    In 2017, though unmarried, she decided to become a mother.


  • 虽然安娜·维斯从未结婚,从未发生也是作为母亲节母亲一个恰当标题夫人努力所有已知的母亲赐予荣誉孩子

    Though Anna Jarvis never married and never had kids, she is also known as the mother of mothers Day, an apt title for the lady who worked hard to bestow honor on all mothers.


  • 虽然平均结婚市场概况20岁-30岁左右职业女性大大多于男性,但总是一些男人人群了出来

    While the average marriage market profile is a 20 - or 30-something professional, with females vastly outnumbering males, there are always some who stand out from the crowd.


  • 大部分被采访首席执行官结婚20多年——虽然他们中的一些坦诚他们后悔没有孩子长大的过程中过陪陪他们

    Most of the chief executives interviewed boast of marriages of 20 years or morethough several of them admit to regret at seeing too little of their children as they have grown up.


  • 虽然这样风险不容忽视,但是堂兄弟姊妹结婚并非注定基因灾难

    Although such risks should not be ignored, first cousin marriage is not necessarily a recipe for genetic disaster.


  • 虽然确定教育程度女人结婚,我并不想教育程度相同一个关键因素- - -尽管最后她们拥有硕士学位

    Although I definitely wanted to marry an educated woman, I wouldn't say that it was critical that she match my mom's level of schoolingthough in the end, they both earned master's degrees.


  • 虽然越来越多认为不一定结婚,但仍然有67%美国人婚姻家庭未来乐观态度。

    Despite a growing view that marriage may not be necessary, 67 per cent of Americans were upbeat about the future of marriage and family.


  • 虽然聪明但是所以女孩父母并不允许他们结婚,这个女孩只能别的结婚

    Although the boy is very smart, but because it is the poor students so girls parents is against they get married, girls can only with other man married.


  • 27那年结婚虽然我丈夫尝试了很多,但是都没有怀孕

    I married at 27 and after a long time there was no sign of a baby, despite lots of tests.


  • 虽然我们还算天生苗条,也尽量定期健身,但自打结婚生子以来我们还是无可避免地长胖了一点。

    While we're both naturally pretty slim and try to exercise somewhat regularly, we've definitely put on a few pounds since we exchanged vows (that's us in the picture) and since we had our son.


  • 朋友可能找到了享受的双重婚姻方法虽然我对此表示怀疑。聪明女性先约法三章再一个一夫多妻的男性结婚。你的朋友可能找到了摆脱这个困难的方法—要么就是隐藏了自己的痛苦

    Wise women will have insisted on binding conditions before entering into a marriage with a polygamist. Your friend must have found a way to wriggle out of these - or he's hiding his pain.


  • 虽然二人并未结婚为了和平分手,一位洛杉矶律师本月早些时候已在处理相关文件包括如何处置二人超过2亿美元的巨额财产。

    The couple is not married, but documents were filed with a Los Angeles lawyer earlier this month to help with a smooth separation, including how to deal with their assets worth more than $200m.


  • 他们两个人没有多少钱也许他们都会想到,伦敦结婚虽然比不上苏格兰结婚来得方便,可是要省俭些。

    It is not likely that money should be very abundant on either side; and it might strike them that they could be more economically, though less expeditiously, married in London, than in Scotland.


  • 他们究竟结婚虽然他们不一定会过得怎么幸福品格那么坏,然而我们究竟不得不高兴

    That they should marry, small as is their chance of happiness, and wretched as is his character, we are forced to rejoice!


  • 令人好奇的是,虽然他们几乎等于跟工作结婚了,首席执行官们的离婚率低。

    Curiously, despite also being married to the job, chief executives have a low divorce rate.


  • 从未女朋友忠诚过,虽然25岁就结婚,他从未对妻子忠实过。

    He was never faithful to a girlfriend, and although he married at age 25, he was never at any point faithful to his wife.


  • 另一项研究表明虽然青春年少时梦想着自己的白马王子,但是人们最终绝少类男人一起结婚

    Separate research found that women rarely end up with the Prince Charming figure they had hoped for when they were young.


  • 呢,虽然是个传统守旧的人,但是如果真的放弃正式求婚这个步骤,心里就会觉得结婚这件事了点什么完整的。

    For my part, I'm not a traditionalist, but there was something about forgoing an official proposal that seemed incomplete to me.


  • 未来结婚的那位,虽然知道在哪儿可是还是想你的。

    The future and I got married, although don't know where you are, but I still miss you.


  • 因此大学生今天可以结婚虽然法律允许大学生踏进婚姻,认为他们适宜走进婚姻。

    So the college students can marry today, though the law admits college students to come to marriage, I think they are not suitable to go that far.


  • 因此大学生今天可以结婚虽然法律允许大学生踏进婚姻,认为他们适宜走进婚姻。

    So the college students can marry today, though the law admits college students to come to marriage, I think they are not suitable to go that far.


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