• 虽然答案应该为‘’,但他们却可能’。

    They might say no when the answer is really 'Yes.'


  • 虽然答案目前尚清楚Pharoah博士推想可能不止两个三个

    Though the answer is not yet clear, Dr Pharoah reckons it is likely to be more than just two or three.


  • 就让大家我们做出抉择拭目以待有信心虽然答案只有事实知道

    So let's show that we have made the right decisionsI'm confident that we have – but only the results will tell.


  • 虽然答案无从得知,但知道怪责别人这个毛病已深深植根我们心里,而的源头要追朔人类第一犯罪的时候。

    Without knowing the answer to that, I do know that blaming the other party is so deeply ingrained in us that it goes back to the first day we sinned.


  • 答案肯定的“是”,可能1918年以来就是如此了,虽然在1940年到1945年之间英国作为索赔大国的恢复愚弄了几乎所有的人。

    The answer to that is a straight yes, and probably has been since 1918, though its recovery as a claimant Great Power between 1940 and 1945 fooled almost everybody.


  • 如果1做比较,发现这个答案(虽然合乎逻辑)是根本正确的。

    If you compare this with Figure 1, you'll see that this answeralthough logicalisn't at all correct.


  • 虽然可以指导网站用户输入所有数字时都采取美国格式真的是最佳答案吗?

    You could instruct users of your website to type all Numbers in us format, but is that really the best answer?


  • 虽然我们经常一成不变答案很感兴趣,但是在给出建议之前仔细考虑婚姻双方的情况构成是很重要的。

    While we are always attracted to cut-and-dried answers, it's important to carefully consider the situation and makeup of those to whom we minister before giving counsel.


  • 然而我们母亲最想要的节日礼物是什么时,答案不是百合花,不是珠宝首饰,虽然这些礼物很好

    But when we asked mothers what they wanted most for mother's Day, the answer was nowhere near lilies, and far from jewellery, though those are great gifts indeed.


  • 虽然愉快答案可能产生压力,但知道出现什么情况能时间计划、跟老板谈遣散寻找别的机会

    While an unwelcome answer might be stressful, knowing what's coming will give you time to plan, negotiate severance and seek out other opportunities.


  • 虽然精密芯片很多欧洲出口品的核心要素汽车医疗设备,但答案不可能挥霍纳税人金钱

    Although sophisticated chips are an essential ingredient of many European exports, from cars to medical equipment, the answer is unlikely to be a splurge of taxpayers' money.


  • 虽然高级管理层可能展望组织未来状态,但是业务团队掌握着当前状态的更多答案

    While senior management may be envisioning the organization's future state, the business community holds more answers about its current state.


  • 虽然乐观地对待问题能确定地找出原因,但是经过场季前赛比赛这些答案仍然不得而知。

    And while there's certainly reason for optimism regarding every question listed, after one preseason game, the answers unfortunately remain unknown.


  • 虽然没有确切的答案,但似乎已经非常接近临界密度

    While the answer is not yet known for certain, it appears to be tantalizingly close to the critical density.


  • 虽然酒店机票搜索属于两个完全不同的领域,尽管ITA流淌着航空业的基因但如果说到有谁可以使酒店搜索升华,答案可能就是ITA。

    While hotel and air search are two very different animals and although ITA's DNA is in air, if anyone can turn hotel search up a notch, it is probably ITA.


  • 虽然本人向扫描人员透露确实感到无聊,这大脑的反应一致,不过回答调查问题时还是照章办事,写下了喜欢”和“可怕”这两个答案

    On her questionnaire she dutifully wroteI liked it, ” “very scary, ” although she confided to the scan technician that actually she found it boring, as did her brain.


  • 答案如下:虽然Andy是个富有常规工作经验下属,但项目中确不见得如此。

    The answer: Even though Andy is an experienced employee in his regular work, this is not true on your project.


  • 虽然不能详细解释这种攻击如何实施,但如果了解SQL 的话,就可以找到相关的答案。 如果您Web服务器驻留数据库的话,一定要了解这种攻击。

    Although I can't get into the specifics of how to pull this type of attack off, you can look it up if you have SQL knowledge, which—if you're hosting database on your Web server—you should have.


  • 这种情况下虽然心目中没有某个单一物体答案仍然预先决定的。

    In that case, his answers are predetermined even though he has no single object in mind.


  • 虽然“格式分数SAT用来抵制答案,但这样建议却是通过积极鼓励答案来打倒“格式分数”的意义

    Even though formula scoring is used in SAT to discourage guessing, an advice like this defeats the purpose of formula scoring by actively encouraging guessing.


  • 虽然规模较小,但淡水水体藻疯长会发生——因此,赫拉维尔女士认为就是化石神秘事件答案

    Toxic blooms also occur, albeit on a smaller scale, in bodies of freshwater—and that, Ms Hellawell thinks, is the answer to the mysterious case of Fossil Lake.


  • 虽然我们在这里强调几个问题但是对于连接器设计而言,能够彻底理解所有这些问题答案至关重要的。

    We will only highlight some of the questions here, but a thorough understanding of the answers to all of the questions is critical to connector design.


  • 很多会迅速本能地给出他们觉得正确错误答案——100——虽然他们接下来可能会改正这个错误。

    Most people instinctively jump to the wrong answer that "feels" right - 100 - even if they later amend it.


  • 节目中,虽然选美皇后抛出大把问题难住了库兹韦尔最后得出答案却是喜剧演员,原来段钢琴曲电脑创作的。

    On the show (see the clip on YouTube), the beauty queen did a good job of grilling Kurzweil, but the comedian got the win: the music was composed by a computer.


  • 杰•麦克伦先生小说虽然没有描述人是如何当前事件中变乖的,小说集中压轴故事最后单身汉》却给出了一个适时答案

    Mr McInerney's fiction does not address how this group has been chastened by recent events, but his concluding story, "The Last Bachelor", has a timely, valedictory air.


  • 杰•麦克伦先生小说虽然没有描述人是如何当前事件中变乖的,小说集中压轴故事最后单身汉》却给出了一个适时答案

    Mr McInerney's fiction does not address how this group has been chastened by recent events, but his concluding story, "The Last Bachelor", has a timely, valedictory air.


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