• 虽然一点,但是一定不会迷路

    Slow as you may be when you follow me, you will never get lost.


  • 虽然慢阻肺病难以根治,可透过支援性治疗病情恶化

    COPD is incurable but supportive treatment may help slow its progression.


  • 评级A俄罗斯处在一个竞争十分激烈的小组虽然慢但是他们成功晋级淘汰赛

    Grade: A. Russia were in a relatively tough group but qualified after a slow start.


  • 虽然,但是相对于他的分数来说相当耐久拥有精准强力近战攻击甚至可以击退敌人

    While slow, it's quite durable for its cost, has an accurate and acceptably powerful melee attack, and can even knock enemies away.


  • 可以通过谨慎地使用AOT编译代码加快应用程序启动因为虽然这种代码通常JIT编译代码,但是却比解释代码很多

    You can accelerate application start-up by carefully using AOT-compiled code because this code, although typically slower than JIT-compiled code, can be many times faster than interpretation.


  • 相形之下手机信号具有覆盖范围广、成本低的优点,虽然速度有些用手机几乎可以随时随地上网。

    By comparison, mobile phone masts can cover a huge geographic area comparatively cheaply, and although their connection speed will be low, it can be applied almost immediately.


  • 虽然性能有点,但是SQLReplication一些场景下表现良好,例如数据分配大量目标库中。

    While it is slower in performance, SQL Replication works very well in some scenarios, such as distribution of source data to large number of targets.


  • 虽然这种方法运行起来可能手工编码PerlXMLsimple,但需要编写,也不需要调试

    While this method might run more slowly than hand-crafted Perl and XML: : Simple, you don't have to write it and you don't have to debug it.


  • 虽然日常设计决策,但是长此以往,应用程序类型使用的思考带来更为清晰的设计。

    While this may slow down daily design decisions, thinking through the types in the application can result in a more coherent design over time.


  • 虽然进展速度预期,但我们看到获得治疗降低死亡率方面取得了一些令人惊叹的进展。

    Though progress has been slower than hoped, we have also seen some stunning improvements in access to care and reductions in mortality.


  • 伯达油菜籽作物比正常情况下的生长三个星期虽然周一加拿大小麦预计加拿大西部的小麦和大麦作物至少比正常情况下的生长10天了

    The Alberta canola crop is two to three weeks behind development, Pauly said, while the Canadian wheat Board estimated on Monday that Western Canada wheat and barley crops are at least 10 days behind.


  • 虽然肯定要比喷气式飞机速度一些,但是混合型飞艇基本上没有噪声,同时起飞降落都不需要下面的基础设施

    Although certainly slower that hopping on a jet, the hybrid blimps are nearly silent and require very little infrastructure to take off and land.


  • 运行得非常虽然有点了很多了解

    A bit slow, but it gave me a fairly good idea of how it would be.


  • 虽然收视更好,但是《兄弟连》仍然认为是热剧集,成功主要体现重播中的高收视以及DVD销量

    Even with its larger premiere number, "Brothers" was considered a slow-starter whose success was secured in heavy repeat viewing and DVD sales.


  • 虽然如此通常aot编译代码速度JIT编译的代码。

    Nonetheless, the common case is that AOT-compiled code is slower than JIT-compiled code.


  • 镜回放显示助理裁判判定加拉越位且对进球有贡献正确虽然温格是那么不服气

    Replays suggested the referee's assistant was correct in ruling William Gallas offside and active in the build-up, though Wenger was plainly unconvinced.


  • 甚至加拿大虽然博士数量增长相对一些,但在2007年大学仍授予4800个博士学位,而雇佣了2616名新的全职教授

    Even in Canada, where the output of PhD graduates has grown relatively modestly, universities conferred 4,800 doctorate degrees in 2007 but hired just 2,616 new full-time professors.


  • 虽然得比蜘蛛一点无私奉献,把自己劳动成果别人永远都不会自私

    Although silkworm weaving spider than a bit slower, but his selfless dedication to their fruits of their labors to the others, will never be selfish.


  • 大多数能够负担得起旅游自行车其中虽然速度可以塑造肌肉接近自然

    Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.


  • 尽管有黄蜂马刺热,西区联盟还是像预料那样排名,虽然有些微小偏离

    Despite slow starts by New Orleans and San Antonio, the conference is beginning to line up the way it was expected, with a few minor deviations.


  • 虽然这么多年一直锻练身体,但属于运动型跑步15分钟出汗了就游泳通常也是15分钟,最多半小时

    Although I have been exercising so many years, I mainly do slow sports. Run 15 minutes and stop when I sweat. Swim 15 minutes. No more than a half of an hour.


  • 虽然延迟短,这种放大效应光效应结合为一体现象是非常有意义的。

    Though the time delay is short, the phenomena combining the effect of amplificatory and delay is very meaningful.


  • 随着加入心理需要处理能力使移动坚持无疑以前游戏虽然本身可以弥补一个新的选项改变比赛节奏

    With the added mental processing power required to make moves stick it's undoubtedly a slower game than before, though that in itself can be remedied by a new option to alter the game's tempo.


  • 命名I上午确切日期虽然相当想法因为由于问题服务器一少许的。

    I'm not naming the exact date, though I do have a pretty good idea when, because due to problems the server is a little slow.


  • 详细阐述了系统虽然控制约5%通道,但是它们控制系统起到了非常重要作用控系统中复杂性难度性最大的子系统。

    Though these two systems only occupy 5% of the total number of channels of Slow Control, they play very important role in the whole system and both of them are very complex and difficult to implement.


  • 详细阐述了系统虽然控制约5%通道,但是它们控制系统起到了非常重要作用控系统中复杂性难度性最大的子系统。

    Though these two systems only occupy 5% of the total number of channels of Slow Control, they play very important role in the whole system and both of them are very complex and difficult to implement.


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