• 似乎玛丽小姐像是明白的意思,虽然没有说话

    It seemed to Mistress Mary as if she understood him, too, though he was not speaking in words.


  • 对于石油,就查韦斯先生非常明白的那样,虽然不断地进行恐吓自夸,但是将这种武器瞄准目标件异常困难的事情。因为石油不天然气可以装载罐子某个单一的国际市场出售

    With oil, as Mr Chávez well knows for all his huffing and puffing, aiming thisweaponis especially difficult, since oil, unlike gas, can be loaded on tankers and sold into a single world market.


  • 虽然许多方面都倾向于欧盟整体化,但明白民族国家并非欧洲敌人

    Although he favours EU integration in many spheres, he does not believe that nation-states are the enemy of Europe.


  • 虽然比较乐观,但是清楚地了解科技缺陷明白不管是个人抑或是社会利用科技上做出正确平衡难度的。

    And although he is an optimist, Mr Kelly has a clear-eyed view of the drawbacks of technology and the difficulty of striking the right balance, at both a personal and societal level, in its adoption.


  • 明白虽然影片曾被叫停,却使许多观众产生了共鸣。

    But he understood once the film took off and seemed to resonate with a larger audience.


  • 只用言语仆人不肯管教,虽然明白,也留意

    A servant will not be corrected by words: for though he understand he will not answer.


  • 虽然心里很难过但是明白母亲的话没错皇宫

    Ling felt sick to his stomach, but he knew his mother was right. He took his empty pot to the palace.


  • (又)蹩脚英语承认道:“虽然这不简单,但是Marja人民明白争取和平只有条路可走正好我们这里(寻找和平)。”

    “It’s difficult, ” he conceded in broken English, “but the people of Marja know there is only one way [for peace], and we are here.”


  • 虽然欣赏这些来说熟悉的景色无聊转身解释一些明白的事情。

    As though bored with the view - how familiar it must be to him - he turns back to me and says something I don't understand.


  • 虽然没有受过良好教育,但是明白教育的重要性

    Although he was not well-educated, he understood the importance of education.


  • 多年跟穆拉斯一起,科莱特耳濡目染地学会个把阿拉伯语虽然听得似是而非完全明白主人热情好客

    Mixed with the Muras years, Klaette monasteries to learn one of the sentences in Arabic, although he heard the specious, but completely understand the hospitality of the owner.


  • 临风垂下低低的叹了口气虽然心里无奈,但是还是明白道理,所以便不再纠缠

    Face a breeze pendency eye, low lowly wept intonation, although the in the mind doesn't wish to join to be helpless, he still understands night clean say of fact, so also then no longer entwine.


  • 虽然报告中提到任何名字,但我们大家都明白的是谁

    Although he didn't mention any names in his report, we all knew who he was referring to.


  • 霍尔先生明白虽然数学来说容易的,但是对学生来说却很难

    Mr. Hall understands that although math has always been easy for him, it is not easy for the students.


  • 愚蠢野兔从来不明白虽然的前一天晚上早点睡觉乌龟鹿了一晚饭乌龟帐单。

    The stupid hare never understood that while he went to bed earlier the night before, the tortoise and the deer had a big dinner and the tortoise paid the bill.


  • 做为孩子虽然我们不能完全明白神的作为,我们相信

    We as His children cannot always understand what God is doing, or why. But He commands us to trust Him.


  • 虽然身上没有创口大家明白一时间清洗重要

    Although he did not wound him, but we all understand that the most important to clean the first time.


  • 孩子非常兴奋虽然明白老人的话

    The child is extremely excited, although he does not understand old person's speech.


  • 虽然已在签约的时候心甘情愿的明确表示自己明白刚泰可能失去首发位置,自己来渣湖的目的就是做好替补,争取获得总冠军。

    Granted, he willingly signed up knowing Ron-Ron ain't getting bumped, and a shot at a ring is a nice trade off for a few extra minutes on the bench.


  • 虽然明白喜欢一个并为付出一切也许付出没有收获许多故事都是没有结局的,但是依然甘心付出我的努力尽量受到伤害。

    Although understand, like a person to give everything, perhaps this pay no harvest, many stories are also no end, however, I still freewill pay my efforts, try not to let him get hurt.


  • 虽然并不明白HIV什么,但是意识到了生了病并且被收养的。

    Although he doesn't understand what HIV is, he realizes he is sick, and, that he's adopted.


  • 虽然迟疑也许还不能明白表现自己却常常藏有一些非常正确的好意见。

    Though he hesitated, and perhaps failed to express himself distinctly, he always had a presentable thought behind.


  • 假设员工谈及决策虽然赞同但很明显有些勉强,没有说出真实想法,我明白必要自我反省了。

    When I'm meeting with an employee and he/she blatantly acquiesces instead of conveying his/her true thoughts regarding a decision, that's when I know self-reflection is necessary on my part.


  • 假设员工谈及决策虽然赞同但很明显有些勉强,没有说出真实想法,我明白必要自我反省了。

    When I'm meeting with an employee and he/she blatantly acquiesces instead of conveying his/her true thoughts regarding a decision, that's when I know self-reflection is necessary on my part.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定