• 我们来到音乐厅这里表演世界最好音乐师纺织娘蟋蟀泡沫

    Here we come to the concert hall again, performance is the best musicians in the insect world, katydid, cricket, bubble worm.


  • 19储藏中,优势种害米扁世界广泛分布,因此应该列为限定检疫

    Among the 19 storage pests on dried osmund, Cathartus advena Waltl is the main pests, but they should not be listed in the regulated quarantine pests because they are worldwide distributed.


  • 甲壳乐队在世界抄袭者。

    The Beatles have copycats all over the world.


  • 微观世界》将本月底萤火出版社出版。

    Microcosmos is published by Firefly Books later this month.


  • 但是只要世界变得潮湿富有沿海城市可能选择海洋建筑三叶一样的海上交通工具

    But the more watery the world gets, the more likely its rich coastal cities will start transferring themselves into floating homes and Trilobis-like home vehicles.


  • 许多寄生热带病罕见作为药品制造商主要收入来源发达世界少见

    Many parasitic, tropical, and "orphan" diseases are infrequent in the developed world, the primary source of revenue for medicines manufacturers.


  • 这种寄生感染了世界将近三分之一人口

    The parasite infects approximately one-third of the world's human population.


  • 但是在现实世界里这个想法无从下手,许多物理学研究过我们是否真的通过假设性洞(天体物理学术语)”来跳跃空间。

    While nothing even close has yet made its way to the real world, a number of physicists have studied whether we really could hurtle ourselves through a hypothetical wormhole.


  • 某种程度上来来,音乐行业糟糕:95%的音乐下载时非法的,这个带来世界猫王甲壳行业年轻人谩骂

    By some measures the music industry is doing even worse: 95% of all music downloads are illegal and the industry that brought the world Elvis and the Beatles is reviled by the young.


  • 世界许多地区这种寄生已经一些疟疾药物具有耐药性

    In many parts of the world, the parasites have developed resistance to a number of malaria medicines.


  • 他们认为含有对人体有益蛋白质、维生素矿物质减少世界消耗

    They said insects can be a good source of protein, vitamins and minerals, and eating insects would reduce the consumption of meat.


  • 近一点太空歌剧系列片《萤火刻画蛮荒世界时候几乎完全照搬西部片的模式。

    More recently, the space opera series Firefly used an explicitly western theme for its portrayal of frontier worlds.


  • 年前探索杂志认为这种寄生将统治世界现在告诉的是,至少这种寄生决定世界

    A decade ago, Discover Magazine concluded that parasites ruled the world, and now I'm going to try to tell you that, at the very least, parasites rule the world Cup.


  • 1938年2003年间生产的第一甲壳世界历史悠久、也是生产得最多的一款汽车

    The original rear-engined Beetle, produced from 1938 to 2003, is the longest-running and most manufactured automobile in history.


  • 间日疟原世界常见疟疾寄生现在传染到了以前被认为拥有抵抗力人们身上。

    Plasmodium vivax, the world's most common malara parasite, now infects people previously considered to be resistant.


  • 假使我们抛却传统下衡量世界标准,一只小小的萤火太阳一样都值得我们敬畏

    IF IT WERE not for our conception of weights and measures we would stand in awe of the firefly as we do before the sun.


  • 就是我们打仗目标嘛,”比恩插嘴道,“想要地球,就是因为地球跟它们生活世界很像,现在它们走了,我们得到他们的世界,也是很适合我们的。”

    "It's what we fought the war for," Bean chimed in. "the Formics wanted Earth because it was just like the worlds they already lived on."


  • 伦敦自然历史博物馆研究员保罗·布洛克称毫无疑问,这种竹节目前世界上最长

    Paul Brock, a scientific associate of the Natural History Museum in London unconnected to the insect's discovery said there was no doubt it was the longest still in existence.


  • 年前探索杂志认为这种寄生将统治世界现在告诉的是,至少这种寄生决定世界

    Would you believe me? A decade ago, Discover Magazine concluded that parasites ruled the world, and now I'm going to try to tell you that, at the very least, parasites rule the World Cup.


  • 阿米巴可能它们自己的世界以阿米巴方式彼此评价

    Amebas probably appraise in their own ameba-like sort of way.


  • 这份排名科研成果为主要参考;圣保罗大学热带医学寄生生物燃料领域的研究进入世界领先水平。

    This list focuses on scientific research; USP is becoming a world leader in tropical medicine, parasitology and biofuels.


  • 我们越来越大压力来自于对未开发世界恐惧包括未开发的土地野生动物寄生

    Increased stresses included a fear of the wild: unproductive wild lands; wild animals; and vermin.


  • 英国科学家上周四婆罗洲群岛发现一种身长超过1英尺的竹节目前世界最长

    A stick bug from the island of Borneo measuring well over a foot in length has been identified by researchers as the world's longest insect, British scientists said Thursday.


  • 事实上世界有1400食用,而且已有上千年历史

    In fact, at least 1, 400 species of insects are eaten around the world, and the practice dates back thousands of years.


  • 世界卫生组织(世卫组织)正在扩大消灭恰加斯病全球努力加斯一种寄生病,估计影响到900万主要是儿童

    The World Health Organization (WHO) is expanding the global effort to eliminate Chagas, a parasitic disease which affects an estimated nine million people, mostly children.


  • 居于这些层次中间可能血吸一种寄生于钉螺的扁平引起影响患者健康的疾病影响着世界上2亿左右人口

    Somewhere in the middle may be schistosomiasis, a debilitating disease caused by a parasitic flatworm carried by water snails, which affects 200m people worldwide.


  • 居于这些层次中间可能血吸一种寄生于钉螺的扁平引起影响患者健康的疾病影响着世界上2亿左右人口

    Somewhere in the middle may be schistosomiasis, a debilitating disease caused by a parasitic flatworm carried by water snails, which affects 200m people worldwide.


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