• 科克&维尔克斯公司1867年起就一直是世界范围内蒸汽生产技术设备领头企业。

    Since 1867, The Babcock &Wilcox Company (B&W) has been the leading worldwide producer ofsteam generation technology and equipment.


  • 降低成本有助于那些能够生产不同形状尺寸成品制品的蒸汽动力轧钢厂的发展

    Reduced cost was also instrumental in developing steam-powered rolling mills capable of producing finished iron of various shapes and sizes.


  • 到了1800年,一千蒸汽不列颠群岛运行直到19世纪30年代英国一直垄断蒸汽机的生产

    By 1800 more than a thousand steam engines were in use in the British Isles, and Britain retained a virtual monopoly on steam engine production until the 1830s.


  • 蒸汽动力不仅可以用于纺织棉花新世纪早期蒸汽使用同样大大提高了造纸的效率,蒸汽动力生产纸张总量单个工人一天生产纸张总量的10

    Steam power did not merely spin cotton and roll iron; early in the new century, it also multiplied ten times over the amount of paper that a single worker could produce in a day.


  • 植物剩下部分可以进一步利用生产液体燃料或者用来燃烧产生蒸汽发电

    The rest of the plant can then be further used to produce liquid fuels, or burned to produce steam for electricity generation.


  • 但是,要生产蒸汽就要燃烧天然气还是会产生二氧化碳

    But producing the steam means burning natural gas, which emits carbon dioxide.


  • 加州的一家公司- - -玻璃点太阳能公司认为通过使用阳光加热能为采油生产清洁更便宜蒸汽

    GlassPoint, a small Californian company, thinks it can make steam for oil recovery more cleanly and cheaply by using sunshine to do the heating.


  • 但是还有另一种更简单太阳能-利用巨大镜子集中太阳的热量生产驱动发电涡轮机的蒸汽

    But there's another, simpler type of solar power that USES massive mirrors to focus the heat of the sun, creating steam that can drive electric turbines.


  • 到18世纪末19世纪人类开始使用从蒸汽中获得能量,用以驱动机器,继而导致物品的大规模生产,一派欣欣向荣的景象。

    Starting in the late 18th and early 19th century, humans harnessed the power of steam and coal to run machines, and the result was an explosion of material abundance.


  • 集中式太阳能拉斯维加斯附近内华达州个太阳能场,管道下来反射镜片吸收太阳光聚焦,转化足够的热量生产蒸汽驱动个64兆瓦发电厂

    Concentrating Solar at Nevada Solar One near Las Vegas, oil piped down long rows of reflectors soaks up focused sunlight, becoming hot enough to make steam and run a 64-megawatt power plant.


  • 巨型蒸汽(随后电力)印刷机大批量地生产书籍报刊广告供应趋于稳定。

    Gigantic presses powered by steam (and later, electric power) could crank out books and newspapers and advertisements that strained the always-fickle paper supply.


  • 采用溶剂的方法加热抽取然后再利用生产蒸汽水资源这一处理过程要消耗更少能量

    The solvent approach requires less energy than heating, pumping, and recycling water for steam.


  • 利乐包生产线上,牦牛被加热至130摄氏度蒸汽口冒出来。

    Steam seeps from the pipes of its Tetrapak production line as it heats gallon after gallon of milk to 130c.


  • 个仅仅生产蒸汽小岛国不可避免落后一个大量地在装配线生产汽车的地大物博的大陆。

    A small island making steam engines by hand inevitably fell behind a bountiful continent that mass-produced motor cars on assembly lines.


  • 那个世纪伟大发明蒸汽机械纺纱机,焦炭炼铁大大的节省高额生产成本,使更为低廉

    The great inventions of that century-the steam engine, mechanical spinning, smelting iron with coke-all served to economise on the expensive factor of production and use more of the cheaper one.


  • 重要我们太阳能电站生产最高、最高温、最高压蒸汽

    The fact that we have a solar plant producing the highest quality, highest temperature, highest pressure steam anywhere in the world is the most important thing.


  • 生产这种不饱和烃类重要路线蒸汽裂解主要石油气体石脑油原料

    The most important route to produce these unsaturated hydrocarbons is by steam cracking, using principally petroleum gases or naphtha as feedstock.


  • 在Malthus一生中能够目睹人类农业生产的巨大飞跃,这要感谢蒸汽棉机这些发明

    Within his lifetime, Malthus was able to witness incredible surges in mankind's agricultural productivity, thanks to inventions like the steam engine and the cotton gin.


  • 不过,污泥转燃油转化系统差不多可以完全转换污泥潜在燃烧热能用以生产热水蒸汽,且没有烟气气洗必要

    The SCWO process, on the other hand, can convert virtually all of the heating value of the sludge to hot water or steam without the need for stack gas scrubbing.


  • 炼厂价值最低应用直接燃烧尤其是燃烧炼厂气用来生产蒸汽发电

    The lowest value use of refinery gas is direct combustion, specifically to cogenerate steam and power.


  • OEM设计生产各类家庭蒸汽烫斗蒸汽座、电吹风等产品

    OEM design and produces various household steam iron, steam station and hair dryer, etc.


  • 最有可能第一蒸汽操作输送带1804年投入服务,英国海军生产船舶饼干

    The most likely first steam operated conveyor belt was set into operation in 1804 by the British Navy to produce ship's biscuits.


  • 19世纪末工业界相关团体参与组建了各式机构蒸汽锅炉生产运转提供质量保证

    At the end of the 19th Century, industrial concerns joined to form associations to provide quality assurance in the manufacture and operation of steam boilers.


  • 圆盘速率变化空气蒸汽压力生产不同纤维类似岩石棉含量更高更低的含量。

    Variations in disc speed, air. steam pressures produce different fibers. Similar to rockwool but the higher iron content; lower calcium content.


  • 这种电池太阳捕集器——用于建筑物采暖生产蒸汽发电装置——不同的。

    Such cells should not be confused with solar collectors, the devices used to heat buildings and produce steam to generate electricity.


  • 工业区里有发电厂制药厂墙板制造厂提炼厂,它们共同生产使用蒸汽天然气冷却水

    Within the park, a power company, pharmaceuticals firm, wallboard producer and refinery share in the production and use of steam, gas and cooling water.


  • 选择把污泥处理系统坐落发电厂内,超临界水氧化装置生产高压蒸汽融入发电厂内现有的高压蒸汽总管这样可以发电厂带来经济效益

    Siting of a sludge treatment system at a power plant, where high-pressure steam generated by the SCWO process could be fed into a steam header, would provide greater economic benefit.


  • 而工业锅炉耗能为了生产能源——蒸汽热水

    Industrial boilers energy consumption aims for the production of secondary energy - steam or hot water.


  • 本文论述利用窑尾废气生产蒸汽可行性值得山东铝业开发利用。

    This paper discusses the feasibility of utilizing the waste gas in the rotary kiln to produce steam, it is worth researching.


  • 本文论述利用窑尾废气生产蒸汽可行性值得山东铝业开发利用。

    This paper discusses the feasibility of utilizing the waste gas in the rotary kiln to produce steam, it is worth researching.


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