• 一位法国人吕克蒙塔尼

    The other, Luc Montagnier, is French.


  • 美国罗伯特盖洛另外一位是法国吕克?蒙塔尼

    One, Robert Gallo, is American. The other, Luc Montagnier, is French.


  • 个人认为自己发现者:美国罗伯特洛和法国吕克蒙塔尼

    There were two claimants. One, Robert Gallo, is American. The other, Luc Montagnier, is French.


  • 企业管治专家彼得·蒙塔尼指出糟糕薪酬政策通常反映出管理的糟糕。

    Often, bad pay policy reflects bad management, says Peter Montagnon, an expert in corporate governance.


  • 塔尼盖洛实验室要来两种病毒,以便他们发现艾滋病毒对比

    Gallo montagny to the laboratory for two to viruses, they found that with the HIV virus to do comparison.


  • 1983年夏天蒙塔尼实验室确认他们发现病毒不是HTLV而是一种病毒。

    The summer of 1983, they found that montagny laboratory confirmed the virus is not HTLV, but a new virus.


  • 为了探究病因研究人员这个淋巴结分割四块其中一就到了蒙塔尼手中

    In order to explore its causes, researchers will remove the lymph nodes and divided into four, one block up on the hands of montagny.


  • 不过最终获得诺贝尔奖的却只有蒙塔尼博士——这个结果证实许多整个事件看法

    But only Dr Montagnier won the Nobel prize-eloquent testimony to some people's opinion of the whole affair.


  • 蒙塔尼巴尔·西诺西由于在上世纪80年代发现艾滋病病毒获得今年诺贝尔生理学医学奖

    Barr and montagny - xi Nuoxi Since the 1980s found that the AIDS virus this year, won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.


  • 所以现在回头蒙塔设备这个自己的设备没谱东西认为就是一个非常敏感噪音检测仪

    So now I look at Montagnier's apparatus, which looks even more dinky-tink than my old gadget, and what I see is a sensitive noise detector.


  • 所以现在回头蒙塔设备 这个自己的设备没谱东西认为就是一个非常敏感噪音检测仪.

    So now I look at Montagnier's apparatus, which looks even more rinky-tink than my old gadget, and what I see is a sensitive noise detector.


  • 法国科学家弗朗索瓦丝·巴尔·西诺西吕克·蒙塔尼发现艾滋病毒而获得2008年诺贝尔生理学医学奖。

    French scientists Frannoise Barre-Sinoussi and Luc Montagnier were awarded 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of HIV.


  • 蒙塔尼,科学界艾滋病治疗疫苗研发已有10年没有详细解释为何相信疫苗"45"内诞生。

    The 76-year-old French scientist said that his colleagues have been working on such vaccine for a decade, but he did not elaborate on why he believed it can be developed in "4 to 5 years".


  • 1983年1月法国巴斯研究所蒙塔尼、巴尔·西诺西及其同事首先巴黎一名患者淋巴结分离出病毒

    In January 1983, France's Pasteur Institute montagny, Barr - Xinuo Xi and his colleagues in Paris, first of all a patient's lymph nodes to isolate the virus.


  • 为了艾滋病毒发现权,蒙塔尼争夺多年卡罗林斯卡医学院做出决定之前,孰是孰非其实已有结论

    In order to the discovery of HIV, Gallo and fight for montagny has for many years, the Karolinska medical school to make a decision before the charge is already a conclusion.


  • 2008年,吕克·蒙塔尼博士因发现HIV授予诺贝尔生理医学奖然而罗伯特·明显的忽略了。

    In 2008, the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Dr. Luc Montagnier for the discovery of HIV, while Robert Gallo was conspicuously omitted.


  • 今日美国》报道,诺贝尔医学奖周一公布。发现艾滋病病毒法国研究者吕克·蒙塔尼弗朗索瓦丝·巴尔·西诺西。

    According to the USA Today, the Nobel Prize in medicine was awarded Monday to Luc Montagnier and Francoise Barre-Sinoussi of France for discovering the AIDS virus.


  • 蒙塔尼科学界艾滋病病毒进行了20多年研究,就研究情况来看找到艾滋病治疗疫苗研制出预防疫苗容易

    Montagny said that the scientific community has had HIV for more than 20 years of research, research on the situation, to find the treatment of AIDS vaccine than the vaccine developed more easily.


  • 艾滋病毒检测专利问题虽然解决了,但是艾滋病毒发现问题没有解决实验室是否盗用蒙塔尼实验室病毒

    HIV testing to resolve patent issues though, but found that HIV is no question of the right to be answered: whether the Gallo lab theft montagny a laboratory strain of the virus?


  • 然而,(真相)终究大白于天下,(原来)所谓加博士病毒来源蒙塔尼博士的实验室虽然罪魁祸首极可能是被污染的实验样品,但蒙塔尼博士实验室的病毒如何跑到加洛博士从未充分证据证明

    It turned out, however, that Dr Gallo's virus had come from Dr Montagnier's laboratory. It was never conclusively proved how, though a contaminated sample may have been to blame.


  • 其代理律师蒙塔瑟·沙称:“那时严重抑郁导致癫痫发作,引发了一场交通事故……他昏迷不醒,不得不请病假。”

    "He suffered from a critical depression and had a traffic accident linked to an epileptic seizure…he fell into a coma and was on a sick leave, " said Montasser Charni, Desnard's lawyer.


  • 美国,以好出风头闻名的斯弗利医生,没有任何其他证据支持反对推广使用的意见。

    The American, Dr. Stavely, a notorious publicity seeker, had no other evidence to support her opposition to Montayne.


  • 蒂芙正式头衔谷歌空间项目执行人,“大奖赛”即谷歌空间项目之一,谷歌出资3千万美元资助首次民间提供资金的机器人月之旅。

    This is the official title of Tiffany Montague, who handles Google's space projects, like the Lunar X Prize, which will give $30 million to the first privately funded team to send a robot to the moon.


  • 弗兰克-蒙塔透露继续超级里车队征战不久之后进行英国大奖赛加拿大大奖赛以及美国大奖赛。

    Franck Montagny has revealed that he will continue to race for Super Aguri in the forthcoming British, Canadian and US Grands Prix.


  • 弗兰克-蒙塔透露继续超级里车队征战不久之后进行英国大奖赛加拿大大奖赛以及美国大奖赛。

    Franck Montagny has revealed that he will continue to race for Super Aguri in the forthcoming British, Canadian and US Grands Prix.


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