• 控制中心分析师保罗蒂瑟拉奇(PaulTitheradge)向展示系统的工作方式

    Paul Titheradge, the command centre analyst, showed me how it works.


  • 尽管篇文章引起焦虑,”宾夕法尼亚州斯堡学院比尔·麦克林,“但它只是谜团非常一块。”

    "For all the anxiety the essay causes," says Bill McClintick of Mercersburg Academy in Pennsylvania, "it's a very small piece of the puzzle."


  • 有时演员给予导演灵感(如昆丁•塔伦乌玛·)。

    Sometimes directors are inspired by actors (Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman).


  • 不幸非常可悲;马萨幸运相信起古怪事故巧合一个警告

    Surtees was tragically unlucky; Massa was more fortunate but he believes the coincidence of two outlandish accidents is a warning.


  • :“作为个梅,当地每人都一个亲戚曾经矿工或者认识曾在里干过,这种事情真是把人逼疯了。”

    "Being from Merthyr, where everyone has a relative who was a coal miner, or knew somebody who was a miner, this seems just crazy," she said.


  • 加利福尼亚州区域代管管理员尔说道买家最低期望评估房,白蚁的检查工作。”

    "Buyers can expect to have an appraisal, home inspection, and termite inspection done, at minimum," says Heidi Cassel, regional escrow administrator for the state of California.


  • 很快,查尔斯·迪蒙·斯其他美国画家开始新的立体派风格创作优秀的艺术

    Soon, Charles Demuth, Joseph Stella, and other American painters began to produce excellent art in the new Cubist style.


  • 受到当地乡绅引诱,之后被抛弃,海为了继续在一起杀死他们孩子

    Hetty is seduced by the local squire, Arthur. He abandons her; she - pursuing him - kills their baby.


  • 美国艳星乔丹击败凯特·摩丝、系·米尔斯杰德·等有力对手,当选“年度明星妈咪”。

    Jordan has beaten off stiff competition from Kate Moss, Heather Mills and Jade Goody to be crowned Celebrity Mum of the Year.


  • 周前英国电影制片人姆·林顿美国摄影记者克里斯·洪德罗斯利比亚遇难凸显记录冲突本身所固有的危险

    The deaths in Libya a week ago of British filmmaker Tim Hetherington and American photographer Chris Hondros highlighted the peril inseparable from recording conflict.


  • 这部改编自刘易斯·卡洛尔经典童话故事·波顿导演影片中,主演德普分别饰演帽子先生和白色皇后

    Depp plays the Mad Hatter and Hathaway is the White Queen in director Tim Burton's movie, inspired by the classic Lewis Carroll tale.


  • 周一马萨斯的家人一个感人信息

    Massa sent the Surtees family a heartfelt message on the Monday after Henry's death.


  • 值此本周世行年会,世行行长罗伯特·利克亲切接见了模特克莉丝·杜灵女影星安妮·就青春期女孩们教育问题进行了亲切友好的会谈交流。

    Timed for this week's annual meetings, Bank president Robert Zoellick is meeting today with model Christy Turlington and actress Anne Hathaway to discuss the education of adolescent girls.


  • 由于没有铁路联通矿井铁路线,驱动改进型机车通过铁路西伯利亚荒蛮之地运抵英国港口然后集装箱海运Hull港,然后从陆路运到梅

    As there is no rail link from the mine to the railway, coal for the converted engine comes from the wilds of Siberia via rail to the ports, then container ship to Hull, then by road to Merthyr.


  • 韦兰及其同事克里斯·波克研究了项共有3700参加调查数据调查主要针对的是男性及其身边女性教育水平

    Whelan and her colleague Christie Boxer studied data on 3, 700 people who took part in a survey about men and the educational level of the women close to them.


  • 这座建筑基布兹(Kibbutz),它战争摄影师们大本营,今年年初利比亚遇难·赫林顿(TimHetherington)就是他们中的一员。

    The building is nicknamed the Kibbutz, and has been the home of war photographers, among them Tim Hetherington, who was killed in Libya earlier this year.


  • 来自西伯利亚煤炭而不是本地煤矿的用来驱动梅德菲尔(Merthyr Tydfil)的蒸汽火车

    Coal from Siberia is being used to power a steam train in Merthyr Tydfil rather than coal from the local mine.


  • 另一起残酷意外,轮胎一辆二级方程序(FormulaTwo)赛车击中了18斯的头部

    It was, again, grimly freakish as a tyre flew off a rival Formula Two car and struck the head of the 18-year-old Surtees.


  • 英国摄影师纪录片导演姆·哈林顿(TimHetherington)同时遇害,另有受伤

    Tim Hetherington, a British photographer and documentary filmmaker, was also killed and two others were injured.


  • 恐怕他说的真的,先生。兹的叔叔在多米尼克手下社区中心工作

    I'm afraid that's correct, Mr. Reese. Ortiz's uncle works for the community center that Dominic runs.


  • 朋友龙•古希望参加第一加拿大斯特拉特福德戏剧节邀请吉尼斯安大略的斯特·拉斯特·福德小住了一时间

    Invited by his friend Tyrone Guthrie to join in the premier season of the Stratford Festival of Canada, Guinness lived for a brief time in Stratford, Ontario.


  • 真正卡丹安全地藏达,成功逃过了冒名者马卡之手。

    The real Kadann survived both the impostor and Makati, safely in hiding on Bosthirda.


  • 摩根一位著名名人物品收藏家,他藏有梦露马乔遗产获得的物品,他梦露的两位丈夫杰姆·道格和阿·米勒都朋友

    Morgan is a well-known collector who owns memorabilia from the estates of Monroe and DiMaggio and said he was friends with Monroe's other two husbands, Jim Dougherty and Arthur Miller.


  • 决赛前,德尔·波特罗让家人留在阿根廷比赛周一·阿什球场上的私人包厢留了三个不过按照计划,将于周二晚返回家乡塔尔和家人团聚。

    He had asked them to stay in Argentina for the match, leaving only three people in his private box at Ashe on Monday night, but he was scheduled to see them Tuesday night when he flew back home.


  • 加纳家族斯家族之间矛盾白热化后,斯克拉姆巴斯舰长拒绝加入任何一而是帮助绝地守护者乔鲁斯·鲍思化解危机

    When the tensions between the House of Organa and the House of Antilles had boiled over, Captain Scambras refused to take sides, assisting the Jedi Watchman Jorus C'Baoth in resolving the crisis.


  • 一番话可能会·温格出价的勇气。

    This declaration may give Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger the encouragement needed to launch a firm bid for Guti.


  • 韦兰及其同事克里斯·波克研究了项共有3700参加调查数据,该调查主要针对的是男性及其身边女性教育水平

    Whelan nand her colleague Christie Boxer studied data on 3,700 people who took part in a survey about men and the educational level of the women close to them.


  • 韦兰及其同事克里斯·波克研究了项共有3700参加调查数据,该调查主要针对的是男性及其身边女性教育水平

    Whelan nand her colleague Christie Boxer studied data on 3,700 people who took part in a survey about men and the educational level of the women close to them.


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