• 法国哪个葡萄酒地区面积达到加利福尼亚葡萄产区两倍

    What wine-producing region of France is twice the size of California's wine country?


  • 我们位客户生产用于南非最大美丽的葡萄酒地区葡萄酒标签

    One of our clients produces wine labels for the largest and most picturesque wine regions in South Africa.


  • 公司出品高级葡萄酒品种多样,充分反映了葡萄牙最佳葡萄酒地区实力

    The different kinds of Messias high-grand wines fully represent the capability of the best regions of origin in Portugal.


  • 一些好的葡萄酒产自这个地区

    Some superlative wines are made in this region.


  • 这个地区葡萄酒浓郁醇香

    The wine from this region is rich and fruity.


  • 这种葡萄酒地区年来葡萄产量最好两个年份之一生产的佳酿。

    This wine is from one of the two best vintages of the decade in this region.


  • 这个地区葡萄远远没有完全成熟。

    The area's wine industry still has a way to go to full maturity.


  • 法国西南部这个地区波尔多干红葡萄酒的产地。

    This southwest region of France is the home of claret.


  • 地区其他主要产品还有葡萄酒面包橄榄油坚果并且地中海历来盛产鱼类

    Wine, bread, olive oil and nuts are other staples of the region, and the Mediterranean Sea has historically yielded abundant quantities of fish.


  • 这一地区极为醇香葡萄酒闻名,这种酒罗纳河流域没有匹敌者。

    The area is famous for its wonderfully fragrant wine which has no rivals in the Rhone.


  • 如果看看世界地图1),你就能辨认主要葡萄酒生产地区

    If you look at a world map (see Figure 1) you can identify the major wine-producing regions.


  • 香槟法国香槟地区AOC葡萄酒

    Coteaux Champenois is a wine AOC in Champagne Region in France.


  • 葡萄酒可能某些地区消失

    White wine may well disappear from some regions.


  • 勃艮第地区400多种不同土壤让这里的葡萄酒有着独一无二品质

    The sought-after wines of Burgundy (Bourgogne) possess particular qualities attributable to the region’s 400 soil types.


  • 谈到全世界伟大葡萄酒生产商,我们几乎想不出有哪些生产商是来自于巴尔干西部地区国家

    THINK of the great wine producers of the world and the countries of the western Balkans are unlikely to spring to mind.


  • 西班牙一些昂贵葡萄酒出自上里里奥哈·阿拉韦地区

    "Some of the most expensive wines in Spain come from the Rioja Alta and Rioja Alavesa regions," Pancho Campo, the founder and President of the wine Academy of Spain, says.


  • 人民党的暗示:卡斯蒂利亚·拉曼地区(西班牙最大的葡萄酒生产区,译者注)已然破产,西班牙的医疗体系撑不过今年看来都是危言耸听。

    PP hints that the region of Castilla-La Mancha is bust or that Spain's health system will not survive the year also look alarmist.


  • 麦凯恩农艺学家Ghislain Pelletier称,出产葡萄酒最佳地区也是出产优质马铃薯的地方。

    "Wherever are the best regions for wine, potato is not far behind," says Ghislain Pelletier, a McCain agronomist.


  • 葡萄酒一样每种产地命名(这里中国云南省),每个地区生产具有独特香味特性茶叶著称

    Like wines, each tea takes its name from the place where it's grown (here, China's Yunnan province), and each region is known for producing tea with unique flavor and character.


  • 如今越来越地区生产上好的葡萄酒美国初学葡萄酒爱好者倾向新世界的酒。

    Many other places now make great wine and, in the U.S., beginning wine lovers turn more to the New World.


  • 大不列颠哥伦比亚安大略地区的一些生产质量比较好的葡萄酒的小的酿酒商认为商标的管制疏松倒是他们形象的贬值。

    Smaller wineries in both British Columbia and Ontario, which produce better-quality wines, say the labelling is devaluing their image.


  • 波恩山坡酒庄一个不同等级。所有来自波恩山坡地区葡萄酒可以他们地域等级替代他们的当地等级。

    Cote DE Beaune Villages is a different appellation. Wines from all the cote DE Beaune area can substitute their local appellation with this regional type of appellation.


  • 法规目的保证真实性地理传统性格地区葡萄酒声誉

    The statutes were designed to assure the geographic authenticity, traditional character, and reputation of the region's wines.


  • 安德烈斯·桑谢是科尔查南部马利地区一位葡萄酒咨询师,据他估计地震中葡萄酒的流失总量超过3亿

    Andrés Sánchez, a wine consultant based in the Maule region, just south of Colchagua, reckons that spillage in the earthquake totalled over 300m litres.


  • 韦尔芒题诺知名葡萄浆果岛屿正在产生-地区整个领土-出色的葡萄酒

    Vermentino is the most renowned white berried grape of the island and from which are being produced - in the whole territory of the region - excellent wines.


  • 部分目标努力参与激烈法律抑制法国地名以外官方指定(地区)边界生产葡萄酒使用

    Part of the goal has involved intense legal efforts to inhibit the use of French geographic names on wines produced outside the officially designated (regional) boundaries.


  • 部分目标努力参与激烈法律抑制法国地名以外官方指定(地区)边界生产葡萄酒使用

    Part of the goal has involved intense legal efforts to inhibit the use of French geographic names on wines produced outside the officially designated (regional) boundaries.


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