• 10月20日,我校向新的村民赠送了10盏植物灯。到目前为止,它们已经取得了巨大的成功!发明这盏灯的德克斯大学教授埃默·拉米斯认为,植物灯可以帮助改善许多人的生活,特别是小型雨林社区的人们,那里42%的人不能使用电。

    The university gave ten Plant Lamps to the villagers of Nuevo Saposoa on October 20. So far, they have been a huge success! Elmer Ramirez, the UT professor who invented the lamp, believes the Plant Lamp could help improve the lives of many people, especially small rainforest communities, 42% of whom have no electricity.


  • 住在乌里韦大约小时路程斯城中。

    Garza lived about an hour away from Uribe in the town of Juarez.


  • 发现这个遗迹不久,理查德·威瑟·雷尔回到·维德,来到了这些尘封数百年的遗迹

    Soon after his discovery, Richard Wetherill returned to Mesa Verde, to the ruins that had remained silent and untouched for centuries.


  • 大学研究者维多利亚·博士:“圣诞期间我们享受晚上熬夜早晨上。”

    Dr Victoria Revell, a researcher from the University of Surrey, said: 'Over the Christmas period we will enjoy staying up late at night and staying in bed in the morning.


  • 炮火天地攻击印度杰出的板球员泰杜卡(孟买人但声言自己首先是个印度人)印度首富穆克什·安巴尼(宣称孟买属于所有人)。

    Mr Thackeray has thundered against India's greatest cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar, a Mumbaikar who says he's Indian first, and its richest man, Mukesh Ambani, who says Mumbai is for all.


  • 周六双打伊斯鲍勃·布赖恩携手,战胜了泽蒙季奇蒂普·维奇组合,美国队挽救了一点面子。

    Isner and Bob Bryan pulled one back for the U.S. by defeating Nenad Zimonjic and Janko Tipsarevic in Saturday's doubles.


  • 拥有维斯喜欢参与进攻认为作为一边发挥重要作用

    Barcelona have Dani Alves, who very often takes part in their attacks. I think Emilio would make an instant impact on the other side because he is a better crosser.


  • 巴博罗·哈维·加里多两名边后卫不是助攻型,但在他们却没有可以传球的对象,因为埃弗顿球员站位都非常好,截断了他们向前传球的路线。

    Pablo Zabaletta and Javier Garrido, passive full-backs, were deprived of passing options when in possession with Everton's players positioned expertly to deny them a get-out forward ball.


  • 报道称曾在迎接科齐时,当时戴着飞行员眼镜的后者招呼道,“汤姆·克鲁兹了!”

    According to reports, Villepin once greeted Sarkozy, at the time wearing Ray-Ban aviators, with the salutation: "Ah, here comes Tom Cruise!"


  • 桑坦德银行股价下跌1.4%,此前报道称银行首席执行官·恩斯(AlfredoSaenz)可能西班牙高等法院的相关判决公布之后辞去现任职务

    The bank fell 1.4% in early trading after a report in El Mundo that CEO Alfredo Saenz may need to leave his job following a ruling by Spain’s supreme court.


  • 芙说丽蒂茜娅是摩·弗兰德斯(Moll Flanders)女儿安妮·里奇(Anne Ritchie)的混合体,一评价相当中肯。

    Woolf described her as a cross between Moll Flanders and Thackeray's daughter Anne Ritchie, which comes quite close.


  • 现有移动面孔追踪只能提供大概位置信息以及脸部比例,”项目首席研究员菲·说道

    "Existing mobile face trackers give only an approximate position and scale of the face," said Dr Phil Tresadern, lead researcher on the project.


  • 1622年发明计算尺英国数学家威廉·奥特德在里郡奥逝世

    William Oughtred, English mathematician who invented the slide rule in 1622, died at Albury in Surrey.


  • 现有移动面孔追踪只能提供大概位置信息以及脸部比例,”项目首席员菲·特说道

    "Existing mobile face trackers give only an approximate position and scale of the face," said Dr Phil Tresadern, lead researcher on the project.


  • NH系列蒙特位于蒙特佩德罗加西亚有影响力商业区中心墨西哥。蒙特国际机场21英里

    NH Collection Monterrey is situated in the epicenter of the influential business district of San Pedro Garza Garcia in Monterrey, Mexico. Monterrey International Airport is 21 mi away.


  • 全球人工智能领域领军人谷歌工程总监·库兹预测2029年我们就能拥有曼莎这样的男/女朋友。

    Ray Kurzweil, the world's leading AI visionary and Google's director of engineering, predicts we could have Samantha-like girlfriends or boyfriends by 2029.


  • 伦敦几年里,结识不少作家其中最有盖斯凯夫人

    In London a few years, she became acquainted with many writers, the most famous of which is the Sacre and Mrs. Gaskell.


  • 保罗。麦吉尼斯的球队迎回了长期缺阵里斯布朗雷尔侯赛因

    Paul McGuinness was able to select Reece Brown, Zeki Fryers and Etzaz Hussain after lengthy spells on the sidelines.


  • 伦敦几年里,结识不少作家其中最有盖斯凯夫人

    In London a few years, she became acquainted with many writers, the most famous of which is the Sacre and Mrs.


  • 儿子瓦罗西扎维埃拉出名的是的卡吐露港我ñ葡萄牙北部居住巨大瀑布一个陡峭山坡笨重楼梯适合

    The son Álvaro Leite Siza Vieira is best known for his Casa Tolo in northern Portugal, a residence that cascades down a steep hill like a clunky staircase fit for a giant.


  • 五百年前人文主义作家萨雷·卡斯蒂廖内(Baldassare Castiglione)根据意指低估”的动词,为这种刻意之的若无其事,创造了一个名词“云淡风轻”(sprezzatura)。

    Five hundred years ago, the humanist author Baldassare Castiglione labeled such studied nonchalance "sprezzatura, " from the verb meaning "to undervalue.


  • 1622年发明计算尺英国数学家威廉·奥特里郡奥逝世

    1660william Oughtred English mathematician who invented the slide rule in1622 died at albury in surrey.


  • 基桑加尼,斯坦扎伊北部城市位于刚果河边金沙东北

    A city of northern Zaire on the Congo River northeast of Kinshasa.


  • 成为了罗马教头路易斯。恩里克(巴传奇)治下黄军团(罗马)的夏季目标

    The Giallorossi had named Velez Sarsfield talent Alvarez as one of the main targets for the summer under Coach Luis Enrique.


  • 土耳其德国媒体报道意大利豪门ac米兰正在观察加拉塔萨雷后卫·维特·塞金。

    According to Turkish and German media, Italian giants AC Milan are observing Galatasaray defender Servet Cetin.


  • Claudemir德索巴西罢工期间探戈舞第七届世界锦标赛预选赛布宜诺斯艾利斯星期二,2009年825日发子弹。

    Nilza and Claudemir Pires de Souza, of Brazil, strike a pose during the qualifying rounds of the 7th Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009.


  • Claudemir德索巴西罢工期间探戈舞第七届世界锦标赛预选赛布宜诺斯艾利斯星期二,2009年825日发子弹。

    Nilza and Claudemir Pires de Souza, of Brazil, strike a pose during the qualifying rounds of the 7th Tango Dance World Championship in Buenos Aires, Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2009.


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