• 法拉利车队带着27结束了澳大利亚大奖赛,这感谢菲利普取得的第三费尔南多阿隆索取得的第四名的成绩。

    Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro comes away from the Australian Grand Prix with 27 points to its name, thanks to a third place for Felipe Massa and a fourth for Fernando Alonso.


  • 一直紧紧追赶法拉利的费尔南多·阿隆索菲利普·不久就超过去了,紧跟着麦克拉伦的刘易斯·汉密尔顿超过,也让维特尔失去了领奖台位置

    The pursuing Ferraris of Fernando Alonso and Felipe Massa soon swept past, with McLaren's Lewis Hamilton also getting by Vettel to deny him a place on the podium.


  • 尽管如此他们仍然第三名附近,长距离中显示一致的圈速。队友费尔南多·阿隆索宣称新的F10驾驶最好赛车

    Even so, they remain there or thereabouts, showing consistent pace over longer runs and with Massa's new team-mate Fernando Alonso declaring the new F10 to be the best car he has ever driven.


  • 费尔南多·阿隆索不可能替代伤停法拉利车手菲利浦·参加即将到来欧洲大奖赛

    It is unlikely that Fernando Alonso will substitute for the injured Felipe Massa at Ferrari in the forthcoming European Grand Prix.


  • 美国国务卿克林顿荷兰外交大臣马克西姆·费尔哈亨一道举行的记者会上重申贝里的指控没有事实根据的,应该立即释放

    At a joint press appearance with Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen, Secretary of State Clinton reiterated that the charges against Saberi are baseless and that she should be freed immediately.


  • 看看买下尼亚费尔马伦,他们都是这样很好的例子,他观察哪些球员适合于阿森纳不仅只是从价格上判断。

    Just look at what he has done with Bacary Sagna and Thomas Vermaelen - they are great examples of this, of spotting players that will fit at Arsenal, not just going for the money.


  • 总体上费尔马伦表现不错默特表现稳健桑托斯也是

    Overall Vermaelen had a good game, Mertesacker had a solid performance tonight, Santos as well.


  • 费尔马伦实力彻底折服,冠舞台上,巴实在甚过阿森纳太多。

    By Chris Harris Thomas Vermaelen fully accepts that Barcelona's quality was just too much for Arsenal in the Champions League.


  • 迪纳地区联合校会发言人埃里克说:“目前费尔普斯已经被薪停职,等待进一步的校内调查结果。”

    Phelps was put on administrative leave with pay and benefits, pending the results of an internal investigation, said Erik Nasarenko, a Pasadena Unified School District spokesman.


  • 基本上说我们迪亚比、费尔马伦尼亚威尔希尔缺席这些球员动了手术,其他每个人都可以上

    Basically we have Diaby, Vermaelen, Sagna and Wilshere out - the players who have had surgery - everybody else is available.


  • 总部设于加州科斯塔标准太平洋房屋建筑公司总裁费尔:“只有那些实在需要房子或是工作十分稳定的人才

    Ronald R. Feell, president of Standard Pacific, a homebuilding company based in Costa Mesa, Calif. , said: "Only those people who really need housing or are very secure in their jobs are buying."


  • 戈雅食品公司行政主厨费尔南多多德,“作为一个土生土长波多黎各人,最喜欢的食物之一arrozcon gandules(米饭豌豆鸽子肉)。

    "As a native of Puerto Rico, one of my favorite meals to prepare is arroz con gandules (rice with peas and pigeon), " says Fernando Desa, executive chef of Goya Foods.


  • 戈雅食品公司行政主厨费尔南多多德,“作为一个土生土长波多黎各人,最喜欢的食物之一arrozcon gandules(米饭豌豆鸽子肉)。

    "As a native of Puerto Rico, one of my favorite meals to prepare is arroz con gandules (rice with peas and pigeon), " says Fernando Desa, executive chef of Goya Foods.


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