• 早期印度文学记录萨卡人,坎博贾,帕拉瓦斯帕拉达斯之间军事同盟

    Early Indian literature records military alliances between the Sakas, Kambojas, Pahlavas and Paradas.


  • 第一位战后出生法国总统外祖父来自洛尼犹太

    Mr Sarkozy, whose maternal grandfather was a Jew from Salonika, is the first French president born after the war.


  • 星期三阿拉巴马塔斯骑车路过早先龙卷风破坏住宅商业区。

    On Wednesday a cyclist passes homes and businesses destroyed by a tornado in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, earlier in the day.


  • 斯里兰看作猛虎代言泰米尔民族联盟已经宣布支持丰塞先生因为这是唯一阻止·帕克先生的办法

    In Sri Lanka the Tamil National Alliance, once seen as a proxy for the Tigers, has announced its backing for Mr Fonseka, as the only way to thwart Mr Rajapaksa.


  • 多撒警长还只是小罪,所以该男子并不入狱,说该男子是圣罗姓名并未公布。

    Because it was a misdemeanor, Cardoza said the man would not be taken to jail and his name not disclosed. Cardoza said only that he was from Santa Rosa.


  • 克雷炮火雷天地攻击印度杰出的板球员泰杜尔(孟买但声言自己首先是个印度)印度首富穆克什·安巴尼(宣称孟买属于所有)。

    Mr Thackeray has thundered against India's greatest cricketer, Sachin Tendulkar, a Mumbaikar who says he's Indian first, and its richest man, Mukesh Ambani, who says Mumbai is for all.


  • 展览馆主任葛兰·瑞欧介绍,亚历山大时期开始,犹太就在前南斯拉夫定居自1492年西班牙葡萄牙犹太遭到驱赶这里犹太历史也渐被改变

    Jews lived here since the time of Alexander, says the museum's director, Goran Sadikarijo, but their history changed radically following the expulsion of the Jews from Spain and Portugal after 1492.


  • 作为回答,派遣了数百阻挡扎菲

    In response, Usama said he dispatched hundreds of fighters to cut off Gadhafi's advance.


  • 全世界看到弱势语言族群——艾玛巴特,从阿卡人到莫瓦克,无一不在抵抗着这种思潮

    Around the globe, we see minority speech communities, from Aymara to Zapotec, Aka to Mowhawk, pushing back against this ideology.


  • 肯尼迪家族、艾森豪威尔家族、杜鲁门波特、默塞特•毛姆几乎每一位著名欧洲王室成员女性王位继承”在大驾光临曼谷无一例外前往吉姆的住所与他共进晚餐

    The Kennedys, the Eisenhowers, Truman Capote, Somerset Maugham andnearly every prominent royal or heiress in Europe”; they all came to dinner chez Jim when they graced Bangkok.


  • 作为万事达规模小的公司,发现公司(此举)希望2.3亿支付用户中的一部分,能他需要申请一张新正的发现信用

    As for Discover, a smaller player than Visa and MasterCard, it hopes some of PayPal's 230 million customers will sign up for a shiny new credit card while they're at it.


  • 该国几乎全部8000万都住英里之内,四千年以来,维这样农民差不多从未改变过他们耕作方式。

    Almost all of the country's 80 million people live within a few miles of the river, and farmers like Mr. Sharkawi have hardly changed their farming methods in four millenniums.


  • 律师阿布巴斯·兹米(abbasKazmi)不顾公众敌意辩护,他形容伯是一位脆弱年轻”,情绪易于波动

    His lawyer Abbas Kazmi, appointed in the teeth of public hostility, described Kasab as a "vulnerable young man" prone to mood swings.


  • 梅伦曼莎今年8月份刚刚诞下一名千金此外还有两个年幼孩子

    Cameron and his wife Samantha had a daughter, Florence, in August and also have two other young children.


  • 皇家马德里的安东尼奥·也是选择选,帕拉迪诺同一个经纪

    Real Madrid's Antonio Cassano may also be an option, seeing as he shares the same agent as Palladino.


  • 维和伊朗反对派绿色运动领导

    Mir Hossein Moussavi and Mehdi Karroubi are leaders of Iran's opposition Green Movement.


  • 意大利维罗纳半决赛第一回合比赛中以96:62轻松击败洛尼队,希腊在下个星期回访中将比分拉平真是不容易。

    Verona of Italy comfortably beat Salonica 96-62 in their semifinal, first leg encounter…surely too great a deficit for the Greeks to make up in the return match next week.


  • 袭击一夜火车站被捕在那里几十打死

    He was arrested on the first night of the attacks at the railway station, where scores of people died.


  • 波利斯·自己目的改造了这些克隆设备他们的克隆工序还是不如米诺先进精致。

    The Polis Massans have adapted this cloning equipment for their own purposes, though their cloning processes remain less sophisticated than the work of the Kaminoans.


  • 不信犹太洛·尼误码率挑起不安众多”。

    But unbelieving Jews from Thessalonica came to Bera "stirring up and troubling the multitude".


  • 直言不讳,他2007年8月告诉投资说,“毫不轻率地说”,公司想不出“我们所有那些交易亏损1美元”的情形

    Mr Cassano was even blunter, telling investors in August 2007 that "without being flippant" the company could not envisage a scenario that would "see us losing $1 in any of those transactions".


  • 有消息揭露毁灭马斯星(Caamas)帮凶时,们开始暴怒要求把这些毛茸茸外星绳之以法

    When it was revealed that the Bothans were tangential accomplices in the destruction of the planet Caamas, there was a great uproar that demanded the furred aliens be brought to justice.


  • 部手机多个SIM利用国际公用电话亭巴基斯坦电话联系。

    Sarwar had a telephone with multiple SIM CARDS and both men used international CARDS and public telephone boxes to make calls to Pakistan.


  • 部手机多个SIM利用国际公用电话亭巴基斯坦电话联系。

    Sarwar had a telephone with multiple SIM CARDS and both men used international CARDS and public telephone boxes to make calls to Pakistan.


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