• RIGS系统采用萨博公司数字视频显示技术,将图片投射飞行员视场内。

    The RIGS system makes use of Saab's digital video display technology to project the picture into the aircrew's field of view.


  • 萨博公司近来的财务状况非常糟糕。如果他们款坏男孩放进产品目录的话,也可能已经峰回路转了

    Saab’s current financial situation is dreadful, but perhaps they would have turned things around if they’d have put this bad-boy into production.


  • 福特萨博公司生产出了可使用普通汽油、又可使用生物酒精两者混合物的“弹性燃料汽车

    Ford and Saab have produced "flex fuel" cars that can run on either boiethanol or normal petrol, or any combination of the two.


  • 2010年12月,萨博公司交付萨博340飞机其中一架安装“爱立眼”机载早期预警雷达系统

    One ERIEYE Airborne Early Warning radar system aboard a Saab 340 aircraft and one additional Saab 340 aircraft will be delivered in December 2010.


  • IMPI设备可以通过萨博公司内联数据通信单元(IDCU)战术无线电一起使用,IMPI设备可以定制特定无线电功能

    The IMPI device can also be used with Tactical Radios through the Inline Data Communication Unit (IDCU) from Saab, which can also be customized for specific radio functionality.


  • 找到悍马土星品牌买主之后,通用汽车又签下合约旗下萨博公司出售给科尼塞克公司。 科尼塞克总部设在瑞典是一家小型的的高性能汽车制造商

    After finding buyers for its Hummer and Saturn brands, General Motors entered an agreement to sell its Saab division to Koenigsegg, a tiny maker of high-performance cars based in Sweden.


  • 通用汽车公司大约4亿美元获得萨博50%的股份

    General Motors acquired a 50% stake in Saab for about $400m.


  • 北汽控股总经理大总周四一个产业论坛上公司已经开始利用萨博获得一些技术来开发中型

    At an industry forum Thursday, Beijing Auto President Wang Dazong said his company already has begun developing midsize cars using some technologies it acquired from Saab.


  • 一家中国汽车公司华泰集团收购萨博交易上周失败告终。

    The news came after a deal with another Chinese firm, Hawtai, collapsed last week.


  • 汽车公司于是就接管萨博汽车。

    Pang Da Automobile agreed to take an equity stake in the company.


  • 公司可能逃脱萨博车迷通用汽车管理不善导致公司业绩下滑愤怒

    The firm may also escape the fury of Saab’s many fans who rightly blamed GM’s mismanagement for the firm’s decline.


  • 公司可能逃脱萨博车迷通用汽车管理不善导致公司业绩下滑的愤怒

    The firm may also escape the fury of Saab's many fans who rightly blamed GM's mismanagement for the firm's decline.


  • 还有那些陷入财政困局的公司出产的汽车同样也难以保值,克莱斯勒百灵萨博9 - 3。

    And autos made by companies that are experiencing financial problems — like Chrysler's Sebring and Saab's 9-3also have trouble retaining value.


  • 小狗小猫们会搭乘”萨博航空货运公司飞机机舱已将座位拆除,一排排放好宠物笼

    Dogs and cats will fly in the main cabin of a Suburban Air Freight plane, retooled and lined with carriers in place of seats.


  • 福特通用分别收购了盈利无方的厂商捷豹萨博,而结果只是公司分别增加了数十亿美元的亏损

    Two unprofitable smaller firms, Jaguar and Saab, were swallowed by Ford and GM respectively only to cost billions in further losses.


  • 萨博轿车本身技术性能优越我国也有一定知名度,凭借公司卓越市场营销能力,我们认为公司萨博项目有望复制斯巴鲁的成功。

    We believe SAAB's project is expected to follow suit, owing to its high safety performance, reputation in China in addition to the Company’s remarkable marketing.


  • 拟议萨博拯救法案已经通用公司批准。 通用集团依然拥有萨博优先股而且瑞典汽车提供重要零部件

    The proposed rescue deal for Saab had to be approved by GM since the U.S. group still has preference shares in Saab and has supplied the Swedish auto brand with crucial components.


  • 另外尝试出售瑞典公司萨博

    It is also trying to sell Saab, its Swedish unit.


  • 周三青年汽车的总裁庞彩萍公司将会一切可能拯救萨博。”

    Youngman director Rachel Pang said on Wednesday the company will do "everything they can" to support Saab's survival. She told Swedish news agency TT Youngman still wants to buy Saab.


  • Barco公司荷兰阿姆斯特丹举办的2009航空电子展会上宣布,瑞典萨博(Saab)公司选中了Barco公司的航空显示器用于萨博下一代RIGS平视显示器(Headsupdisplay技术

    AMSTERDAM, 11 Mar. 2009. Saab in Stockholm, Sweden, selected avionics display technology from Barco for Saab's next-generation RIGS heads up display.


  • 尽管如此,汽车趋势咨询公司乔伊-菲利皮指出萨博通用旗下十年时期,年销售量始终远高于8万辆。

    Even so, Joe Phillippi of AutoTrends Consulting points out that the brand routinely achieved annual sales of a lot more than 80, 000 in the decade of GM’s ownership (see chart).


  • 不幸的是,宗收购久拖不决,带来各种风险不确定因素阻碍我们成功实施新的萨博汽车商业计划,”公司

    "Unfortunately, delays in closing this acquisition have resulted in risks and uncertainties that prevent us from successfully implementing the new Saab Automobile business plan," the company said.


  • 德克萨斯州马绍尔陪审团认为公司紫杉表达支架李·博特支架侵犯萨弗朗的专利权

    A jury in Marshall, Texas, concluded that the company's Taxus Express and Taxus Liberte stents infringe on Saffran's patents.


  • 萨博公司一个没有公开中国公司下令全面预收预计今年第13欧元车辆价值

    Saab's parent company said an undisclosed Chinese firm had ordered 13 million euros worth of vehicles with full pre-payment expected this week.


  • 出售萨博通用汽车重组战略关键要素这家美国公司一直难于达成一项协议

    Selling Saab is a key element of GM's revitalization strategy, but the U. S. auto maker has struggled to seal a deal.


  • 通用汽车执行长瓦格纳电话会议上表示任何买方萨博能够获得通用汽车公司技术

    GM's Chief Executive Rick Wagoner said on a conference call that any buyer of Saab could have access to GM technology.


  • 萨博莱茵金属公司已经建立良好的研发合作关系使综合探测系统结合MASS系统用于新型和升级水面舰艇项目中

    Saab and Rheinmetall has developed a strong working relationship, which has resulted in the integrated detection unit in combination with MASS for new and upgrade surface ship programs.


  • 萨博莱茵金属公司已经建立良好的研发合作关系使综合探测系统结合MASS系统用于新型和升级水面舰艇项目中

    Saab and Rheinmetall has developed a strong working relationship, which has resulted in the integrated detection unit in combination with MASS for new and upgrade surface ship programs.


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