• 尔利先生的策略就是福特市场营销广告结合起来。

    Mr Farley's brief was to unify Ford's marketing and advertising.


  • 伊万·尼克负责现代汽车公司营销广告业务期间,古德拜公司便是现代公司的广告代理,他古德拜公司合伙人杰夫·古德拜保持长期合作关系

    Goodby was Hyundai's AD agency when Ewanick led its marketing and advertising, and Ewanick has a longtime relationship with agency partner Jeff Goodby.


  • 但是没有更新的公司营销与广告总裁人物简介或者处理it问题,”昨天晚上这样跟说“真正印度技术支持24小时工作的。”

    'But you haven't updated my LinkedIn profile or sorted out the IT issues,' she told me last night. 'Real Indian tech support works 24 hours.


  • 市场营销重点在于销售产品服务通过广告来吸引客户同时客户建立关系

    Marketing focuses on selling your product or service, attracting customers through advertising, and also building relationships with customers.


  • 市场营销广告小组消费者产品之间建立一个重要情感联系

    The marketing and advertising teams had established a crucial emotional link between the product and the consumers.


  • FM公司好的解决了中小型博客营销问题,15名营销人员代表博客作者广告谈判,成交后提取40%的佣金

    So FM's 15 sales people negotiate with advertisers on behalf of blogs they represent, keeping 40% of the resulting revenues.


  • 网络营销一直试图利用追踪技术增加在线广告相关性-相关广告,增加更多转换

    Web marketers have long sought to use tracking technology to increase the relevance with online ads - the more relevant the ad, the more conversions increase.


  • 咨询营销策划机构从事战略营销广告设计公共关系直接营销促销

    Consulting and marketing planning agency engaged in strategic marketing, advertising, design, public relations, direct marketing and sales promotion.


  • 介绍百色电视天气预报栏目开展广告经营心理营销切入口的工作思路体会。

    This paper Introduces the working ways and know-how and tips which take the psychological marketing as its key point in the advertisement operation of Baise Weather forecast column.


  • 营销活动规划设计活动落地广告横幅其他创意素材

    Design landing pages, banners, and other creative materials for branding and marketing purposes.


  • 促销策略上,本文主要广告诉求公关营销终端销售促进几个方面阐述

    In the promotion strategy, this article mainly from the advertisement demand, the public relations marketing, the terminal and the sale promotes several aspects to elaborate.


  • 传统在线广告服务所收取固定费用我们市场营销产品服务性能

    Unlike traditional online advertising services which charge by flat fee, our marketing products and services are performance based.


  • 当前年度而言,“经销商a协议签署后的30日内公司提交份有关区域”内销售软件综合广告营销计划

    In respect of the Current Year, DISTRIBUTOR will: (a) submit to Company within 30 days after signing this Agreement a comprehensive advertising and marketing plan for the Software in the Territory;


  • 我们建立一个有吸引力网页社会网络配置齐全付费点击广告电子邮件营销活动专业博客写作

    We will work with you to build an attractive Web page, complete with social networking profiles, pay-per-click advertisements, e-mail marketing campaigns and professional blog writing.


  • 本文整合营销传播角度探讨了海尔集团广告营销策略企业文化策略整合的境界

    This paper discusses a new state of integrated advertisement marketing and corporation culture strategy of Haier Group according to Integrated Marketing communications.


  • 营销管理经销商行为渠道管理,广告品牌销售管理人员推销等。

    Marketing Management, Distributor Behavior and Channel Management, Advertising and Brand, Sales Management and Personal Selling.


  • 作为一家广告营销公司我们为客户架起通向欧洲澳大利亚、南太平洋地区美国桥梁

    As an advertising and marketing company in Australia, We can open the door to Europe, Australia, the South Pacific and the USA etc.


  • 大部分企业懂得品牌广告营销重要性。但是对于消费者而言,品牌的经验常常承诺过的相去甚远。

    Most companies understand the inpol1ance of brand, adverting and marketing, but for consumers, the brand experience often falls short of the promises that have been made.


  • 广告发生关系学科多种诸如营销心理学传播学等其中心理学具有基础地位的学科。

    Relations and advertising in a variety of disciplines, such as marketing, psychology, communications, psychology which is a basic position of subjects.


  • 获得客户的极大推动力我们营销团队他们合作发布广告

    It's a great driver for customer acquisition. We also have our marketing team working with them as well to get the message out.


  • 公司主营广告制作安装广告营销策划

    Our company sells the advertisement manufacture and the installment, the advertisement marketing and the plan.


  • 实际上网络不仅仅一些知名度极高品牌广告所青睐也是数量众多民营私营企业最佳营销推广渠道

    In fact, the network is not very high by some well-known brand favored by advertisers, but also a large number of privately-run and private enterprises the best marketing channels.


  • 营销谷歌用户请教如何推销语音搜索app,有的孩子发来一些聪明视频水平之高足以广告公司东西匹敌

    In marketing, Google asked users how they would market its voice search app, and children sent clever videos that rivaled the campaigns of the big AD agencies.


  • 称作第五媒体手机媒体由于本身的物理属性以及互联网紧密结合其所具备的媒体特性决定了手机媒体广告企业营销传播有着重要的价值

    Because of its physics attribute and the connection with the Internet, the mobile phone medium which has been called the fifth generation medium has important value in the market communication.


  • 护城河捕捉所有这些数据提供营销使他们可以测试不同图像,并显示广告字眼他们今天关键字搜索广告

    Moat wants to capture all of this data and deliver it to marketers so that they can test different images and wording in their display ads just like they do today with keyword search ads.


  • 护城河捕捉所有这些数据提供营销使他们可以测试不同图像,并显示广告字眼他们今天关键字搜索广告

    Moat wants to capture all of this data and deliver it to marketers so that they can test different images and wording in their display ads just like they do today with keyword search ads.


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