• 卓越保湿功能防止皮肤老化营养皮肤,让肌肤回复健康光彩

    The remarkable moisture function can nourish skin and prevent aging, brings healthy, young and glossy look.


  • 卓越保湿功能,防止皮肤老化营养皮肤肌肤回复健康光彩

    The High - tech formula moisturizes and nourishes skin, prevent aging, makes skin healthy, young and glow.


  • 配合泽调和成水剂面部收缩毛孔深层洁肤营养皮肤之功效。

    Mix it with Moisturizing powder and apply it on the face. It has function of contracting sweat pore, cleaning dirt in deep layer and nourishing skin.


  • 深入营养皮肤,使皮肤自然美白,保持皮肤水分,内而外改善肤质使皮肤娇嫩光滑

    It will nourish skin, whitening skin, keep skin's moisture, renew skin from outside in. Leave skin delicate and glossy.


  • 有机金盏具有舒缓保湿的作用,全天营养皮肤洋甘菊具有温和安抚放松功能。

    The organic calendula ACTS as a soothing moisturizer, nourishing the skin throughout the day while chamomile's gentle calming properties help to relax and comfort.


  • 此款宝宝湿疹淋浴液含有丰富天然金盏草,加州希蒙得木柔软保湿芦荟和维生素A,DE营养皮肤保持宝宝天然的水分。

    Gentle Naturals Eczema Baby Wash is enriched with natural calendula and jojoba to soften and moisturize. Aloe and vitamins A, D and E help nurture skin and retain your baby's natural moisture.


  • 而且身体处于紧张状态时,大多数营养氧气将会进入主要器官而不是皮肤

    Also, when your body is in a fight-or-flight state, most nutrients and oxygen go to the major organs, not skin.


  • 不过健康饮食减小粉刺发生。营养价值富含矿物质食物身体皮肤非常有帮助。

    However, eating healthy foods can reduce the impact of acne. Foods that are high in nutritious value and minerals are great for your body and skin.


  • 这些营养要是没有稳定供给肝脏心脏出毛病,更不用说皮肤发炎脱毛了。

    Without a steady supply of these nutrients, cats can suffer from liver and heart problems, not to mention skin irritation and hearing loss.


  • 然而无论皮肤医生,他们都会告诉皮肤的老化放慢最好办法之一就是皮肤提供合适营养

    However, ask any dermatologist and they will tell you one of the best ways to slow the effects on aging on your skin lies in just providing the right nutrition to your skin.


  • 合理的营养可能保持皮肤韧带弹性有益

    Proper nutrition will probably also be helpful to maintain elasticity of those ligaments and of the skin.


  • 泡完温泉后,皮肤吸足了营养,变得滋润滋润的,这时就一定要看看日据时代建起来投温泉博物馆

    When one's skin becomessufficiently pruned, there is always a visit to the Beitou Hot Spring Museum, occupying a lodge built during the Japanese era.


  • Borba不仅营养丰富,有助消化而且滋润肌肤赋予皮肤特别的红润如你的皮肤到外补过水一样。

    It's not only nutrient-rich and helpful for digestion, Borba says, but it's also moisturizing and "will give your skin that extra glow, as it actually hydrates your skin from the inside out."


  • 但是我们知道我们身体(包括皮肤)需要富含营养食品

    But what we do know is that our bodies (including our skin) need nutritious food for optimal health.


  • 他们营养杂志》上发表文章,那些吃了果糖老鼠皮肤骨质中的胶原蛋白发生了变化

    Writing in the Journal of Nutrition, they said the fructose-fed rats showed changes in the collagen of their skin and bones.


  • 吸烟将消耗大量营养物质包括帮助保护修复皮肤损伤维他命c

    Cigarette smoking also depletes many nutrients, including vitamin c, which helps protect and repair skin damage.


  • 如果我们指望我们皮肤自己抵抗紫外线,那么有几种关键营养

    If we look at the skin's ability to protect itself from ultraviolet light, there are key nutrients involved in that.


  • 它也含有十分丰富维生素B族,维生素A,核黄素,这些都是影响免疫力皮肤健康神经视力的基本营养

    It contains good amounts of B Vitamins, Vitamin A, iron and riboflavin all which are essential nutrients for immunity, healthy skin, nerves and vision.


  • 摄入正确营养对于修复皮肤以及新的健康细胞取代已经损坏的细胞很关键。

    Getting the right nutrients is vital for repairing skin and getting new healthy cells to replace the damaged ones.


  • 大多数专家认为,要想摄取益于皮肤优质食物,制定一份营养均衡食谱最好方法

    Most experts say eating a balanced diet is the best way to get your share of good food for healthy skin.


  • 每年冬眠过后山上下来的时候外形有点过分营养不良,皮肤到处都是裂缝

    Each year, after the hibernation period, he comes down from the mountain in a very bad shape: a bit too much malnourished and covered all over with seams.


  • 根据营养购物车来看,皮肤控油防晒保护,还有皮肤防皱。

    Load your shopping cart with nutrients that research has shown to have skin-hydrating, sun-protecting, and even wrinkle-preventing powers, says Manhattan dermatologist Amy Wechsler, MD.


  • 就能得到全部营养物质,它们不仅有益于皮肤,也有益于你的身体。”Lipski说。

    "You get all the nutrients that are not only good for your skin, but good for your body," says Lipski.


  • Lipski不仅使细胞充满水分,也能营养物质送入细胞,将毒素排出,自然而然地能使皮肤亮丽。

    In addition to keeping cells hydrated, water helps cells move nutrients in and toxins out, which Lipski says automatically leaves skin looking better.


  • 羊毛营养价值使具有抵抗有害细菌霉菌导致皮肤感染肺炎其他空气疾病的功能。

    Stone wool offers no nutritional value, making it naturally resistant to harmful bacteria and molds that cause skin infections, pneumonia and other airborne illnesses.


  • 食物越健康皮肤就会越动人。”纽约大学医药中心临床营养学家SamanthaHeller

    The healthier the foods are that you consume, the better your skin will look, " says Samantha Heller, MS, RD, a clinical nutritionist at NYU Medical Center in New York City.


  • 我们建议怀孕妇女一独特产品有助于补充水分营养皮肤弹性避免妊娠出现

    We recommend this unique product to pregnant women in order to avoid the appearance of stretch marks and aid in hydration, nourishment and elasticity of the skin.


  • 天然保健营养配方身体戒毒振兴你的皮肤

    With natural health nutritional supplements, you get to detox your body and also to rejuvenate your skin.


  • 天然保健营养配方身体戒毒振兴你的皮肤

    With natural health nutritional supplements, you get to detox your body and also to rejuvenate your skin.


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