• 圣达菲牧场席瓦。莫拉德认为会幸免于难。

    Shiva Moradfar of Rancho Santa Fe believes her home escaped the fire.


  • 莫拉德除非有相反证据,我是最好朋友

    Mourad: Who am I? Until proof of the contrary, I can be your best friend.


  • 莫拉德其它撤离一直在鼓励,而以做一个志愿者来报答他们

    Moradfar says that other evacuees are helping her keep her spirits up, and she is repaying them by serving as a volunteer herself.


  • 只是杰克逊最后日子里众多不为人知的事实之一.医生过失杀人罪审判会上才被世人所知。

    That was just one of countless hidden details of Jackson's last days that the world learned during the involuntary manslaughter trial of physician Conrad Murray.


  • 被广泛认为伊朗核计划负有重任大学教授莫森·凯夫拉已经伊朗了起来,他们知道死亡排行榜上高居榜首

    The man widely believed to be responsible for much of Iran’s program, Mohsen Fakrizadeh, a college professor, has been hidden away by the Iranians, who know he is high on the target list.


  • 案件中的AEG公司曾对已故流行天王表示,他们天王提供医疗设备聘请·里作为私人医生,以准备接下来的伦敦演唱会

    The suit contends AEG and its agents told Michael Jackson the company would provide the equipment and hire Dr Conrad Murray to care for him so he could perform at the concerts in London.


  • 莫里12月7号监狱中等待法庭裁定,帕斯特法官已决定康拉还押拘留,直到法庭做出最终判决

    Murray is in jail since November 7th waiting for court verdict, and Pastor gave a decision to keep Conrad in remand until the final judgment is given.


  • 法拉布拉·威金斯奥运健儿消耗大量蛋白质碳水化合物特别是他们比赛准备一部分时间

    Olympic athletes like mo Farah and Bradley Wiggins consume huge amounts of protein and carbohydrates at particular times as part of their preparation for RACES.


  • 个月之前湖人得到了现弄布朗,在那时大多数报纸标题都是这样的:湖人用拉玛诺维奇交换来了夏洛特莫里森

    When the Lakers acquired Shannon Brown two months ago, most of the headlines read something like this: Lakers trade Vladimir Radmanovic to Charlotte for Adam Morrison.


  • 莫伦特斯透露了关于杰拉问题常常谈论的话题,无论何时当队友聊天的时候。

    Morientes has also revealed the form of Gerrard is often the topic of conversation whenever he speaks with his former team-mates in Madrid.


  • 日记揭露这位巨星有依赖现已名誉扫地的医生康拉·里,给予处方药

    Thee diary reveals just how much the star depended on his now discredited doctor, Conrad Murray, to administer the prescription drugs that helped him to sleep.


  • 文章试图从叙述模式、叙述视角人物塑造创作理念四个方面分析小说《诺斯托罗莫》所体现出现代主义的艺术风格

    The art style of modernism in Nostromo by Conrad can be analyzed in four aspects: narrative model, narrative perspective, character molding, and creation thought.


  • 反复检查中,康拉里的明星医疗专家保尔怀特认为默里对待杰克逊的种种方式表明了他“没有恪守一定的陪护标准”。

    During cross-examination, Conrad Murray's star medical expert, Paul White, agreed that Murray had "deviated from the standard of care" in multiple ways in treating Jackson.


  • 只要费茨杰拉莫埃解释清楚也许没事了。

    If he could only explain to Fitzgerald and Moy, maybe it would be all right again.


  • 康拉·莫里再次决定自己辩护律师重点讲述他成为迈克尔·杰克逊医生之前生活

    Conrad Murray again elected not to speak in his own defence. His lawyer focused on his life before becoming Michael Jackson's doctor.


  • 老鼠莫顿:……好吧霍顿了会饼干的兔子来只是觉得坏蛋弗拉的话保险一点。

    Morton:... Yeah, Horton, shes sending you a bunny with cookies. I think its safe to say its the bad Vlad.


  • 本文认为小说《西方眼睛下》中的主人公拉祖莫夫悲剧的人格双重性所铸成的。

    This paper concludes that the tragedy of Razumov—the protagonist of Conrad's novel Under Western Eyes, results from his own double personality.


  • 费茨杰拉莫伊偏爱差不多同样性质

    His preference for Fitzgerald and Moy was another yard off the same cloth.


  • ·里医生——因过失杀害迈克尔·杰克逊起诉——的一位代理律师批判相关部门泄露了目击者证词。

    A lawyer acting for Dr Conrad Murray, who is charged with the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson, has criticised a leaked witness statement.


  • 已经费茨杰拉了信,所以此我没什么的了。

    I've already written Fitzgerald and Moy, so there's nothing I can say.


  • 异丙酚一个经常用于手术睡眠的强麻醉剂迈克尔私人医生·莫里否认自己过失杀人罪。

    Propofol is a powerful anaesthetic usually given to surgery patients to help them sleep, and Michael's personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray has pleaded not guilty to his involuntary manslaughter.


  • 法官康拉·医生一直撒谎医学上的错误已违反医生的职责

    The judge said Doctor Conrad Murray had continually lied and was caught in a cycle of medicine madness that violated his obligations as a doctor.


  • 万宝路由菲利普·莫里斯销售,骆驼雷诺烟草公司制造新港则由罗瑞烟草公司生产。

    Marlboro is marketed by Philip Morris, Camel is made by R. J. Reynolds Tobacco co., and Newport is from Lorillard Inc.


  • 诉讼中的被告包括美国的奥集团公司雷诺美国的雷诺烟草公司罗瑞拉烟草公司英美烟草。

    Defendants named in the original suit included Altria Group inc, which owns Philip Morris USA inc; Reynolds American's R. J. Reynolds Tobacco co, Lorillard Tobacco co and British American Tobacco.


  • 《诺斯托罗莫》被公认小说代表作之一,目前我国外国文学研究没有得到应有重视

    Nostromo is often hailed as one of Conrad's masterpieces. But it regrettably fails to attract the critical attention it deserves in recent Chinese foreign literature studies.


  • 论文首先简要介绍了作者小说艺术特点文学现代主义的崛起以及小说《诺斯托罗莫》 的故事情节。

    To start with, the thesis offers an introduction to the author Joseph Conrad, some features of his fiction, the rise of literary modernism, and a brief summary of the story of Nostromo.


  • 如果康拉·医生过失杀人罪面临监禁

    Doctor Conrad Murray faces up to four years in jail if he's found guilty of involuntary manslaughter.


  • 制造公司有奥菲利普·莫里斯公司、雷诺美国公司的雷诺烟草罗瑞股份有限公司的罗瑞拉烟草公司以及科公司。

    Makers include Altria Group inc's Philip Morris unit, Reynolds American inc's R. J. Reynolds Tobacco. Lorillard inc's Lorillard Tobacco co and Star Scientific inc.


  • 制造公司有奥菲利普·莫里斯公司、雷诺美国公司的雷诺烟草罗瑞股份有限公司的罗瑞拉烟草公司以及科公司。

    Makers include Altria Group inc's Philip Morris unit, Reynolds American inc's R. J. Reynolds Tobacco. Lorillard inc's Lorillard Tobacco co and Star Scientific inc.


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