• 自瑞典的菲西亚·里姆曼哈从不让任何事情阻挡自己,即使是一场改变人生的事故。

    Felicia Grimmenhag from Sweden doesn't let anything get in her way, even a life-changing accident.


  • 可能感觉像是一个陌生新世界包括加尔的妻子在内的一些认为教育界人士雇主时候接受了。

    It may feel like a strange new world, but Mr. Gallagher's wife, Holly, is among those who say it's time for educators and employers to embrace it.


  • 瑞典平面设计莎·本设计家庭墙纸图案增加房屋怀旧感

    Swedish graphic design Lisa Bengtsson designed the family wallpaper pattern to add some nostalgia to the home.


  • 但是索尔那时候,现在也是有钱出口商人,做火腿奶酪生意,而亚跟娱乐界曾经有过的故事的“间谍机构”得好好的

    But Sol was, and is, a prosperous importer of hams and cheeses, and any connection he or Miriam ever had with show business is well hidden by the Salinger counterintelligence apparatus.


  • 看上去好像是一个奇异的新世界包括加尔的妻子在内的一些认为教育界人士雇主接受这种情况了。

    It may feel like a strange new world, but Mr. Gallagher's wife, Holly, is among those who say it's time for educators and employers to embrace it.


  • 恳求帕默不要将与乔治。菲死亡有关信息揭露出来

    Sherry makes an appeal to Palmer about not revealing information about either Keith or George Ferragamo's death.


  • 试试这样约瑟夫O .尼尔他们三个孩子说。

    But try telling that to Joseph o 'neill, Sally Singer and their three children.


  • 向“将军”递交了辞呈。“公司”的技术人员发现赛尔街上的踪迹。“将军”命令手下他们杀勿论

    Lisa gives Pad Man her resignation. The Company techies find Self and Gretchen on the street. Pad Man orders his men to shoot them on sight.


  • 扎克希拉在哈佛大学读书开始交往了。

    Zuckerberg and Chan started seeing each other when they were both studying at Harvard University.


  • 约翰尼·德普瓦拉项链,安吉娜·茱据说身体某个地方整了一枚拉瓦纹身,不过不会告诉你纹在哪儿

    Johnny Depp wears a Che pendant around his neck, and Angelina Jolie reportedly sports a Che tattoo somewhere on her body, though she won't say where.


  • 阿肯色州居民娅。知道自己怀孕了,去做超声波检查的时候,医生告诉说她怀上了两个宝宝并不是双胞胎

    Arkansas resident Julia Grovenburg knew she was pregnant, but when she got an ultrasound, her doctor announced that she was carrying two babies who were not twins.


  • 这话斯特•布瑞尔,一位上了年纪的职业书评女儿以及孙女卡特一起佛蒙特,他在这里度过一个个白天与失眠夜。

    The narrator is August Brill, an elderly book reviewer living out his days and sleepless nights in a house in Vermont that he shares with his daughter, Miriam, and granddaughter, Katya.


  • 博物馆贝利·伯共同策划了这场展览的主持人·迪克曼解释说,“包豪斯不仅仅是钢管。”

    Bauhaus “is so much more than tubular steel chairs,” explains Leah Dickerman, who curated the show with Barry Bergdoll at the museum.


  • 近日,大批记者游客都蜂拥来到意大利小镇·里奥,因为有传闻说布拉德·皮特和安吉丽娜·朋友乔治·克鲁尼湖边别墅举行婚礼

    Journalists and tourists swarmed to the small Italian town of Laglio last week after rumors circulated that Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie would wed at Pal George Clooney's lakeside estate.


  • 著名的时尚人物学习——向每一个人学习,马尾辫拿折扇的卡尔··多万和的大眼镜黑色衣服金发

    Study famous tastemakers — everyone from Karl Lagerfeld with his ponytail and fan to Carrie Donovan and her oversized glasses, black clothes and blond hair.


  • 奈特主演温,是罗宾马里恩后代

    Knightley takes the lead as Gwyn, the offspring of Robin and Marion.


  • 兹·罗森想着离婚案付出赡养费最高例子了。

    "I'd assume it's one of the largest payouts ever in a divorce settlement," Rosenberg said.


  • 加拿大麦克马斯特大学马丁·黛·威尔森夫妇,首先从进化论的角度研究犯罪根源

    The study of the evolutionary roots of crime began with the work of Martin Daly and Margo Wilson, a married couple who work at McMaster University in Canada.


  • 座可以俯瞰东河的八层实验室里科妮·I·巴观察位同事熟练操纵显微镜下的蛔虫

    In an eighth-floor laboratory overlooking the East River, Cornelia I. Bargmann watches two colleagues manipulate a microscopic roundworm.


  • 克鲁斯鲍嘉史泰龙(此人情况稍后奉上)等身高不够理想的演员倾向于至少声势上壮大自己就像《日落大道中的亚·斯万森那样

    Cruise, Bogey, Sly (of whom more later): small male actors, at least, are, like Gloria Swanson in Sunset Boulevard, telling themselves and us that they are not small.


  • 参加婚礼的宾客有120位,包括蕾妮齐薇马修麦康纳托比 马奎尔、罗伯特唐尼 米兰诺、艾拉 菲舍尔萨尔玛海耶克等明星

    Stars including Renee Zellweger, Matthew McConaughey, Tobey Maguire, Robert Downey, Jr., Alyssa Milano, Isla Fisher and Salma Hayek were also among the 120 guests.


  • 夏尔曼·维斯特(弗雷前妻娜的女儿1971年被杀害尸体被埋在洛斯特市米德兰25号,即维斯特夫妇以前房子里。

    Charmaine West, (daughter of Fred’s previous wife Rena), who was murdered in June 1971, was buried at the Wests’ previous home of 25 Midland Road, Gloucester.


  • 最近一个读者见到,“究竟为什么嫁给布斯?”

    Recently, when one of my readers met Julie, he asked her, "Why on earth did you marry A. J.?"


  • 哥伦比亚商学院教授瑟·麦·兰斯建议说,公司应该防备确认偏误”【3】,并通过特定一名团队员找错减少这类偏误。

    Rita Gunther McGrath of Columbia Business School suggests that companies should guard against "confirmation bias" by giving one team member the job of looking for flaws.


  • [朱·拉德·摩耶-斯.我们喜欢的人物角色带走,我们会受到怎样的影响?

    [Julie Lather and Emily Moyer-Gusé, "How Do We React When Our Favorite Characters Are Taken Away?


  • 我伸长头颈观望,就是犹太中心奈芮门大楼,布鲁克林来比伽弗雷。霍尓兹伯妻子卡就是在这儿杀害的。

    That was the Nariman House, where a rabbi from Brooklyn, Gavriel Holtzberg, and his wife, Rivka, were killed.


  • 扎克更新状态后,普希拉的Facebook页面显示,两人2003年11月7开始交往的也就是扎克伯哈佛大学推出声名狼藉Facemash网站数之后。

    Following the new update, Chan's Facebook page reveals that the pair started their relationship on November 7 2003, just days after Zuckerberg's infamous Facemash stunt at Harvard.


  • 扎克更新状态后,普希拉的Facebook页面显示,两人2003年11月7开始交往的也就是扎克伯哈佛大学推出声名狼藉Facemash网站数之后。

    Following the new update, Chan's Facebook page reveals that the pair started their relationship on November 7 2003, just days after Zuckerberg's infamous Facemash stunt at Harvard.


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