• 国家药物滥用研究资助后一研究

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse funded the latter study.


  • 国立卫生研究国立药物滥用研究负责人

    She heads the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health.


  • 研究国家药物滥用研究W.T.G rant基金赞助

    The study was supported by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the W.T. Grant Foundation.


  • 美国国立药物滥用研究美国健康公众服务部国立卫生研究下属机构。

    The National Institute on Drug Abuse is a component of the National Institutes of Health, U. S. Department of Health and Human Services.


  • 研究国家药物滥用研究属于国家卫生研究院)资助作者宣称没有利益冲突

    The study was funded by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, part of the National Institutes of Health. The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


  • 国家药物滥用研究首席神经学家诺拉·d·沃尔考博士,“过去从事这项专业主要精神病医生。”

    "In the past, the specialty was very much targeted toward psychiatrists," said Nora D. Volkow, the neuroscientist in charge of the National Institute on Drug Abuse.


  • 现在有不少关于这方面的资料了,因为Temple布法罗同事进行一项为期四年的研究项目由国家药物滥用研究支持

    There's a fair amount more now because of a four-year research project by Temple and her colleagues at Buffalo. The research is supported by the National Institute of Drug Abuse.


  • 然而,一些自我控制能力研究对象可能收入非常单亲父母,父母的健康状况很差,很可能是重度药物滥用者。

    Whereas some of the low self-control study members are more likely to be single parents with a very low income and the parent is in poor health and likely to be a heavy substance abuser.


  • 由于方面的研究实在太少就成了一个悬而未决问题锻炼应该成为治疗药物滥用计划一部分么?

    But because so little research has been done, it's an open question: Should exercise be a part of drug abuse treatment programs?


  • 最近研究进一步证实人工流产女性显示更高术后精神健康问题比率包括抑郁症药物滥用以及自杀行为

    A recent report further confirms that women who have abortions show higher rates of later mental health problems, including depression, substance abuse, and suicidal behaviors.


  • LSD1971年《药物滥用法》a第一药物意味着人们认为不仅高度危险而且没有医疗研究价值

    Under the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act it is classified as a class a, schedule 1 substance - which means not only is LSD considered highly dangerous, but it is deemed to have no medical research value.


  • 威廉姆斯·珍妮特医生说,她是安东尼奥市得克萨斯大学卫生科学中心儿科教授,也是美国儿科研究,防止药物滥用负责人

    Williams, professor of pediatrics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio and head of the American Academy of pediatrics' committee on substance abuse.


  • 新的研究发现舞台剧可作为教育手段用于对抗药物成瘾药物滥用

    A new study finds that theatrical drama is an educational tool in the fight against drug addiction and abuse.


  • 这项研究美国逐渐增加处方药物滥用问题回应

    The study is a response to the growing problem of prescription drugs abuse in the United States.


  • 演出结束个月研究小组进行电话追踪调查,评估人们预防药物滥用情况。

    A follow-up telephone survey was then carried out three months after the play was shown, to assess people's participation in preventing drug abuse.


  • 这项研究其他作者来自国家人类基因组研究药物滥用国家研究院,也是NIH的一部分

    Other authors of the study were from the National Human Genome Research Institute and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, also part of the NIH.


  • 医学教育和研究协会成立于1976年,一个多学科组织卫生保健专业人才进行旨在改善护理教育个人药物滥用问题

    AMERSA, founded in 1976, is a multidisciplinary organization of health care professionals dedicated to improving education in the care of individuals with substance abuse problems.


  • 福布斯消息一项新的科学研究表明刑满释放人员刚刚获释一段时期内死亡率要高出很多,死因主要是药物滥用

    Forbes: Former prison inmates face a much higher risk of death in the period right after their release, particularly from drug overdoses, a new study found.


  • 福布斯消息一项新的科学研究表明刑满释放人员刚刚获释一段时期内死亡率要高出很多,死因主要是药物滥用

    Forbes: Former prison inmates face a much higher risk of death in the period right after their release, particularly from drug overdoses, a new study found.


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