• 我们首先关注下今天CNN学生新闻15海迪亚·彭德尔顿,芝加哥自己的学校里成了荣誉学生

    First on CNN student news today, this is Hadiya Pendleton, 15 years old and honor student at her school in Chicago.


  • 布隆·伯格评价勒卡的小说《荣誉学生》时说,“600,大部分是描写几乎没有什么事情发生。”

    When asked about 'the Honourable Schoolboy' by le Carre, Bloomberg quotes, "it's 600 pages, it's mostly description, there is almost nothing that happens."


  • 作为大学荣誉项目副教授工作之一就是检查学生成绩单确保他们满足继续获得荣誉要求

    As the assistant professor of the Honors Programs at the university, one of my jobs was to review students' report cards to make sure they met requirements for continuing in Honors.


  • 希,你一直是一名优秀的学生,你在高年级名单上不会没有荣誉,我相信你知道。

    You have been an excellent student, Nancy, and you will not be without honors on the senior list, as I am sure you know.


  • 几十年来,国王赐予无尽的珠宝荣誉学生她的道路上撒满花瓣火车站的人潮把他们大衣到她前面

    For decades Kings had showered her with jewels and honours, students had strewn petals in her path, crowds at railway stations had thrown down their coats before her.


  • 荣誉称号的获得者毕业舞会之前在全校范围内投票选出的,获选者多是高中学生

    These are honorary titles awarded to students chosen in a school-wide vote prior to the PROM, and are usually given to seniors.


  • 社交网站上发布女儿优秀学生排行榜再平常不过了。你觉得自豪朋友家人都为荣誉感到高兴。每个人都收获,不是吗?

    Posting your daughter's honor roll status on Facebook seems innocent enough. You're proud. Your friends and family can bask in her glory. Everyone's a winner, right?


  • 纳入城市大学荣誉计划学生无需支付学费相反他们还获得份7500美元的定期生活津贴(用于补助日常开销)以及本笔记本电脑。

    Those accepted by CUNY's honours programme pay no tuition fees; instead they receive a stipend of $7, 500 (to help with general expenses) and a laptop computer.


  • 曾就读于芝加哥第一所精英高中——惠特尼杨高中。她当时学生会计国家荣誉协会成员而且连续四年都是三好学生

    She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National honor Society and a four-year honor roll student.


  • 美国优秀大学生荣誉学会的就职会上,男生女生毕业典礼分开的。

    At her Phi Beta Kappa induction, there were separate ceremonies for men and women.


  • 校长宣布一些学生获得周培源奖学金荣誉因为他们各种比赛中赢得了奖牌

    Principal also announced that some honour students received Zhou Peiyuan scholarships because they had won MEDALS in various competitions.


  • 任职大连枫叶国际学校,枫叶教育集团最高荣誉勋章获得者辽宁省骨干教师。教育格言:永远用欣赏眼光看学生,永远用宽容的心态面对学生

    He has honors as Senior Teacher of Middle School, Core Teacher of Liaoning Province. He is also the Winner of the Maple Leaf Medal of Honor and Excellence.


  • 英国华威大学硕士预科荣誉讲师,授课风格灵活生动,广学生好评。

    Honored teacher of Pre-master Course of University of Warwick, His class is lively and interesting, enjoyed by most students.


  • 对每个学生而言,位列大学里优等生名录”绝对很高荣誉,并有可能毕业后帮他们获得一份很棒的工作。

    Dean's List is a form of honoring students who reached the level of excellence in their study. It's like being on the honor roll in high school.


  • 荣誉等级。即使他们从未告诉过一阶段的学生其实喜欢严厉的纪律要求

    Even though they may never tell you, students who function at this level do not appreciate assertive discipline.


  • 进行积极思想引导,增强学生演奏艺术高度责任感荣誉

    Third, to do thought leading actively & make the students have a high sense of responsibility and honour of arts of piano playing.


  • 授予我们这项荣誉本身便已告诸世人,其实人们不难推定:我们有资格按照我们所遵循生活方式教育学生的。

    In conferring it upon us you declare, or let it be presumed, that we are qualified to teach in those ways of life which we have followed.


  • 她为学习英语倾注了无数心血,英语带来了荣誉全国中学生英语技能竞赛中她获得了一等奖

    Hui Shangyi devoted a great deal of time and energy to English study, and at the same time English brought honors and prizes to her.


  • 校长荣誉澳门大学为表彰成绩优秀学生而设奖项,年均嘉许学院总成绩最高一名学生,向其颁发奖学金奖状。

    Annually, the student who earns the highest GPA in each faculty is to be included to the List and granted a scholarship and one certificate of merit.


  • 介绍2007年第44IFLA国际风景园林学生设计竞赛中获得荣誉作品构思创作过程和主要的方案内容。

    The jury award winner's work in the international student design competition of the 44th Annual IFLA World Congress 2007 in Kuala Lumpur & Putrajaya, Malaysia, is introduced in this article.


  • 我们学生超过500荣誉方案一个研究最多可以借此荣誉学位课程的资格

    Most of our students study for one of more than 500 Dual honours programmes, where you can gain an honours degree level qualification in two subjects.


  • 辛辛那提大学良好研究声誉而著名,荣誉课程项目优秀学生提供了好的资源

    UC is well-known as a good research university, and the Honors Program (UHP) here provides ambitious students with a wonderful set of resources.


  • 艺术成就,从外在看来无非荣誉赞赏的叠加,内在的馈赠却是学生由此获得的心路历程历练和成长裨益

    A successful Journey of art, seemingly speaking, is a juxtaposition of reputation and admiration. However, the internal reward is the students 'sublimation on their psychological paths.


  • 荣誉学士学位:属于特殊学位,是对大学优秀学生取得成绩特别认可

    Honors: a special recognition for unusual academic achievement in a program of individual advanced study at a university level.


  • 对于兴趣美国大学中国高中学生为期的中国高中生荣誉夏令营他们对美国学习的重要体验

    The Prestigious Summer Program for Chinese Students is a three week American experience for Chinese high school students who are interested in attending university in the USA.


  • 当时是学生会计国家荣誉协会成员而且连续四年都是三好学生

    She attended Whitney Young, Chicago's first magnet high school, where she was student council treasurer, a member of the National Honor Society and a four-year honor roll student.


  • 大学在校期间连续2,3奖学金学生成才荣誉

    University in the school during school for four consecutive years, such as scholarships and college students 2, 3 become honorary awards.


  • 大学在校期间连续2,3奖学金学生成才荣誉

    University in the school during school for four consecutive years, such as scholarships and college students 2, 3 become honorary awards.


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