• 一些商业书籍的音频文件放进苹果播放器里,有空的时候就——不管是开车时,还是走路时,甚至课间休息排队时,都可以。

    Start by putting some business books on your iPod and listening to them in every spare minute you have — while driving, while walking between classes, while waiting in line, whatever.


  • 2010年3月19日是全美断电——让人们互联网电视苹果播放器全球定位系统电话中解脱24小时。对这样的倡议决定置之不理主要原因是我觉得这样过愚蠢。

    I decided to ignore the National Day of Unplugging3 -a 24-hour break from the Internet, TV, iPods, GPS and phones-on March 19, 2010 largely because I thought it was stupid.


  • 2010年3月19是全美断电日——让人们互联网电视苹果播放器全球定位系统电话中解脱24小时。对这样的倡议决定置之不理主要原因觉得这样做太过愚蠢。

    National Day of Unplugging3 I decided to ignore the National Day of Unplugging3 -a 24-hour break from the Internet, TV, iPods, GPS and phones-on March 19, 2010 largely because I thought it was stupid.


  • 无法相信个卖电脑公司插手音乐播放器的市场。避开细节解释道,在他眼中苹果是个数字产品公司,不是电脑公司。

    I was amazed that a computer company would branch off into music players, but he explained, without giving any specifics away, that he saw Apple as a digital products company, not a computer company.


  • 这些基本上设计专利MP3播放器电源适配器,甚至是苹果商店楼梯无所不包。

    Almost all are design patents, running the gamut from MP3 players to power adaptors to the stairs in the Apple Store.


  • 苹果能力所有其他软件媒体播放器上跑

    Apple has the power to exclude all others from software than runs on its media players.


  • 先将这些实际问题放一边看看法国政策制定者是否意识到一个基本的问题就是他们有必要担忧苹果音乐商店播放器的不可分割性么?

    Put these practical difficulties aside, and ask whether France's policymakers identified a real problem. Are they right to worry about the inseparability of Apple's store and its player?


  • HTTP直播流媒体协议QuickTimeX苹果公司多媒体播放器框架最新版本一个特性

    The HTTP live streaming protocol is a feature of the latest version of Apple's multimedia player and framework, QuickTime X.


  • 这次的情况只是iPhone专利,诸如iPod音乐播放器,这样苹果其他产品发生类似于铃故障的问题

    The problem was not limited to the iPhone, with some owners of other Apple products, such as iPod music players, also complaining of a similar problem with their alarms.


  • 2001年1月苹果发布了叫做iTunes数字音乐播放器

    In January 2001, Apple launched a digital music player for music called iTunes.


  • 有些认为iPhone上升势头与当年的iPod无异但其实一种误导因为苹果进入便携式MP 3播放器市场时,这个市场还是一片混乱远未成熟

    Some people liken its ascent to that of the iPod, but that's misleading because the market for portable MP3 players was chaotic and immature when Apple entered it.


  • 苹果iPhone把手机(同时还是iPod +视频播放器,等等)做得栩栩如生而且加上数字世界轻巧、有趣的特点。

    Apple achieved it by turning a phone (and ipod, video player and more) into software that creates a life-like experience, but also adds a digital lightness and playfulness.


  • ,Microsoft宣称他们推出名为Zune数字音乐播放器回应苹果公司通过iPod成功进军非pc市场造成的竞争。

    This week it confirmed that it will launch a digital music-player, called Zune, in response to Apple's successful march into non-PC markets with the iPod.


  • 苹果标志性产品iPod音乐播放器一样,iTV的遥控器有意简化只有按钮一个滚轮

    It has a deliberately simple remote control that, like Apple's iconic iPod music-player, involves just one button and one wheel.


  • 现在免费VLC应用程序iPad用户可以轻松观看大量格式苹果内置视频播放器支持的视频。

    With the free VLC app, iPad owners can now easily watch videos in a plethora of formats that Apple's own built-in video player does not support.


  • 店里苹果iPod柜台在所有其他展示播放器中是个庞然大物。

    The Apple iPod "section" of the store dwarfs the section where all the also-ran players are displayed.


  • 一方面苹果传奇iPod播放器相关联iTune音乐商店合法音乐下载开辟了市场

    On the one hand the iPod, Apple's now legendary music-player, and its associated iTunes store opened up a new market for legal digital-music downloads.


  • 苹果回应说他们许多产品(比如iPod音乐播放器)体积重量

    Apple responds that many of its products (such as the iPod music-player) are small and light.


  • 苹果公司ipod音乐播放器已经可以口袋中汽车使用(美国70%的汽车兼容ipod)。

    Apple's iPod music-players are probably already in your pocket and in your car (70% of new cars in America are now compatible with them).


  • 苹果重生灵药是iPod播放器并且乔布斯因为满足了消费者需要而重塑了自己的声誉

    Apple's rebirth began in earnest with the introduction of the iPod music players, and Mr. Jobs began to gain a reputation for anticipating what consumers want.


  • 苹果惯例来说Nano一个完美好用音乐播放器

    With its Apple heritage, the Nano is a perfectly usable music player.


  • 数码音乐播放器苹果公司的iPod就对基于随身听的CD产品造成了破坏

    Digital music players, such as the Apple iPod have disrupted similar products like the CD-based walkman.


  • 苹果公司已经个人电脑音乐播放器智能手机平板电脑上兑现一宗旨,现在转向为基础的服务(文章)。

    Apple has done this with personal computers, music players, smartphones and tablet computers, and is now moving into cloud-based services (see article).


  • 打开包裹撕开时髦蛤壳形盒子,望着首次面市型号一款iPod——苹果公司十分漂亮音乐播放器不禁皱起眉头

    She unwrapped the package, cracked open the stylish clamshell box and frowned at the debut1 model of the iPod, Apple’s magnificent music player.


  • 此前其他技术成功推行,数码音乐播放器部分得益于受欢迎苹果产品,如苹果手机(Ipod)。

    The success of other technologies, such as digital-music players, was built in part on the popularity of Apple products, such as the Ipod.


  • 喜欢苹果这种暗示你可以这些第三方播放器使用iTunes这不被支持

    I like how Apple sort of implies that it's okay with these third-party leaches using iTunes, but that it simply can't support them.


  • 2001年以前已经数字音乐播放器但是苹果iPod使得播放器到处流行,而且还很还使用。

    There were digital music-players before 2001, but Apple's iPod made them both ubiquitous and user-friendly.


  • 法国法条支持者们认为假如商店了一卡带,你就可以任何喜欢的卡带播放器它,而不必非要在Walkman播放,那么为什么消费者不能在他们所喜欢的任意播放器上播放其在苹果公司音乐商店里购买的音乐呢?

    Supporters of the French law point out that if you buy a music cassette at a shop, you can listen to it on any cassette player that takes your fancy. You do not have to play it on a Walkman.


  • 法国法条支持者们认为假如商店了一卡带,你就可以任何喜欢的卡带播放器它,而不必非要在Walkman播放,那么为什么消费者不能在他们所喜欢的任意播放器上播放其在苹果公司音乐商店里购买的音乐呢?

    Supporters of the French law point out that if you buy a music cassette at a shop, you can listen to it on any cassette player that takes your fancy. You do not have to play it on a Walkman.


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