• 要知道,核废料半衰期100000年——而巨石阵仅有四千历史

    It is often said that nuclear waste has a half-life of 100, 000 years…it is worth remembering that Stonehenge was built only 4, 000 years ago.


  • 表示了对这项提议的一些反对意见

    Britain and France have expressed some disagreement with the proposal.


  • 会见了德、、日等领导人会见印度巴西等领导人,会见了77集团、非以及小岛代表

    I met with leaders of India and Brazil. I also held meetings with representatives of the Group of 77 and African Union and leaders of some small island countries.


  • 关于高管薪酬问题,德两希望达成一项具有约束力协议限制高管奖金反对,此项协议成泡影

    On executive pay, France and Germany had hoped for a binding agreement to cap bonuses, but they will not get one because of British and US opposition.


  • 这两消费依赖型经济一季度的消费相关行业贡献超过70%的GDP)将沉重负担

    And that is a heavy burden, since consumption is such an important part of both economies; in America, it made up more than 70% of first-quarter GDP.


  • 至少20个使用气球飞艇——无论是这样全球军事,还是爱尔兰巴基斯坦波兰阿拉伯联合酋长这样稍小地区性势力

    At least 20 countries use blimpsboth global military powers, such as America, Britain and France, and smaller regional ones, including Ireland, Pakistan, Poland and the United Arab Emirates.


  • 普雷斯科特表示近年关系发展势头喜人,层次交往从未象今天这样密切。

    Prescott noted that Britain-China relations had witnessed rapid development in recent years, bilateral exchanges on various levels was more frequent than ever before.


  • 研究者合作始于1998年流冰区的山上发现古代驯鹿骨骼排泄物时候

    Researchers from the U.S., U.K. and Canada have been collaborating since 1998, when ancient caribou bones and feces were found in high mountain ice patches.


  • 同样非常重视劳动力素质劳动力转移中的重要作用

    Similarly, the United States, Britain and other countries have attached great importance to the quality of labor in the labor force in an important role.


  • 多年保持欧盟最大对华投资第三对华贸易伙伴地位。

    Over the years, the UK remains the EU's largest investor in China and the third largest trading partner of the country.


  • ·哈特列举了丹麦冰岛瑞士荷兰加拿大宽容社会规范作为例子这些位列最幸福家的前十名

    As an example, Inglehart points to the tolerant social norms systems in Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands and Canada all of which rank among the 10 happiest countries in the world.


  • 双方各自核武器数量接近1000时,两希望、中三如何缩减各自规模较小的核武库的问题摆谈判桌。

    As America and Russia get close to 1, 000 warheads each, they will want Britain, France and China to put their smaller arsenals on the negotiating table too.


  • 12月22日,中、美、举行电话会议当前伊朗问题形势交换了看法

    On December 22, China, the U.S., Russia, Britain, France and Germany held a telephone conference during which they exchanged views on the current situation of the Iranian nuclear issue.


  • 英国我们不仅庆祝猴年开始庆祝中两日益增进关系

    Here in Britain, we're not just marking the beginning of the Year of the Fire Monkey, but the growing relationship between Britain and China.


  • 1918年11月11日,延续4年之久第一次世界大战胜利的失败而告结束。

    November 11, 1918, continuation of 4-year-old World War I in Britain, the United States, France and other countries win and Germany, Austria and other countries come to an end failure.


  • 联合儿童基金会发言人西蒙·拉姆表示,留在或是被安置在其他地方难民营叙利亚儿童有上百万多人,他们处在极大的痛苦中。

    UNICEF spokesman Simon Ingram says the million or more Syrian children either displaced within their country or in refugee camps elsewhere are suffering profoundly.


  • 西方法律改革者提出恢复性司法理论的司法实践中得到推广应用

    Western legal innovators proposed the restorative justice theory. And it is put into practice in many countries, such as England, America, Germany and others.


  • 另外分析者认为冰岛的前程不见得就会所言的那般凶险

    Other analysts say that Iceland's future may not be as imperiled as the British and Dutch suggest.


  • 然而尽管吸烟率持续下降,但在其他家,一比率却在上升。

    Yet although rates continue to fall in some countries-such as America and britain-elsewhere they are rising.


  • 个两深度参与领域尤其是中两通过经济财金对话,这一领域有着非常密切合作

    It is an area in which both countries are fully engaged and in which we have a very close level of cooperation, particularly under the united Kingdom - China economic and financial dialogue.


  • 一切1972年中两首次互换大使的情景大不相同。

    All this is a far cry from 1972, when the UK and the PRC first exchanged Ambassadors.


  • 本文介绍网络管理工作的内容网管标准以及美、、日、法等网络管理技术现状

    The paper describes the network management and its International Standard, giving the status of abroad network management technology.


  • 实际上欧洲列强特别是在近东经济冲突克里米亚战争的经济根源根本原因

    As a matterof fact, the economic conflict among European powers, especially that betweenGreat Britain and Russia, was the economic source or the cardinal cause oft he Crimean War.


  • 凡是环境下,3-5野农经历即否请求居住权了。

    Generally speaking, Chinese graduates with 3-5 years' work experience in countries like the US and the UK are qualified to apply for permanent residence.


  • 我们回顾中两关系的绝佳时刻

    This is a good moment to reflect on Britain's relationship with China.


  • 不当影响构成认定,特色

    As for the composing and holding of undue influence, Britain and the United States have their own feature.


  • 文中分别介绍日本为代表大陆法系代表的普通法系环境犯罪的构成要件立法概括及其特点

    In this part, the author introduces the legislation and its 'characteristic of the constitution of environmental crime in the Japan, Germany, England and America.


  • 消费者信心指数CCI股市指数收益很重要影响力

    The empirical results indicate that the consumer confidence index(CCI) has great influences on the stock index returns in the U. S and Britain.


  • 消费者信心指数CCI股市指数收益很重要影响力

    The empirical results indicate that the consumer confidence index(CCI) has great influences on the stock index returns in the U. S and Britain.


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