• 兼并例如英国合作银行不列颠建筑协会合并帮助加强道德市场

    Mergers, such as the combination of the UK's Co-operative Bank with Britannia building society, are helping to enlarge the ethical market.


  • 英国银行协会利率进行监督,统一对各跨国银行借用资金以及种货币交易费用进行监管。

    The interest rate is supervised by the British Bankers’ Association, which asks a panel of global banks what it would cost them to borrow funds for certain times and in ten currencies.


  • 英国银行协会告诉我们:”银行午饭时间最忙的,尤其是周五,赶在休息日前下班时刻。

    Banks are busiest during lunchtimes, particularly on the Friday prior to bank holidays and just before closing time, ” says the British Bankers’ Association.


  • 如此的话,2011年,本并购苏格兰哈里法克斯银行利润可观英国劳埃德船级协会,将会由于25%左右的零售市场份额英国而颇具风险。

    In that case, Lloyds's acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination's 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.


  • 英国许多小型房屋互助协会由于错误的博弈决定而承受重压纷纷瓦解,并入大型的同类银行中。

    In Britain several smaller mutually owned building societies collapsed under the weight of bad bets and were folded into bigger ones.


  • 如果自然大全》史提芬·莫斯今年5月银行假日只能一个地方,他选择去位于萨福克郡海岸英国皇家鸟类保护协会旗舰自然保护区敏思梅尔。

    If there was one place Stephen Moss, author of the Bumper Book of nature, could go this May bank holiday, it would be Minsmere, the RSPB's flagship nature reserve on the Suffolk coast.


  • 英国银行协会(British Bankers' Association)数据显示美元的三个月期伦敦银行同业拆息周一0.30875%下降至0.30188%。

    Data from the British Bankers' Association showed the three-month dollar Libor fell to 0.30188% from Monday's 0.30875%.


  • 欧洲那些银行的体质是否健全令人担忧,一路西班牙加哈(Cajas de Ahorros;储蓄窗口)银行德国的斯巴卡(Sparkassen储蓄)银行再到英国房屋抵押贷款协会

    There are similar worries about the health of European banks that are too small to save, from Spanish cajas to German Sparkassen and British building societies.


  • 伦敦同业拆放利率称Libor个月美元贷款下跌0.03个百分点,刚刚高于百分之2.16 ,根据英国银行协会的消息。

    The London Interbank Offered Rate, or Libor, for three-month loans in dollars fell nearly 0.03 percentage points to just over 2.16 percent, according to the British Bankers' Association.


  • 英国银行协会利率进行监督,统一对各跨国银行借用资金以及种货币交易费用进行监管。

    The interest rate is supervised by the British Bankers' Association, which asks a panel of global Banks what it would cost them to borrow funds for certain times and in ten currencies.


  • 利率伦敦英国银行协会监管作为房主企业贷款基准利率

    Overseen by the British Bankers' Association in London, the rate serves as a benchmark for the borrowing costs of homeowners and companies.


  • 英国银行协会一个产业议会组织认为所有的税赋不必要

    The British Bankers Association, an industry lobby group, thinks none is needed.


  • 英国这个用来描述那些在购房互助协会投入大笔金钱投机者,他们希望这些机构转制成为银行之后,可以从中获得丰厚回报

    In the UK the term has come to describe speculators who pour money into building societies in the hope that they can reap rich rewards when the societies turn into Banks.


  • 英国这个用来描述那些在购房互助协会投入大笔金钱投机者,他们希望这些机构转制成为银行之后,可以从中获得丰厚回报

    In the UK the term has come to describe speculators who pour money into building societies in the hope that they can reap rich rewards when the societies turn into Banks.


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