• 英国美国深造因为融入他们的文化

    I would like to go to either the UK or the USA for further studybecause I want to get immersed in their cultures.


  • 英国美国农业人口很少

    In Britain or America, the agriculture population is very small.


  • 英国美国一个带着笑容回答说谢谢!”

    In Britain or America, a person answers "Thank you!" with a big smile.


  • 中国事是常见英国美国一种有礼貌的。

    This may not be common in China, but is good manners in Britain or America.


  • 韩国大学教学英国美国教授正在帮助打击剽窃

    He say British and American professors who teach at South Korean colleges are helping to fight plagiarism.


  • 加拿大大学公立大学,没有类似于英国美国私立大学。

    All the universities in Canada are public, not private like Britain or America.


  • 有些国家,人们通常开会聊聊天杯茶咖啡——英国美国这样。

    Some people usually spend time chatting and drinking tea or coffee before they start a business meeting - but not in Britain or the USA.


  • 许多中,阅读边境历史没有发现陨石英国美国获得牧羊冠军

    In all the books I have read on Border Collie history, I have never seen a reference to a Merle as a herding champion either in Britain or in the USA.


  • 用户可以通过呼叫一个英国美国电话号码来获取这项服务公司计划增加更多本地电话线路

    Users can call a U.K. or U.S. number for service, but the company plans to add more local call-in lines.


  • 用户可以通过呼叫一个英国美国电话号码来获取这项服务公司计划增加更多本地电话线路

    Users can call a U. K. or U. S. number for service, but the company plans to add more local call-in lines.


  • 英国美国式的“野兽监狱天壤之别,这里甚至个“厨房实验室”,可供囚犯们学习专业烹饪技术。

    In a far cry from the brutalist set up of British or American prisons, there is even a "kitchen laboratory" where inmates can take specialist cooking courses.


  • 比如如果印度公民加拿大欧洲英国美国少于6个月有效期居住证,则可以旅游目的自由出入哥斯达黎加。

    For example an Indian residing in Canada Europe the UK or the USA holding a residence permit valid for at least 6 months does not need a visa to travel to Costa Rica for tourism purposes.


  • 如果澳大利亚丹麦加拿大新西兰新加坡瑞典英国美国一家公司费用是这些国家人均年收入1%,有时甚至还不到

    If you start a business in Australia, Denmark, Canada, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, the UK or the us, it will cost you 1 per cent of the country's average annual income, or less.


  • 根据知名猎头公司谢菲尔德·霍尔斯(Sheffield Haworth)的统计数据,2010年金融公司亚洲外部招聘,其中31%的是英国美国转移过来而此前,这一数据仅为8%。

    According to Sheffield Haworth, a recruiting firm, 31% of financial firms' external hires in Asia in 2010 transferred from Britain or America, compared with 8% the year before.


  • 其他人一致认为,市场周期循环处于接近顶峰尤其是美国英国

    He and others agree that the market cycle is at or near its top, particularly in America and Britain.


  • 2018年的一项调查中,超过五分之一美国英国成年人表示他们经常总是感到孤独

    More than one-fifth of adults in both the United States and Britain said in a 2018 survey that they often or always feel lonely.


  • 作者看来,外国人是提高你英语口语的“机会”;每当你见到外国人,不论美国人还是英国人,你应该和他她练习说英语。

    In the writer's opinion, foreigners are an "opportunity" to improve your oral English; whenever you see a foreigner, American or English, you should practise speaking English with him or her.


  • 美国英国日本银行利率已经达到接近零利率

    Rates in America, Britain and Japan are already at or near zero.


  • 如果一个类似美国英国日本那样国家可以货币化自身财政赤字,那么,你将不会发生主权债务问题,取而代之的是稀释公债价值通货膨胀

    If you are a country like the US, the UK, or Japan that can monetize its fiscal deficits, then you won't have a sovereign debt event but high inflation that erodes the value of public debt.


  • 根据世界经济论坛做关于国家竞争力报告法国老百姓美国英国荷兰工人都具有更高的职业道德。

    According to a report on national competitiveness by the World Economic Forum, the French rank and file has a much stronger work ethic than American, British or Dutch employees.


  • 美国英国相比,这些国家的研究经费分配往往更加均衡导致大学之间质量差距没有那么明显

    Research funding tends to be more uniformly distributed among different universities than in the us or England, creating less obvious differences in quality between institutions.


  • 英国人们它为铰接式卡车虽然美国的运输工具(达32,000千克重,约70,000相比这种卡车显得有些娇小。

    Such vehicles are called articulated lorries in Britain, although they tend to be a bit puny compared with American rigs that can weigh 32,000kg (70,000lbs) or more.


  • 阿什·伯顿勋爵英国为没能就美国船只尼亚加拉沉没做出解释道歉表示歉意

    Lord Ashburton said Britain regretted that it had not made some explanation or apology for the sinking of an American boat in the Niagara River.


  • 我们知道美国英国法国父母富有子女富有的可能性加拿大瑞典丹麦高

    We also know that rich parents are much more likely to have rich children in the US, UK and France than Canada, Sweden or Denmark.


  • 我们知道美国英国法国父母富有子女富有的可能性加拿大瑞典丹麦高

    We also know that rich parents are much more likely to have rich children in the US, UK and France than Canada, Sweden or Denmark.


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