• 英国失业率很高许多国家一样。

    Britain has a high level of unemployment, but the same goes for many other countries.


  • 英国失业率已经回升至250万大关,公众担心英国正在遭受”失业复兴“。

    UK unemployment has risen back over the 2.5 million mark, fanning fears that Britain is suffering a "jobless recovery".


  • 因为英国失业率低于美国,这产生部分影响,英国房主不会勉强廉价出售他们房子

    Thanks in part to lower unemployment rates than America, British homeowners are not being forced to offload their houses at fire-sale prices.


  • 年轻人群的失业率---21.3%---几乎英国失业率两倍同时也是1992年以来的最高纪录

    The youth unemployment rate, at 21.3%, was more than double the rate for the UK as a whole and also the highest since comparable records began in 1992.


  • 统计机构今天单独报告中称英国失业率自从2月份以来个月中增长至了12年以来的历史最高点,二百十万失业

    U.K. unemployment rose to the highest level in 12 years in the three months through February, with 2.1 million people jobless, the statistics office said today in a separate report.


  • 英国首相布朗谴责正在英国蔓延罢工。 罢工工人抗议在英国失业率飙升同时英国公司雇用来自其他欧洲国家的工人。

    Prime Minister Gordon Brown has condemned the strikes spreading across Britain protesting the employment of foreign European workers, while unemployment soars in the country.


  • 根据最新衡量标准英国国内生产总值一直西方世界羡慕,其有历史最低失业率历史最高水平经济增长速度

    By most recent measures, the UK's GDP has been the envy of the Western world, with record-low unemployment and high growth figures.


  • 过去荷兰经济增长速度超过了英国法国德国失业率一直低于其他三个国家

    For the last five years the Dutch economy has grown faster than Britain, France, or Germany, with the unemployment rate having remained well below that of the other three countries.


  • 其它富裕的国家——包括欧元区欧盟最大经济体英国——经济增长迅速,失业率降低现在它们都似乎脆弱不堪一击

    Its peers in the rich world-including Britain, the largest European Union economy outside the euro-had enjoyed faster growth and lower unemployment but now looked vulnerable.


  • 来自欧洲统计局最近数据表明多年来,英国青年失业率一直很低,而如今高出欧元区平均水平

    The most recent figures from Eurostat, the European statistics agency, suggest that youth unemployment, for many years low in Britain, is now higher than the euro-area average.


  • 英国房屋价格消费者信心已有下降,但第二季度的失业人数有所减少是个积极的信号虽然长期失业率依然高居不下。

    In Britain housing prices and consumer confidence have dipped. Unemployment figures fell in the three months ending in June, a positive sign, although long-term unemployment remains high.


  • 英国议会整个春天都在辩论备选性选举这样晦涩的议题,在经济停滞失业率攀升当下显得越发脱离现实。

    WITH the economy stalling and unemployment rising, it now seems surreal that Britain spent the spring debating something as arcane as the alternative vote (AV).


  • 但是增长滞缓以及继续衰退前景意味着英国德国一样,失业率开始攀升

    But sluggish growth and the prospect of renewed recession mean that joblessness is rising again in Britain as well as in Germany.


  • 在之前英国责任预算办公室六月预算表明2014年失业率达6.3%,在这之后变成了6.5%。

    While before the June budget the OBR said unemployment would be 6.3% in 2014, after the budget they said it would be 6.5%.


  • 减少本国每年移民人数,应对国内居高不下的失业率英国内政部计划提高留学生签证的门槛。

    The UK`s Home Office intends to tighten visa regulations for international students to reduce the country`s annual net migration and cope with high domestic unemployment.


  • 英国调高了美国人和西班牙人更高的储蓄利率尽管相较收入趋势失业率还是有所上升

    Britons have raised their savings rates more than Americans or Spaniards, despite a smaller increase in unemployment and comparable trends in income.


  • 包括英国澳大利亚在内的其他发达国家近来的GDP增幅美国更显生机勃勃,失业率美国要

    Other rich countries, including Britain and Australia, have enjoyed sprightlier recent GDP growth and lower unemployment than America.


  • 1998到2005年期间,英国16 - 24岁年轻人失业率低于经合组织国家平均水平,但是之后失业率一直高于平均水平,经合组织是主要发达国家构成的一个机构。

    Between 1998 and 2005, the jobless rate for 16-24-year-olds in Britain was lower than the average for the OECD, a club of mainly rich countries, but since then it has been higher.


  • 去年8月至今英国房价大跌18%,失业率剧增消费者信心摧毁。

    House prices have dropped 18 percent since last August, unemployment is soaring and consumer confidence has crashed.


  • 标准普尔预测未来英国失业率现在的1.6%上升1.9%。

    S&P is predicting unemployment in the UK will rise from 1.6m to 1.9m over the next two years.


  • 英国衰退看上去更深并且失业率也许会更高

    The recession in Britain looks set to be deeper and unemployment is likely to be higher.


  • 新的成本基于英国责任预算办公室预测失业率

    The new higher levels of cost are based on the OBR's own predictions of unemployment.


  • 如同欧洲其他地区一样,英国衰退担忧也主要集中房屋贷款中出现问题失业率上升小型企业面临困境

    Recession worries here, as in the rest of Europe, center on mortgage difficulties, rising unemployment and the difficulties small businesses face.


  • 仅仅过去年间,平均月工资增长了5倍失业率降低一半低于美国英国法国德国

    In the past decade alone, average monthly wages have grown more than fivefold. Unemployment is down by half and is lower than the rates in the United States, Britain, France and Germany.


  • 失业率相对较6月时,剑桥地区2.2%居民领取求职者津贴(主要的失业补贴),低于整个英国3.8%。

    And unemployment is relatively low: 2.2% of residents in the greater Cambridge area were claiming job-seeker's allowance (the main unemployment benefit) in June, less than Britain's 3.8%.


  • 失业率相对较6月时,剑桥地区2.2%居民领取求职者津贴(主要的失业补贴),低于整个英国3.8%。

    And unemployment is relatively low: 2.2% of residents in the greater Cambridge area were claiming job-seeker's allowance (the main unemployment benefit) in June, less than Britain's 3.8%.


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