• 手握数百万重兵,指挥若定迫使敌人的步子

    He had everything under perfect control in commanding millions of troops and compelled the enemy to move according to his will.


  • 当年被职业生涯早早毁掉35依然指挥驰骋赛场。

    Year was considered early career would be destroyed, he is 35 years old and still able to command, if set, galloping track.


  • 当年被认为职业生涯早早毁掉35依然指挥驰骋赛场。

    Year was considered early career would be destroyed, he is 35 years old and still able to command, if set, galloping track.


  • 西班牙国脚哈维回合指挥若定以及无名英雄凯塔布斯克茨在身旁有效低调的工作

    Spanish international Xavi pulled the strings in the first leg while the unsung Sergio Busquets and Seydou Keita worked quietly but efficiently alongside him.


  • 星系现在远离我们,它们过去比现在我们更近。

    If galaxies are moving apart now, they must therefore have been closer together in the past.


  • 这个例子老生常谈了,但是它总能恰如其分提醒甚至稀世珍宝的泰迪了的时候,我还能淡自己说,其实就是件东西罢了

    It's a banal example, but a good one I think about to remind myself that even if I lose my most precious teddy bear in the world, it's just a thing.


  • 过去20年里去过50多个国家。现在已经能很很冷静的把那些因为异乎寻常的体态而带来的各种的悲剧统统视浮云了。

    Having visited more than 50 countries in the last 20 years, I have become extremely adept at remaining calm and unfazed throughout situations that unfold because of my weight.


  • 美军尽管不招人待见,几乎这种仇杀控制范围内的唯一力量他们了,两派不你死我活就不会罢休。

    The unpopular Americans are almost the only force keeping this killing under some control, and their going could spark a fight to the finish.


  • 祭司看头已经止住,其间也,头疥已经痊愈那人洁净了,就要为洁净。

    If, however, in his judgment it is unchanged and black hair has grown in it, the itch is healed. He is clean, and the priest shall pronounce him clean.


  • 第七祭司察看灾病发暗而且没有上发散,祭司他为洁净原来

    On the seventh day the priest is to examine him again, and if the sore has faded and has not spread in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean; it is only a rash.


  • 13:17祭司察看病处,祭司就要患灾病的洁净乃洁净了。

    And the priest shall see him: and, behold, if the plague be turned into white; then the priest shall pronounce him clean that hath the plague: he is clean.


  • 自己范围内,就容易限制自己思维格局

    If a man put his box in a certain range, easy to limit their thinking and pattern.


  • 明白何以使人心扭曲,年轻的暗下决心,他年自行创业运用完全相反的原则

    Able to see the distortion he caused, I youthfully declared that if I every ran a business, it would be on the reverse principle.


  • 同时,“叶”又显示出年轻人意在避免对方正面冲突,不伤害对方同时也避免被对方伤害而有意识地与对方保持距离心理

    Also, "young generation's jargon" is a display of the psychology of this group of people: keeping a certain distance between each other to avoid direct conflict and mutual harm at the same time.


  • 自己范围内容易限制了自己思维格局

    If people put their own box within a certain range, it is easy to limit their thinking and pattern.


  • 自己范围内容易限制自己思维格局

    If a man put his box in a certain range, would be easy to limit their own thinking and pattern.


  • 赎回就要在你所的价值以外加上五分之一。

    But if he will at all redeem it, then he shall add a fifth part thereof unto thy estimation.


  • 很抱歉现在非常忙。我有时间,我将外出郊游。

    Sorry, I am too busy now. If I had time, I would certainly go for an outing with you.


  • 辉煌张狂。

    If you give me glory days, I set the day than it.


  • 永恒仅仅抱着再也撒手

    If love can be eternal, I'll just holding him, and then did not let go.


  • 爱丽丝知道但是鬼屋开心

    ALICE: I know. But if you don't go in the Haunted House, you won't be happy.


  • 很久之前的事了,这个人真的是琼恩·康宁顿,成了个不同

    That was all so long ago though. If this is indeed Jon Connington he will be a different man.


  • 将军取得此山,军山掌中也。

    If we gain control of it, Dingjun is as good as in our hands.


  • 媒质分层均匀,则经典镜像需要无穷多个镜像来模拟这种电场问题给分析计算带来一困难。

    However, an infinite number of images must be employed in the calculation of the field with multi layer media, which results in many difficulties.


  • 各频率成份电源电压,则所得时域波即脉冲电压源在传输线上之脉冲响应

    If the time harmonic source is assumed to be constant voltage, the summed pulse propagation is the impulse response along the line.


  • 对于线性时变无源端口网络初始条件下存在互易性对称性,则其电路参数具有的特殊性。

    If reciprocity and symmetry exist for passive two port networks of linear time invariant under zero intial condition, the circuit parameters will have some important characters.


  • 收益预测的,则在程度上表明市场无效的。

    If return is predictable, it means that market is inefficient to some extent.


  • 时光能流转回到过去还要再共谱恋曲因为,你就是今生的唯一。

    If the time to flow back into the past, I will certainly have to fall in love with you, because you are my only life.


  • 时光能流转回到过去还要再共谱恋曲因为,你就是今生的唯一。

    If the time to flow back into the past, I will certainly have to fall in love with you, because you are my only life.


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