• 1993年,一大型旅馆店主所房子房主们惊恐地发现他们花园一夜之间消失了

    In 1993, the owners of a large hotel and of several houses discovered, to their horror, that their gardens had disappeared overnight.


  • 酒店都有非住客开放的花园餐厅

    Both hotels have gardens and restaurants open to nonresidents.


  • 回到穿过花园,然后上门

    You go home to your house and your garden and you close the door.


  • 朋友莱姆·里吉斯所以搬到那里——一个棚屋然后到朋友花园的帐篷里,接着到他现在地方悬崖上的

    He had friends in Lyme Regis, so he moved there-- first to a shack, then a yurt in a friend's garden, and then the clifftop home where he lives today.


  • 他们手拉着手走出凉亭,站他们美丽花园

    Hand in hand they went out of the bower, and they were standing in the beautiful garden of their home.


  • 买了一本书,惊奇地发现里面有一幅艺术皮埃尔·博纳尔的画,和他父亲的画一样,他坐在同样的花园里,同一张椅子上。

    He bought a book and was surprised to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same garden as his father's painting.


  • 过了一会,感觉好像是脆弱的,生活感到很好奇,时光漫漫干净花园桥牌但是的注意力还是迅速恢复

    For a moment she seems fragile and lost, and I wonderabout her life, the telescoping days of cleaning and gardening and bridgeplaying, but then my own concerns crash back in again.


  • 赫特福德郡韦林花园,一每日住宿费为1519英镑豪华猫咪旅店猫咪主人更好地享受假期成为可能

    In Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire, a luxurious feline hotel, which costs between 15 pounds and 19 pounds a night, make it possible that cats could have a better holiday than owners.


  • 安东尼·卡连续第14空中花园举办装置展览单个艺术

    Anthony Caro on the Roof will be the 14th consecutive single-artist installation on the Cantor Roof Garden.


  • 夫妻都是园艺,看到我们如此惊羡这不可思议花园风景他们非常开心

    Both were horticulturists, and they were amused by our awe of their incredible gardens and landscaping.


  • 名男子经营了名叫番茄花园网站提供免费盗版软件来获取广告收入。

    The men ran Tomato Garden, a website that generated advertising by offering pirated software for free.


  • 最终她们穿过一个长满了各种菌类的山谷来到了海丝特花园

    And finally, after traversing a little wood glen full of toadstools, they found Hester Gray's garden.


  • 有一次坐在莱格前廊寻思着他们花园雕像,他过来趴在旁边。

    Once, when I was sitting on the Legges' front porch, thinking about stealing a piece of their garden statuary, their cat came and sat with me.


  • 只要得够仔细我们的这些野花花园培育同样亲切美丽

    Once you start to look really closely, our wild flowers are as intimately beautiful as anything we cultivate in a garden.


  • 他们生活带有花园的体面的房子里,他们有言行得体仆人。跟邻右里起来,他们觉得自己的生活是最优越的。

    They lived in a pleasant house, with a garden, and they had discreet servants, and felt themselves superior to anyone in the neighborhood.


  • 迟先生,“棒了,在我们花园里也可以做这样事情。”

    Mr Peach said: 'It's just fantastic that it's possible to do something like this from your own back garden.


  • 英国每日邮报》27日报道,一豪华"猫咪旅馆"近日出现英国韦林花园这里猫咪们享受到舒适假期绝对不比差。

    A new luxurious feline hotel in Welwyn Garden City, the UK, could mean your pet has an even better holiday than you, the Daily Mail of London reported Tuesday.


  • 兼做环境顾问Oikosteges,一制作屋顶花园公司合作。

    She freelances as an environmental consultant in partnership with Oikosteges, a company that makes rooftop gardens.


  • 过冬粮仓:只超肥松鼠定了密歇根菲尔普斯花园的饲养

    Stocking up for winter: the oversized squirrel who has been targeting the feeding stations at a back garden in Michigan.


  • 不可错过Saraghina(saraghina brooklyn.com),夜间一流的披萨饼店,白天是一古朴别致的咖啡厅;其后花园布鲁克林最美户外活动地区之一。

    Don't miss Saraghina (saraghina brooklyn.com), a top-notch pizzeria by night and rustic-chic café by day; the back garden is one of the finest outdoor spaces in Brooklyn.


  • 弗洛拉我们美国时有个很大花园一直认为园艺能缓解压力。

    F: Our family had a fair-sized garden back home in the States, and I always found gardening to be a real stress-buster.6.


  • 文特花园苹果第300零售店有可能成为这个流行品牌赚钱的一。苹果与众不同的行销策略是什么呢?

    Covent Garden shop will be 300th retail outlet and could be most profitable for the popular brand.


  • 昨天晚上城里的一啤酒花园消磨时光这里可以俯瞰多瑙河。

    Yesterday, I spent the evening overlooking the river in one of the city's many beer gardens.


  • 朋友莱姆·里吉斯所以那里——先是一个棚屋然后住在朋友花园的帐篷里,接着搬到悬崖上的,一直住到今天

    He had friends in Lyme Regis, so moved there - first to a shack, then a yurt in a friend's garden, and then the clifftop home where he lives today.


  • 毕生生活这个深深记得萧条时期他们花园自己种作物的情景。

    She has lived in the district all her life and remembers the Depression, when her family grew its own food in the garden.


  • 德国人将加加自己赶了出来强迫他们花园掩体里面可能正是因为这些遭遇让加加林变得非常热衷于历史研究

    Perhaps because the Germans kicked the family out of their home and forced them to live in a dugout in the garden for three years, Gagarin became a keen student of history.


  • 尽管它们为“带有欺骗性它们自然栖息地应该花园,而不是住宅里。

    Although calling them 'house' spiders is a little deceptive. The natural habitat of these spiders is not the house it is in fact the garden.


  • 是个翘高舒适地方,敞开遮阳,就看到芋头明亮的海里康属花形成对比花园装饰当地艺术雕塑

    A cozy place to put your feet up in the sun-shaded family room that spills out to the back garden of bright heliconias contrasting with black taro and adorned with sculpture by local artist.


  • 我们午饭之前到了主人还以为我们花园里溜达哩因此我们解释不在的原因。

    We both reached home before our dinner time; my master supposed we had been wandering through the park, and therefore he demanded no explanation of our absence.


  • 我们午饭之前到了主人还以为我们花园里溜达哩因此我们解释不在的原因。

    We both reached home before our dinner time; my master supposed we had been wandering through the park, and therefore he demanded no explanation of our absence.


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