• 1991年以来,一直美国国家经济研究局芝加哥大学迪克·塞勒一起组织行为金融学研讨会

    I've been organizing workshops in behavioral finance at the National Bureau for Economic Research since 1991 with Dick Thaler at the University of Chicago.


  • 2月25日芝加哥大学举行一个讨论会上欧洲美国央行官员暗示,除非通胀预期加大,否则都还按兵不动

    At a forum on February 25th at the University of Chicago, officials from both the European and American central Banks signalled willingness to hold fire unless inflation expectations grow.


  • 任教芝加哥大学美国科学家南部阳一因为发现原子物理对称性自发机制一半奖金

    American Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago won half of the prize for the discovery of a mechanism called spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.


  • 芝加哥大学历史系教授肯明斯非常精彩讲述美国快速展开美国例外论之毯的故事。

    The story of America’s rapid unrolling of the exceptionalist carpet is very well told by Mr Cumings, professor of history at the University of Chicago.


  • 这项芝加哥大学社会学家进行研究,分析了源自3116名、年龄1860美国数据其中1769名女性1347名男性)。

    The research conducted by socialist with Chicago University analyzes data of 3116 American people (Including 1769 women and 1347 men) aged from 18 to 60.


  • 美国科学家芝加哥大学500位男性女性MBA学员唾液样本检验了睾丸酮的含量。参与研究的人员被要求玩一个电脑游戏,评估它们对待风险的态度。

    Scientists in the U.S. measured the amount of testosterone in saliva samples taken from 500 male and female MBA business students at the University of Chicago.


  • 芝加哥大学StevenLevitt认为美国处决机会微乎其微,使得死刑执行无法成为一个明显可信的震慑

    The chance of being executed in America is so remote that it cannot plausibly be a significant deterrent, argues Steven Levitt, of the University of Chicago.


  • 美国芝加哥大学行为科学家阿耶莱-费斯巴赫(AyeletFishbach)指出:“社会行为动机的一个典型案例。”

    "It's a classic demonstration of the power of the situation," says Ayelet Fishbach, a behavioural scientist at the University of Chicago, Illinois.


  • 美国西北大学凯洛管理学院芝加哥大学学界人士本周最新推出的金融业信任指数表明,目前只有22%的美国人信任金融体系

    According to a financial-trust index launched this week by academics at the Kellogg School of Management and the University of Chicago, only 22% of Americans have faith in the financial system.


  • 美国芝加哥大学教授约翰麟这另一种理性经济学模型主要倡导者

    University of Chicago professor John Cochrane is another leading proponent of this rational model of economics.


  • 芝加哥大学历史系教授肯明斯非常精彩讲述美国快速展开美国例外论之毯的故事。

    The story of America's rapid unrolling of the exceptionalist carpet is very well told by Mr Cumings, professor of history at the University of Chicago.


  • 为探寻食物赢得信任影响,美国芝加哥大学研究人员进行一系列实验

    Researchers at Chicago University in the US conducted a series of experiments to examine food's role in earning trust.


  • 芝加哥大学经济学StevenLevitt做的研究表明,久而久之,使用典型黑人名字美国那些较为贫穷教育水平低的黑人。

    Increasingly it is poorer and less educated black Americans who use "typically black" names, according to research by Steven Levitt, an economist at the University of Chicago.


  • 美国哈佛大学OliverHart芝加哥大学LuigiZingales最新研究当中主张说,债务股本组合随着银行倒闭风险波动

    In new research, Oliver Hart, of Harvard University, and Luigi Zingales, of the University of Chicago, argue that the mix of debt and equity should fluctuate according to the risk of bank failure.


  • 哈佛大学,跻身前十名美国大学还包括:加州大学伯克利分校、斯坦福大学麻省理工大学、加州理工学院普林斯顿大学哥伦比亚大学芝加哥大学

    Joining Harvard in the top 10 were the University of California, Berkeley; Stanford; Massachusetts Institute of Technology; California Institute of Technology; Princeton; Columbia and Chicago.


  • 美国芝加哥大学研究员通过实验发现壳类食物含有大量浓度较高-化合物

    Researchers at the University of Chicago, found through experiments, shrimp and other food soft shell contains a lot of concentration higher - five potassium arsenic compounds.


  • 开展这项研究合作研究人员所在的机构包括美国芝加哥大学的韦尔·科姆基金会桑格研究所,英国莱斯特皇家医院伦敦大学学院儿童卫生研究所

    The study was undertaken in collaboration with researchers at the University of Chicago, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, the Leicester Royal Infirmary and the UCL Institute of Child Health.


  • 美国芝加哥大学布朗大学以及其它几所大学招生办工作过。

    She once worked in the admissions offices of Chicago University and Brown University as well as some others.


  • 美国芝加哥大学知识充实你人生

    University of Chicago: Let knowledge increase so that life may be enriched.


  • 来自于美国芝加哥大学哈佛大学加里佛尼亚大学圣地亚哥大学研究员对此研究。

    Researchers from the University of Chicago, Harvard and the University of California, San Diego, did the study.


  • 这种忧虑席卷美国大学校园,引发研究生入学申请暴涨趋势芝加哥大学就是一例。

    That uncertainty is starting a trend on college campuses across the country, like here at the University of Chicago, where applications for graduate school are soaring.


  • 任教芝加哥大学美国科学家南部阳一因为发现原子物理对称性自发机制一半奖金

    American scientist Yoichiro Nambu of the University of Chicago won half of the prize for the discovery of the mechanism called spontaneous broken symmetry in subatomic physics.


  • 经济学界斯坦福经常哈佛麻省理工、普林斯顿芝加哥大学后面,包括美国新闻与世界报道》U。

    In economics, Stanford has frequently been ranked just behind Harvard, M. I. T., Princeton and the University of Chicago, including in the most recent u.


  • 这些很好的问题但是暂时没有答复,美国临床肿瘤协会会长、芝加哥大学肿瘤学专家RichardSchilsky博士

    Those are all good questions - but there are no answers yet, said Dr. Richard Schilsky, a University of Chicago cancer specialist who is President of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.


  • 科学家美国能源部阿贡国家实验室芝加哥大学已经达到一个里程碑研究应急磁性

    Scientists at the US Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago have reached a milestone in the study of emergent magnetism.


  • 美国芝加哥大学研究人员通过实验发现,虾软壳食物含有大量浓度较高-化合物

    Researchers at the University of Chicago in the United States, found through experiments, such as soft-shell shrimp food contains a lot higher concentration - five potassium arsenic compounds.


  • 美国芝加哥大学研究人员通过实验发现,虾软壳食物含有大量浓度较高-化合物

    Researchers at the University of Chicago in the United States, found through experiments, such as soft-shell shrimp food contains a lot higher concentration - five potassium arsenic compounds.


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