• 晚饭后,悄悄溜到树林阿迪散步

    After dinner Alice slipped away for a walk in the woods with Artie.


  • 为什么利克昨天买给漂亮鲜花放到花瓶去呢,”悦耳的声音到。

    "Why, Alex, I'm just going put the pretty flowers you brought me in a vase," she said in dulcet tones.


  • 十六岁生日上,小凯瑟琳荒野上玩,她们遇到了希被带到呼啸山庄

    On her sixteenth birthday, Catherine goes with Ellen onto the moor and meets Heathcliff to take her back to Wuthering Heights to meet Hareton.


  • 今,琳·阿特伯每天早上9点到下午5点在麦克尔菲尔德的宠物店工作,这家店是她和已故丈夫莱一起开的。

    Now Irene Astbury works from 9 am to 5 pm daily at the pet shop in Macclesfield, which she opened with her late husband Les.


  • 自埃文河畔特拉特福镇的一号和二号约翰逊·克赛尔巴士将乘客送到我们一英长的车道尽头。

    The 1 and 2 Johnsons Excel-bus from Stratford-upon-Avon drops passengers at the end of our mile-long drive.


  • 今年年初,詹姆·弗朗哥戏剧嚎叫扮演了伦·现在现实生活中的成为了作家。

    Earlier this year James Franco played Allen Ginsberg in the drama Howl, and now he's a writer in real life, too.


  • 十六岁生日上,小凯瑟琳荒野上玩,她们遇到了·被带到呼啸山庄

    On her sixteenth birthday, Catherine goes with Ellen onto the moor and meets Heathcliff to takes her back to Wuthering Heights to meet Hareton.


  • 伦·没有我们世界向我们展示了这些,列举大自然自我复原巨大能力

    Alan Weisman shows this in his book, "The World Without us", which illustrates nature's great capacity to recover.


  • 利克·霍夫曼美国的一个物理学家,他过去十年很多人一样,放弃纯粹科学研究转而创造更多神秘金融工具

    Alex Hoffmann is an American physicist who, like many in the past decade, has grown rich by turning away from pure scientific research to create ever more arcane financial instruments.


  • 以后凯西荒野中看到了希·,希·克她们呼啸山庄林顿

    Three years later, Ellen and Cathy are on the moors when they meet Heathcliff who takes them to Wuthering Heights to see Linton and Hareton.


  • 国家警察局发言人多·艾斯告诉当地媒体迪克先生星期一袭击发生一些持枪者

    National Police spokesman Leonardo Espina told local media that Mr. Dicay had been seen with some of the gunmen earlier on Monday, before the assault.


  • 这些短吻鳄正在路易安那岛上,呼吸空气辣椒盐这三种原料炮制塔巴科辣沙的香味。

    The alligators sunning themselves on Louisiana's Avery Island breathe in air redolent of vinegar, hot peppers and salt-the three ingredients of Tabasco sauce.


  • 收藏家关注每个朝代重要的作品,而且领域最好古董商如仇炎之和艾斯肯纳奇保持长久的合作关系。

    The collector sought only the most significant objects from each reign and worked closely with the foremost experts in the field, leading dealers E.T.Chow and Giuseppe Eskenazi.


  • 英国白金汉·伯一个火车站屡屡接到投诉电话称火车售票机无法正常运行,检测后才发现只小睡鼠把机器当成了自己的

    A family of four Glis dormice were found in the ticket machine on the platform of a little train station in Aylesbury in Buckinghamshire after complaints it had stopped working.


  • 如果是私下特亚觉得自己也许能够安抚薇塔愤怒公开场合感到自己被耻辱紧紧地束缚住了

    In private, Kostya thought that he might have been able to contend with Ivetta's anger, but in public he felt inhibited by shame.


  • 鉴于.拉姆塞杰克.威尔谢尔潜力,温格考虑萨米尔.纳斯里离开阿森纳

    The potential of Aaron Ramsey and Jack Wilshere gave Arsène Wenger the confidence to let Samir Nasri leave Arsenal.


  • 蒂娜·玛莎·图尔特丽西娅·自从几年她们PETA点名后,就再也没穿过皮草

    Christina Ricci, Martha Stewart and Alicia Keys have said they've given up wearing fur since being singled out by PETA in previous years.


  • 同样面对“拳击兄弟”的联合主演·亚当国王的演讲”饰演未来皇太后海伦娜·伯·卡特

    She will also face a strong challenge from her Fighter co-star Amy Adams and from Helena Bonham Carter, who plays the future Queen Mother in the King's Speech.


  • 蒂克大姆汽车有一部分朝着铁道后视镜了一下,看到火车灯光正在逼近

    The Grand Am was now partially facing forward on the tracks, and when Griffith glanced in the rearview mirror, she saw the train lights approaching.


  • 这项优惠促销活动所提供的度蜜月物品包括:一瓶艾斯起泡葡萄酒柏姿身体舒缓护理套装,一扁草莓一盒巧克力马克牌男女睡衣各一套。

    The offer includes a bottle of Asda sparkling winea hamper of Boots spa treatments, a punnet of strawberries or a box of chocolates and his and hers nightwear by Primark.


  • 然而这些途径并不包括靠近的路边整夜

    None of these involve spending the evening in lay-by near Aylesbury.


  • 1969年,创建了劳伦公司康涅狄格英国·伯办公室

    In 1969 he started Laurence Urdang Inc., a company with offices in Connecticut and Aylesbury, England.


  • 贾拉特南被判有罪之后特的资深媒体顾问·戴维代表媒体表示:“普热爱他的工作,不论是现在还是将来,他都没有竞选国家公职的打算。”

    "Preet loves his job and has no desire to run for public office now or ever," his senior press adviser, Ellen Davis, said on his behalf after the Rajaratnam verdict.


  • 呼啸山庄探望新德门口遇到了顿,让吃惊的是在西·的教导新德变得满嘴脏话粗俗不已。

    Ellen walks to Wuthering Heights to see Hindley but she meets Hareton at the gate who has become coarse and foul-mouthed under Heathcliff's tutorage.


  • ·佳斯里尼恩是研究婚姻同居问题的专家,她帮助研究者德国托克马克·普朗克协会做了这份报告。

    Aiva Jasilioniene, an academic specialising in marriage and cohabitation studies, helped produce the report for the Max Planck Institute in Rostock, Germany.


  • 至右分别是:主演《大地惊雷》的杰夫·、主演《社交网络》的杰西·森伯格、主演《国王演讲》的科林·菲尔、主演《美错》的、主演《127小时》的詹姆·弗兰科

    From left are Jeff Bridges for 'True Grit', Jesse Eisenberg for 'The Social Network', Colin Firth for 'The King's Speech', Javier Bardem for 'Biutiful' and James Franco for '127 Hours'.


  • 黑人革新家路易·阿姆特朗西德尼·贝切,灵顿公爵等爵士乐初期创作者,他们在爵士乐诞生的十年大胆想法奠定了基石。

    Black innovators like Louis Armstrong, Sidney Bechet and Duke Ellington had been the primary inventors of jazz, touchstones for the most exciting ideas of its first decade.


  • 11月11号,·德杰尼勒自己谈话节目采访泰勒·维夫特:“难道仅仅通过电话提出了分手?”

    Ellen DeGeneres says on her talk show (airing Nov. 11), "he broke up with you on the phone?"


  • 仅仅六个星期以前巴克曼夫人还浸浴爱荷华模拟投票胜利但是先生来的突然宣布参选之后光芒很快就遮盖了。

    A mere six weeks ago Mrs Bachmann was basking in her own victory in the Ames straw poll in Iowa, only to be eclipsed as soon as Mr Perry made his late eruption into the race.


  • 仅仅六个星期以前巴克曼夫人还浸浴爱荷华模拟投票胜利但是先生来的突然宣布参选之后光芒很快就遮盖了。

    A mere six weeks ago Mrs Bachmann was basking in her own victory in the Ames straw poll in Iowa, only to be eclipsed as soon as Mr Perry made his late eruption into the race.


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