• 尤伦斯当代艺术中心(UCCA)位于798艺术每周首都外来工儿童提供免费艺术工作室

    UCCA, located at 798 art district, also offers a free art workshop every weekend for children of migrant workers in the capital.


  • 大楼毗邻合唱艺术中心斯坦福视觉艺术博物馆,该大楼包括多个工作室放映室美术馆教室艺术建筑图书馆

    Located adjacent to the Cantor arts Center, Stanford's visual arts museum, the new building will contain studios, screening rooms, gallery Spaces, classrooms and the art and architecture library.


  • 她们姐妹独自建立艺术工作室,开展国外艺术博览会交流项目年轻酋长国艺术们设立奖项

    Working independently, the two have established artist studios, an exchange programme with foreign art fairs, and awards for young Emirati artists.


  • 那些年代艺术家只能在秘密的工作室偷偷地从事艺术创作。

    In those years artists had to work furtively in hidden studios.


  • 课程提高抽象推理,对艺术美学鉴赏能力学习艺术创造工作室经营技巧目标

    Classes aim at developing abstract reasoning, an appreciation of art history and aesthetics, as well as learning the studio techniques of art creation.


  • 许多其他妇女时代学徒排除成功艺术工作室艺术家一样,真蒂莱斯一个画家女儿

    Like many other women artists of her era who were excluded from apprenticeship in the studios of successful artists, Gentileschi was the daughter of a painter.


  • 除了从事传统艺术专业教学之外,毕业生可以开办自己工作室收集保护博物馆藏品,或者从事艺术销售工作。

    Besides teaching fine art, graduates may open their own studios, gather and conserve museum collections, engage in the marketing of artwork, etc.


  • 艺术通常每月都会举办活动,可以近距离对话艺术直接工作室购买艺术

    Arts districts often have once-monthly art walks where you can talk to artists, and purchase artwork right from their studios.


  • 我们已经目睹了公共艺术范围艺术工作室艺术实践再评价。

    What we have witnessed is a revaluing of the Artists Studio Practice within the Sphere of Public Art.


  • 玻璃廊道的曲折界定多功能公共活动包括书店茶室艺术工作室研讨也使得一系列艺术的日常活动成为艺术展示一部分

    The sensually curved glassed hallway became a multi-function media, included book store, tea room, art studio, and discussion room etc. as part as the display.


  • 当代艺术泥土筑型,利用陶瓷经验陶瓷专业工作室很少艺术愿意让陶艺最后的作品中拥有位置

    The contemporary artist will model the earth and use the experience and know-how of a studio. But very seldom will the ceramic world find its place in the final outcome.


  • 他们系列詹金斯艺术工作室艺术工作坊詹金斯重新-资深主持人观众介绍了油画艺术工作室他们在内华达州里诺市画廊

    In their new series, the veteran hosts of Jenkins art studio and Jenkins art Workshop re-introduce viewers to the art of oil painting from their studio and gallery in Reno, Nevada.


  • 简单好用的个人艺术工作室 个人创意数位艺术工作室,让轻松素描绘图相片转成图片。

    Photo-painting, drawing and painting software Easily sketch, paint and turn your photos into paintings with this creative home digital art studio.


  • 张洹非常艺术天赋,但是对于即将工作室见到的一切艺术作品,的心理还没有做好准备

    Zhang is talented but I was not prepared for what I was going to see in that studio.


  • 没有知道燕郊现在究竟住着多少年轻艺术不过OnSpace创始人们估计至少几百艺术在这里设立了工作室

    No one knows how many young artists now call Yanjiao home, though the on space founders estimate that at least several hundred have space here.


  • 坦克库?重庆当代艺术中心拥有功能各异的艺术工作室,伴随着艺术家的入驻、更新,为这块艺术飞地注入新鲜的活力,同时也使持续循环的交流成为可能。

    Tank Loft?Chongqing Contemporary Art Center has individual artist studios with required functions, which will be more lively and energetic as the artists stay in and promise further exchanges.


  • 最近,红门画廊创立了一个庞大的访问艺术项目每年可接待50余位来自海内外艺术北京成都工作室进行文化交流与创作。

    More recently it has created a huge Artist-in-Residence program hosting up to 50 international and domestic artists each year at its facilities in Beijing and Chengdu.


  • 中心是一所配备剧场电影院画廊教室工作室咖啡店以及办公室的综合性当代艺术中心,每月展出不同范畴艺术节目展示本地海外艺术的作品。

    The Centre provides a wide range of programmes featuring local and overseas artists, with facilities including theatres, a cinema, galleries, classrooms, studios, a cafe and office space.


  • 要求化学密集工作语言艺术艺术工作室以及根据行政监管储油年级培训丹佛艺术博物馆

    It requires intensive work in chemistry, languages, art history and studio art, as well as training in the senior year under the supervision of the chief conservator at the Denver art Museum.


  • 中心现时设有九个艺术工作室间演讲展览厅一间多用途活动室,欢迎艺术工作者及团体租用

    Currently, VAC runs nine studios, a lecture theatre, an exhibition gallery and a multi-purpose room, open for hire to artists and art groups.


  • 中心现时设有九个艺术工作室间演讲展览厅一间多用途活动室,欢迎艺术工作者及团体租用

    Currently, VAC runs nine studios, a lecture theatre, an exhibition gallery and a multi-purpose room, open for hire to artists and art groups.


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