• 尽管每个艺术家自己独特风格所有艺术家都有一个共同目标人们关注我们城市污染问题

    Each artist has their own individual style but all artists share a common aim: to draw attention to the pollution in our cities.


  • 有着世界任何一家博物馆都会收藏艺术,包括许多世界著名艺术家莫奈毕加索的作品。

    It has artworks that any museum in the world would want to collect, paintings by many world-famous artists like Monet and Picasso.


  • 这些艺术家必须克服问题因为它们往往会会干扰艺术家作品构思

    These are problems that must be overcome by the artist because they tend to intrude upon his or her conception of the work.


  • 话说,支持反对政府艺术提供资金争论如同拥有这些艺术品的艺术家个人风格一样纷繁复杂,且具有多样性。

    In other words, the arguments both for and against government funding of the arts are as many and, and as varied as the individual styles of the artists who hold them.


  • 是什么促使旧石器时代的艺术家如此偏僻的地方创作出如此美丽的艺术

    What inspired the Paleolithic artists to make such beautiful art in such inaccessible places?


  • 现在传统艺术占主导地位观点罗马艺术家缺乏创造力技巧,与他们之前希腊艺术家相比更是如此

    Now the dominant view in traditional art is that Roman artists lacked creativity and skill especially compared to the Greek artists who came before them.


  • 我们应该低估一个特定艺术家风格、他们历史上地位以及他们时代艺术环境重要性

    We shouldn't underestimate the importance of the style of a particular artist, their place in history and the artistic environment of their time.


  • 不是每个人都成为伟大艺术家但是伟大的艺术家可能来自任何地方

    Not everyone can become great artists , but great artists can come from anywhere.


  • 几个世纪以来,艺术家一直在画人物肖像,有名人也有普通人大多数肖像都传达艺术家的个人看法比如他们一个感受解读

    Artists have done portraits of people for centuries, of famous people and regular people, and most portraits convey the artists' personal vision, like their feelings and insights about a person.


  • 工智能制作了关于新冠病毒的一段音乐。人工智能的很多艺术作品都超出了艺术家的想象。

    AI created a piece of music about COVID. Many of AI's art creations are beyond artists'imagination.


  • 术家迈克尔·克雷格-马丁说:“在这个艺术在学校里被降级的时代,安德里亚让来自各个领域的艺术家与儿童直接接触,这样出色的项目特别受欢迎。”

    Artist Michael Craig-Martin said: "Andria's brilliant project to bring artists from all fields into direct contact with children is particularly welcome at a time when the arts are being downgraded in schools."


  • 艺术家站在海德公园的蛇形湖边,湖面上漂着他的艺术作品。

    The artist was standing on the banks of the Serpentine Lake in Hyde Park where his artwork floats.


  • 术家比普尔的一幅数字艺术品以近7000万美元的价格售出,成为有史以来最昂贵的数字艺术品。

    A digital artwork by an artist, Beeple, was sold for nearly $70 million, becoming the most expensive digital artwork ever sold.


  • 纸的主要工具并不复杂:纸、剪刀或刀,但灵巧熟练的剪纸艺术家能剪出很美的艺术品。

    The main cutting tools aren't complex: paper and scissors or a knife, but clever and skilled paper-cutting artists can make very beautiful artworks.


  • 家是一位数字艺术品收藏家和艺术家,后来他给索菲亚寄来了一张他画过的手臂的照片。

    The buyer, a digital artwork collector and artist, later sent Sophia a photo of his painted arm.


  • 3月,索菲亚与意大利艺术家安德里亚·博纳塞托共同创作的一幅数字艺术品以688888美元的价格售出。

    In March, a digital artwork Sophia created with an Italian artist, Andrea Bonaceto, was sold for $688,888.


  • 要把你的瓶子、报纸或易拉罐放在回收桶里——周一早上参加任何会议时都带着它们,届时我们专业的环境艺术家会向你展示如何用垃圾创作艺术

    Don't put your bottles, newspapers or cans in the recycling bin—bring them to any meeting on Monday morning, when our expert environmental artist shows you how to make art out of rubbish!


  • 她们姐妹独自建立艺术家工作室,开展国外艺术博览会交流项目年轻酋长国艺术家们设立奖项

    Working independently, the two have established artist studios, an exchange programme with foreign art fairs, and awards for young Emirati artists.


  • 结果引起了国际公愤——以及一位当时伟大的艺术家艺术反击

    The result was international outcryand an artistic attack by the greatest living artist.


  • 可悲梵高10职业艺术家生涯当中,艺术爱好者对画作不想碰。

    The tragedy was that, in Van Gogh's 10 years as a professional artist, art lovers wouldn't touch his paintings with a barge pole.


  • 谈论成为皮草之前艺术家生涯,他曾一位骄傲犹太人,也是年轻艺术家朋友,他尽量之后都发生了什么

    He talked of being an artist before becoming a furrier, of being a proud Jew and a friend to young artists. He tried not to think about what was next.


  • 蓝斯顿休斯是个文字表达自己艺术家受到其他型态艺术影响,所以作品跨越其他的媒体。

    Langston Hughes was an artist who used words to express himself, but other forms of art influenced him, and his work crossed over into other mediums.


  • 认为我们应该某种程度诉诸艺术家意图(或者我们假定艺术家的意图)排除那些牵强解读

    I suggest one needs to appeal to artistic intentions (or what we presume to be the artist intentions) to some extent in weeding out which interpretation of a work of art is too far-fetched.


  • 到底一部关于真是艺术家仿纪录片还是关于艺术家真实记录片

    Is this a fake documentary about real artists or a real documentary about fake artists — or a bit of both?


  • 阿恒即使是匆匆一瞥,你也看出艺术才华,赞叹艺术家创作技巧颜色选择

    Even through a brief look, readers can realise his artistic talent thanks to the artistic composition, skill and choice of colours, Hang says.


  • 阿恒即使是匆匆一瞥,你也看出艺术才华,赞叹艺术家创作技巧颜色选择

    Even through a brief look, readers can realise his artistic talent thanks to the artistic composition, skill and choice of colours, Hang says.


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