• 然而由于吸取外来影响艺术借鉴差异作品又分别显示出不同特征

    But because of the difference in absorbing the foreign influences, their works displayed different characteristics.


  • 这种做法广告人电影人没有区别视觉艺术家们互相借鉴创意激发受众某种情感反应

    It's no different than the way advertisers, filmmakers and visual artists borrow ideas from each other to trigger certain emotions and reactions in an audience.


  • 在我家乡里约热内卢艺术装饰遗产,在保护修复方面我们可以借鉴上海经验

    My home city, Rio de Janeiro, also has Art Deco heritage and could profit from Shanghai's experience about preservation and restoration.


  • 部门的元素中,不同侧门借鉴电影伟大盖茨比”中的艺术装饰元素而设计

    External door elements, the main and side gates in particular were designed from scenes from the movie "the Great Gatsby" with art Deco elements.


  • 千百年来,赵州结构技巧艺术风格广泛地借鉴运用。

    Through the ages, the structural skill and artistic style of the Zhaozhou Bridge are widely used as a reference point.


  • 情感内涵相适应,艺术上表现出中国诗歌传统自觉借鉴突破

    It matches its emotional connotation and demonstrates its use for reference of traditional Chinese poems and breakthrough in art.


  • 宗白华对于艺术形式理论阐释对于今天艺术形式的创造研究具有借鉴意义

    The theory of the artistic form explained by Zong Baihua has still an exemplary significance regarding the creation and the research of artistic form today.


  • 小说卓著反讽艺术春秋》为代表的史文学进行借鉴结果

    The remarkable ironical art in the novel is the result of the reference from the historicial and biographic literature present by ChunQiu.


  • 记者现在很多艺术作品传统都有密切关系,怎样看待传统文化继承借鉴的?

    Interviewee: Nowadays many artists' works draw inspiration from traditions. How do you view the inheritance of tradition in art?


  • 红楼梦》评点人物塑造理论吸收借鉴其他艺术门类有益理论资源

    The theory of character portrayal in the comments of A Dream of the Red Mansions has also taken advantage of the useful resource in the other art theory.


  • 具有荒原意识意象的营构,显示出了西方现代主义诗歌艺术的理性借鉴

    The creation of wasteland consciousness shows his sensible reference to modern western poem art.


  • 庄子“有情有信,无为无形”之“大”——“”的倡导艺术创作审美提供了理论借鉴

    Zhuangzi's advocacy of Dao provides useful ideas for the artistic production and aesthetics.


  • 故事艺术形式中国动画创作借鉴了中国民间文化美术门类审美感人形式。

    From the story to the art form of animation from China, China Folk Culture art category, which is the form of moving aesthetic.


  • 同时希望课题研究能为我们更好演绎艺术歌曲提供参考借鉴

    Simultaneously hoped that this topic the research can yellow provide for we better deduction from the art song refers and uses for reference.


  • 老舍小说评书艺术诸多借鉴之处,有所超越。

    Lao She's novels have a lot of lessons from the art of the storytelling and surpasses it.


  • 文章最后笔者当代专业音乐教学如何借鉴吸收民间演唱艺术提出了几点意见阐述引进民间唱法意义自己的初步构想。

    By the end of the essay, the writer gives consideration to the modern professional music teaching on using for reference features of folk music and describes its significance and own ideas.


  • 深入研究古代小说中的怪诞艺术有利于弘扬中国古代悠久文化小说艺术表现技巧方面寻找可供借鉴范本

    The further study of the weird art will help to carry forward Chinese ancient culture and find out the model copy, which can be borrowed in the artistic expression of novels.


  • 设计家们已开始在承袭民族借鉴他国民族传统书籍艺术同时,延展出具有崭新概念的书籍形态来。

    The book designers developed new the new books shape with brand-new concept by following the tradition books art of the nation or referencing which of other country.


  • 同时悲剧心理独特审美观使的笔端自然流露阴冷的艺术风格既有对俄国风格的借鉴,又自己的再创造,具有深刻的思想意蕴。

    Meanwhile, his pessimistic view and peculiar aesthetic sense led him to form a gloomy and cold artistic style, in which there are both his inheritance and his own creation.


  • 借此分析中国现代平面设计如何更好完成中国传统文化艺术借鉴

    How borrows this to analyze the Chinese modern plane to design better completing to the China traditional culture art model.


  • 中国当代艺术清代宫廷铜版画,有着相似背景因此中国当代艺术提供了参酌与借鉴

    In China, contemporary art and palace copperplate of Qing have background in common. So it gives a reference for contemporary of China.


  • 吸收继承了其母体文学文化传统,又及时积极地学习借鉴西方文学的先进经验艺术手法。

    It possesses special humanism of its own by inheriting the literary tradition of its mother literature and making use of experience and artistry of the western literature.


  • 教师课堂教学中运用讲授借鉴演讲艺术,重视备课后的“课”;

    When a teacher uses the Instruction Method, he will use the art of giving a speech and remember the prepared teaching materials.


  • 本文就是从四个方面阐述了我国西方现代景观艺术的合理借鉴

    These contents for using western modern landscape art to accelerate China landscape multi-development are evolved in the paper.


  • 本文通过分析这些岩画造型、色彩等特点,以期今天服饰艺术创作服装表达提供有益参考借鉴

    This paper tries to provide helpful references for today's art creation of garment ornaments and the expression of garment drawings by analyzing the patterns and colors of the rock paintings.


  • 从而竞技健美操成套动作艺术评判适时记录推出方法为同类难美项群项目艺术评判提供借鉴

    It puts forward a new method for the art judgment and proper record of sport aerobics routine, and can be a reference of sports of similar species judgment.


  • 从而竞技健美操成套动作艺术评判适时记录推出方法为同类难美项群项目艺术评判提供借鉴

    It puts forward a new method for the art judgment and proper record of sport aerobics routine, and can be a reference of sports of similar species judgment.


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