• 棚架暖色与风化木地板色调形成对比

    The pergola's warm colours contrast with the lighter tones of the weathered-wood floor.


  • 木板组成中央空间墙壁屋顶选择这些与烧焦壁板色调形成对比

    Light wooden slats make up the walls and roof of the central space. These were chosen to contrast the darker tone of the charred wood siding.


  • 汹涌浪花以淡水彩抹成,边线笔触刚柔兼备,夹杂蓝绿色夹杂,肌肉温暖的、绯红色调形成对比。

    The warm, flushed tones of the flesh are contrasted with the surging waves, built up in washes, hard and soft edges and strokes, and every green shade of blue.


  • 这种颜色让人不禁联想到新生儿,而且能给人平静的力量,它代表着天空海洋,更神奇,它几乎任何色调形成完美的颜色搭配。

    Not only is it a color that we associate with newborn boys, it's also very calming, evokes the ocean and the sky, and pairs nicely with nearly any accent color.


  • 踏入玄关随即来到宽敞明亮客厅黑色背景的电视整个房间的白色调形成一种冲撞正是这种冲撞使得客厅显得低调又奢华,让人百看不厌

    Entering the hall here is the wide and bright living room. The black TV wall, contrasting with the white-color space, creates a modest but luxurious room, whose charm is ever-lasting.


  • 罗摄影法对化学处理使用革命性的,其中光照区域色调形成

    The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image.


  • 事实上这么绿色色调形成一个非常灵活色彩

    There are so many green hues, it makes for an extremely flexible color.


  • 物体背面照射的使物体形成剪影,而背景色调亮。

    Light coming from behind a subject can form a silhouette resulting in object that is completely black against a lighter colored background.


  • 通过利用相似色调形成视觉连贯性

    Visual coherence can be achieved through the use of analogous color and color tonality.


  • 遮蔽带、年轻蓝色恒星色调的恒星形成包围核心发出黄色光芒老年恒星群体

    Obscuring dust lanes, young blue star clusters and reddish star forming regions surround a core of yellowish light from an older population of stars.


  • 这里不仅壮观秋天景色叶片变化许多还喜欢这里明亮枝叶同色彩柔和色调不变常青树的阴影所形成的鲜明对比

    It's not just the changing leaves that make for a spectacular autumn view. Many people enjoy the contrast of bright foliage against the subdued, constant shades of evergreens.


  • 而深绿色深蓝色也许需要更深色调形成对比,以便维持放松的氛围。

    Dark shades of blue and green, though, may need sharper contrast to prevent a sense of lethargy.


  • 其中光带空旷的车库内飘荡穿行漂浮于空中的色调光带荒凉冷漠废弃车库形成鲜明对比。

    Ribbons of light flutter through empty, open Spaces, weaving luminescent floating images that stand out against the stark, cold appearance of the abandoned garage.


  • 丛林显露出褐色黄色橘色,深红色色调栗树和枫树火焰般熠熠生辉鲜红色彩形成欢庆的队伍。

    The woods were a triumphal parade of brown, yellow, orange, tawny red, and chestnut, and the flaming glowing scarlet of the maples.


  • 许多还喜欢这里明亮枝叶同色彩柔和色调不变常青树的阴影所形成鲜明对比

    Many people enjoy the contrast of bright foliage against the subdued, constant shades of evergreens.


  • 现有建筑的立面参考原有建筑色调周围浅色的建筑立面形成对比

    The new charcoal colour references the original hue of the building, which was painted dark to contrast with its lighter neighbours.


  • 奥巴马特征已经形成覆盖三种不同色调

    Obama's features have been formed out of three different shades of mulch.


  • 许多地方可看到色彩斑斓图案形成一种强烈的讽刺色调,但它们之间没有必然联系

    Areas that are often very colourful and strongly patterned, designed with a strong ironic tone, are not necessarily in a direct context with each other.


  • 坚固的石块形成面向道路墙壁赋予建筑粗糙色调纹理

    Rugged stone blocks form the walls that face the approach road, giving the building a rough multi-tonal texture.


  • 木地板有着不同色调排列方式的不同形成交替正方形亮色条勾勒多种类型区域边界

    The parquets have different tones and are arranged to create alternating light and dark squares, creating a variety of patterns bound by strips of light wooden boards that trace the outline of areas.


  • 色调材料优雅衔接形成一种平静高雅氛围,邀请客户自由参与浏览伊索产品同时享受同一时间特性设定

    The elegant cohesion of tones and materials form a calm elegance, inviting clients to freely engage and browse Aesop's products, while enjoying the characteristic setting at the same time.


  • 图文混合彩色原稿上,半色调图像部分引起最多质量问题因为这些色调图像区域进一步处理或重新加网时,可能形成莫尔

    Halftone image areas in the original books cause the most reproduction problems, as there is the potential that moire patterns may form when these image areas are re-screened.


  • 涂层材料简洁带有纹理混凝土木料玻璃石块材质形成一种简单色调

    Finish materials are simple and spare with a palette of textured concrete, wood, glass and stone used throughout the facility.


  • 高度重视立面设计品质造型简洁不失细节材料具有质感色调协调形成较好的视觉感受

    Attaches great importance to the facade design, strong sense of quality, modelling concise, and do not break detail, material has the texture, color coordination, forming good visual perception.


  • 绿颜色戎衣使银幕天然形成为了色调

    The green military uniform causes the picture to form the tone of color.


  • 绿色军装使画面自然形成色调

    The green military uniform causes the picture to form the tone of color.


  • 音乐很快就形成自己色调样式

    Your music will soon form into your own tone and style.


  • 皇家公园“分离舱”釉面连接提取到的绿色色调用来形成一个抽象天花病毒图案,表现出CSL作为国家疫苗供应商历史基础

    The green tones of Royal Park as seen from the Pods and glazed link are used to form an abstracted smallpox virus, acknowledging CSL's historical foundation as the nation's vaccine provider.


  • 皇家公园“分离舱”釉面连接提取到的绿色色调用来形成一个抽象天花病毒图案,表现出CSL作为国家疫苗供应商历史基础

    The green tones of Royal Park as seen from the Pods and glazed link are used to form an abstracted smallpox virus, acknowledging CSL's historical foundation as the nation's vaccine provider.


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