• 罗摄影法对化学处理使用革命性的,其中光照区域色调形成

    The calotype was revolutionary in its use of chemically treated paper in which areas hit by light became dark in tone, producing a negative image.


  • 色彩搭配可以选择明亮的色系一定记住孩子们总是精力充沛,所以睡觉区域最好选择相对平和的色调

    Color schemes can be bright but keep in mind that they are very energetic so you might want to keep your kids' sleeping area more calm.


  • 这些折射光线大多数处于光谱红光区域因此地球上看来,月球变成红色黄铜色或者橙色色调有时甚至会变成褐色

    Most of this refracted light is in the red part of the spectrum and as a result the moon, seen from Earth, turns a reddish, coppery or orange hue, sometimes even brownish.


  • 形状完成填写一个漂亮中等色调区域颜色(棕色),也许浅色一些亮点

    When the shape is complete fill the inner area with a nice mid tone color (soft brown) and maybe use a light color to bring out some highlights.


  • 门口局部墙面贴彩纹壁纸采用象征科技速度,与其它区域构成冷暖对比色调给人留下深刻印象

    The back door with local metope color wallpaper and the blue symbol of science and technology and speed, a contrast of cold and warm tones and other areas, impressive.


  • 为人群划分三个区域——普通人专家儿童每个区域材料色调来定义,并用不同深浅木材作为展示单元

    It will be divided into three zones - generalist, specialist and children. Each zone is defined by the material palette, which USES different accents of wood for the display modules.


  • 表面匹配色调完成——黑色北面区域金色用于南面

    But both surfaces are finished in matching tones - black for the northernmost block and gold for the one to the south.


  • 木地板有着不同色调排列方式的不同形成交替正方形亮色条勾勒多种类型区域边界

    The parquets have different tones and are arranged to create alternating light and dark squares, creating a variety of patterns bound by strips of light wooden boards that trace the outline of areas.


  • 这个区域悬挂在上的多色调玻璃板组成,它们直接参考了佛罗伦萨工厂漂亮窗户

    This area is framed by multi-toned glass panels that hang above, which make a direct reference to the beautifully-aged Windows discovered at the old factory in Florence.


  • 图文混合彩色原稿上,半色调图像部分引起最多质量问题因为这些色调图像区域进一步处理或重新加网时,可能形成莫尔

    Halftone image areas in the original books cause the most reproduction problems, as there is the potential that moire patterns may form when these image areas are re-screened.


  • 多样化颜色醒目,但不要同一区域放置三种以上的色调

    Allow the colors to mix in the eye by variegating them. Avoid having more than three hues in one area.


  • 通过分析复杂背景中字符存在特点,针对快速分割识别应用需求,提出种在色调上将阀值区域生长法相结合的分割方法

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of the characters under complex background to propose a segmentation method combining the threshold method and the region-growing method for the hue.


  • 光亮过滤器使用色调映射首先测定哪个最终场景图像区域照亮然后排除剩余数据

    The bright-pass filter USES tone mapping to first determine what areas of the final scene image will be bright, and then it excludes the remaining data.


  • 根据阴影阴影区域存在色调差异利用HSV彩色模型提取可能阴影区域

    According to hue difference between shaded and non-shaded regions, possible shaded regions were extracted by HSV color model at first.


  • 利用检测过程人脸区域初始化跟踪窗口建立肤色色调信息模型后续进行跟踪

    Firstly, the tracking window based on face region was initialized in detecting process. Then, color hue information model was established to track the follow-up frame.


  • 场景图像中的显著区域采用梯度方向、二阶不变、归一化色调3特征进行不变性表示,并根据匹配实现场景识别

    Those salient regions are represented by 3 invariant features of gradient orientation, moment and canonical hue. They are used for scene recognition in terms of their match ratio.


  • 同时希望室内能有热闹气氛,所以这个区域增加了色调

    I also wanted the interior of the building to pop so I amped up the warm tones in these areas as well.


  • 双鞋一只黑色形状绿色色彩在脚腕区域色调区域

    The shoes' shape is a black upper with green colour around the ankle area and tone area.


  • 双鞋一只黑色形状绿色色彩在脚腕区域色调区域

    The shoes' shape is a black upper with green colour around the ankle area and tone area.


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