• 说的话一点巧言令感觉

    His words give me an insincere feeling.


  • 知觉人们感觉

    Color consciousness is the feeling how people react to color.


  • 蜥蜴对自己石头相同的保护自信,即便感觉危险不动。

    Confident in its camouflage, being the same colour as the rocks, the lizard stands still when it feels danger.


  • 指尖橄榄皮肤上划过,呼吸力量脆弱同时击中——这种繁杂的、脆弱的感觉分开我们我们得以喘息

    Tracking my fingertips over his olive skin, I'm struck by the potency and fragility of blood and breath and bone - these intricate, insubstantial casings that separate us, keep us alive.


  • 为了表现男性化力度使用大量予以强调,设计师图案丰富短裙部分加入了一丝巴洛克感觉

    To that masculine strength, underscored by severe dark hair, the designer added a more baroque feel with rich patterns on short dresses.


  • 知道那种感觉,你渴望漂亮的小麦肌肤。相信,我非常渴望那种肌肤,日光浴人们看起来更健康,苗条快乐吧?

    I know how it feels to want to get that beautiful tan. Trust me, I do. People look much healthier, thinner, happier when their tan, right?


  • 贝琪.赖特阿肯已经有了如鱼得水感觉干得非常,建立了一个竞选组织,成员是以前支持者以及不要对怀特州长抱有幻想的

    Betsey had taken to Arkansas like a duck to water and had done a great job putting together an organization of my old supporters and new people who were disenchanted with Governor White.


  • 近似常常见于视觉设计中给人一种舒缓感觉

    Analogous colors are often used in visual design and have a soothing affect.


  • 在绘声绘八卦时会觉得痛快,我能想象告诉弟妹圣诞老人真相时候差不多也是这种感觉

    I am always excited to deliver a juicy piece of gossip, and I would imagine that revealing the truth about Santa to a younger sibling feels much the same way.


  • 对岸感觉对象可见的对象声音气味味道、可东西以及的所缘(即、香、、触、法这六尘)。

    The words far bank refer to the six sense objects - visible object, sound or voice, smell or scents, taste, tangible things, and mind objects.


  • 严培明肖像画揭示时代感觉希望通过黑白画法,来展示他希望表达人类永恒普遍无穷性。

    Yan Peiming says the portrait reveals the feeling of The Times, and he hopes to express the eternal, universal and infinity of human beings through the black and white drawing.


  • 咖啡皮肤温暖感觉,突出了他那双令女人倾倒的眼睛

    Willie had warm coffee-coloured skin that accented a pair of huge lady-killer eyes.


  • 秋天适宜激烈视觉上会感觉热闹

    Is not suitable for intense fall color clash, the visual feel too crowded.


  • 老婆因为孩子即将出世兴奋得要命还不知道幼儿漂亮的奶油,弄成有点宫廷的感觉

    He and his wife are really excited about the baby. Not knowing if it is a boy or girl, they painted the nursery a beautiful purple and cream color.


  • 真的明白命运为何产生影响,然而朦胧感觉到,他只是刚刚开始体验订婚加给他捍卫者一角色的风险

    He could not really see why her fateshould have the least bearing on his; yet he dimly feltthat he had only just begun to measure the risks of thechampionship which his engagement had forced uponhim.


  • 通常手套象牙香槟,都从视觉给人膨胀感觉

    Typically, the gloves are white or ivory champagne, the color is very light, will give a visual sense of expansion.


  • 喜欢这种页面页面对比感觉所以背景目录页面设计成为为主。

    I like the contrast of going from light colored pages to dark color pages so I inverted the background to get a predominately black spread for the table of contents.


  • 、枯黄玫瑰温暖的茶棕增添温暖感觉

    Beige, old rose and a warm tea-brown add a touch of warmth to the discipline.


  • 可以穿上薄纱感觉的雪纺绸上衣小麦肌肤衬托下,透明度很高显得有质感。

    Also can wear gauze feeling chiffon blouse, in wheat color skin foil below, transparency, appear very high quality.


  • 咖啡,有种清凉的感觉

    Iced coffee with a frosty hint.


  • 个别电视观众总是感觉/只不过在巨大形形色色观众群体中的默默无闻的的,在统计数字上来说微不足道的一

    The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is nothing more than an anonymous, statistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.


  • 喜欢这件古董衬衫。这个鲜艳大胆,人阳光的感觉

    Love this vintage orange shirt. the color is so bold, so sunny.


  • 而是墨绿感觉意外的一点也让我深刻体会到“眼见为实”的含义看来真是“读万卷书,不如行万里路”呀!

    But the dark green color, I feel that this was the most unexpected point, which I deeply appreciate the "seeing is believing" has the meaning, it seems really "saying that as" Yes!


  • 狄更斯雾都孤儿》和弗兰克·麦考特的《安杰拉灰烬》都绘声绘描绘赤贫的童年让人感觉耸人听闻。

    Think of Oliver Twist. Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt portrayed his poverty-stricken childhood vividly but never luridly.


  • 迷恋种泥土般的绘画,亲近、质朴、醇厚,倾向大理石时间感觉,乳倾心的,最有升华的。

    I am also apt to the feeling of time of marbles. Opal marble is my favorite, which makes me feel a sense of sublimation.


  • 香奈儿5号香水经典之作阿,其实香奈尔外套经典,那种的,觉得版型各方面特别好看很优雅的感觉

    Chanel 5 is the classic. In fact Chanel's overcoat with two-tone color and disordered flowers is more classic. I think the outline design is very nice and elegant.


  • 品牌主打型格便服及上班服,充满夏日感觉丝质身裙季的重点推介

    The label offers a range of smart casual ladies' wear. One-piece silk dresses in bright summer colours are a staple in this capsule collection.


  • 品牌主打型格便服及上班服,充满夏日感觉丝质身裙季的重点推介

    The label offers a range of smart casual ladies' wear. One-piece silk dresses in bright summer colours are a staple in this capsule collection.


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