• 有时阴影创造重复几何形状,这些形状有时沿着整个墙面拉伸,有时在墙上创造色彩深度独特融合

    Sometimes the shadows and shade create repeating geometric shapes that sometimes stretch the entire length of the wall and sometimes creating unique blends of color and depth on the grey walls.


  • 由于图像拍摄时几何差异色彩差异,传统融合技术往往出现模糊边界

    Because of geometry and color differences, the traditional image fusion method usually obtains faint result or false boundary.


  • 色彩设计中的实用性审美融合一起一个统一体,不可分割。

    This essay outlines the aesthetic nature and practicality of color in design, both of which combines to form an undetachable unification.


  • 中国传统文化多元融合而成的,道家尤其这种色彩

    The Chinese traditional culture is a diverse fusion, and Taoism has shown this color in particular.


  • 诗学基本取向继承修正并淡化原始儒家诗学功利主义色彩使审美融合

    The basic trend of his poetics was to uphold, and revise the original Confucianism poetics while diluting the utilitarianism elements in order to merge it with aesthetics.


  • 多屏投影显示系统关键技术包括几何校正技术、色彩校正技术以及边缘融合技术。

    The key techniques of multi-projector display system include geometry alignment, color correction, and edge blending.


  • 我们融合这些元素组合一个无缝成分通过学习如何使用自定义画笔提高我们场景色彩分级情绪

    We'll blend those elements together into a seamless composition by learning how to enhance our scene using custom brushes and giving it mood with color grading.


  • 这样色彩之间就不会融合

    The colours don't merge.


  • 建筑古典唯美风格现代设计元素巧妙融合色彩优雅纯净建筑尽显尊贵高雅

    The building combines delicately the classic elegant style and the modern design element with the pure and elegant color, and the architectural noble and elegance.


  • 青铜器文化悠久历史鲜明的艺术色彩紫砂艺术融合众多文化艺术之中独树一帜。

    Bronze culture, with its long history and distinct art colors, develops a school of its own in the numerous culture and arts which are mixed together by the red stoneware art.


  • 多屏投影显示系统关键技术包括几何校正技术、色彩校正技术以及边缘融合技术。

    Multi-screen projection display systems, including the key technical points of the geometric correction, color correction technology and the edge of fusion technology.


  • 本文几何校正色彩校正技术知识进行简单地介绍重点研究对象图像边缘融合上。

    In this paper, geometric correction and color correction technology knowledge for a brief, focused on the edge of the object in the image of integration.


  • 法国画家雷蒙·饶可让的钢笔画“中国姑娘现代艺术形式中国文化有机融合起来,可以线色彩画面上来观照

    Raymond Georgein, a French painter, integrates the modern art form with the Chinese culture in his pen - and-ink drawing the Chinese Girl, which can be proved by its lines, colours and tableau.


  • 陶冬联想到3D电影带来视觉享受同时感受到东方哲学西方色彩完美融合

    Tao Dongdong's paintings always make me think of 3d movies that bring visual enjoyment; at the same time we can enjoy the perfect blend of colors between Eastern philosophy and Western feel.


  • 中国狮子造型在吸收外来造型影响基础上,赋予浓厚的驯良色彩充分地与中国传统文化融合,演绎了一种全新的华夏文化。

    Under the influence of foreign and traditional Chinese culture, Chinese lion statues were given a heavy tint of tameness, representing a grand new Chinese lion culture.


  • 研究结果:(1纠正、融合镶嵌色彩调整方面对比分析提出了较好的影像处理方法

    The results indicate that:(1)better image processing methods were proposed through comparative analysis on aspects of ortho-rectification, image fusion, mosaic and color adjustment, etc.


  • 海伦色彩幽默融合惊人题目中

    Helen was able to inject both colour and humour into his rather formidable subject.


  • 作品融合中国装饰性元素使作品色彩、形象上皆具有视觉上的冲击力。

    The painting combines with Chinese ornamental elements to display the grand color and the stunning visual effect.


  • 犹如那道横过寥寥天边彩虹色彩也是千变万化——有时各色清晰可辨,有时融合交织在一起。

    Overreaching the wide horizon as the rainbow, its hues are as various as the hues of that arch - as distinct too, yet as intimately blended.


  • 融合,当尾骨骶骨用光索连接色彩球(pallets)的格层中心时发生

    Fusion occurs as the tailbone or sacral area is connected with light tethers to light grid centers known as pallets.


  • 音乐剧成长伴随着两种潮流的融合带有古典传奇色彩的轻歌剧以及带有活泼喜剧流行节奏特色的轻音乐戏剧。

    The musical grew as two streams converged: operetta with its old-world romance, and vaudeville with its zippy comedy and thoroughly popular roots.


  • 这座城市融合西班牙加勒比海建筑传统有着宽阔的街道色彩缤纷的房子

    With its wide streets and colorfully painted houses, the city combines Spanish and Caribbean traditions.


  • 完成趋势预测后,提交世界各地委托人。委托人再融合最新的色彩面料或者外形设计中去,最后生产出来,呈现到消费者面前

    The completed trends are then presented to clients around the world, who look to incorporate the forecasted colors, fabrics, or silhouettes into designs for their consumers.


  • 神殿通过大海高山不同色彩形态的强烈反差完美地表达了日本人对于自然美的理念自然美和人类所创造美的融合

    The shrine plays on the contrasts in colour and form between mountains and sea and illustrates the Japanese concept of scenic beauty, which combines nature and human creativity.


  • IHS变换属于色彩空间变换,由于灵活实用优点而被广泛使用,成为图像融合技术的一个成熟的方法。

    IHS transform belongs to color space transform. Because of agility and practicality, it becomes the standard of image merging.


  • IHS变换属于色彩空间变换,由于灵活实用优点而被广泛使用,成为图像融合技术的一个成熟的方法。

    IHS transform belongs to color space transform. Because of agility and practicality, it becomes the standard of image merging.


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