• 一群匿名积极分子留下留言他们个月使得挪威捕鲸卡巴克号(Skarbakk)沉没了。

    We sank the bastard. "This was the message left by the anonymous activists who scuttled the Norwegian whaling ship the Skarbakk last month."


  • 格雷又划着出海了。

    Grace rowed the boat out to sea again.


  • 撞上恶名远扬的戈尔尖暗礁群

    The ship crashed into the infamous Sker Point rocks and broke into three pieces.


  • 听说,”马林喃喃自语道,“总是最后登上海盗。”

    "I've heard," muttered Mullins, "he always boards the pirate craft last."


  • 我们甚至还购买啤酒停靠在岸边在一卡车后面买了埃及拉啤酒。

    We even made a beer run, pulling to shore to buy a few bottles of Egyptian Stella from the back of a truck.


  • 然而,德国把武器出售方面竞争对手稍微挑剔些,(法国俄罗出售特拉尔)。

    Yet it is slightly pickier than rivals over whom to sell to (nothing like France’s sale of Mistral ships to Russia).


  • 但是,如果在底部没有压舱物一边倾斜,这样在水下

    But without ballast weighing down the bottom, the boat would list to its side and could trap Spotz underwater.


  • ,两人片湖水之上休闲弗兰克突然这样说:“打赌霍华德·这个的多。”

    Out relaxing on a boat on a lake one day, Frank suddenly said to her: 'I bet Howard Hughes has got a bigger boat than this.


  • 史上最为古老思想实验之一便是称为悖论这个实验最早出自普鲁塔克的记载。

    One of the oldest of all thought experiments is the paradox known as the Ship of Theseus, which originated in the writings of Plutarch.


  • 成为海盗之前海盗霍维尔·戴维所捕获。

    Before he became a pirate he was the captain of a merchant ship that was captured by the pirate Howel Davis.


  • 1492年,坚信向西航行抵达亚洲的哥伦布,带领他的三艘远征西班牙帕洛起航了。

    Believing that Asia could be reached by traveling westward, Columbus's three-ship expedition set sail from Palos, Spain, in 1492.


  • 海岸警卫队透漏消息,海岸警卫队在洪都拉海岸截获的时候,沉入到了海底,随即,他们拘捕了。

    When the coast Guard spotted the vessel off the coast of Honduras, its crew sank the watercraft. They were later detained, according to a coast Guard press release.


  • 那个六月下午德国大洋舰队74卡帕湾被德国人自己凿沉时,雷德尔重新振作起来了

    On the June afternoon when a faithful few scuttled 74 ships of the German High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow, he dedicated himself again.


  • 1820年8月8日艘野餐泰晤士河只有幸存者名叫休·威廉姆

    On 8th August 1820, a picnic boat capsized on the Thames - there was one survivor - Hugh Williams.


  • 问题最终产生还是原来的还是一艘完全不同

    The question is whether this end product is still the same Ship of Theseus, or something completely new and different.


  • 具有讽刺意义的是这个事件发生个月之后在拉·贝德·拉群岛触礁在那里身亡很有可能是当地土著吃掉了

    Ironically, some months after this incident, his ship ran aground off the Las Petras Islands, where he was killed — and possibly eatenby a native tribe.


  • 但是大多数学者认为驶向中东很有可能伊朗港口城市拉。

    But most scholars believe that it was bound for the Middle East, possibly the Iraqi port city of Al Basrah (now Basra).


  • 如此的话,2011年,本并购苏格兰哈里法克银行利润可观英国劳埃德级协会,将会由于25%左右的零售市场份额英国而颇具风险。

    In that case, Lloyds's acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination's 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.


  • 2007年,人们正在清理西班牙南部阿尔·赫西·拉附近搁浅冷藏泄露的燃油

    Men clean up engine fuel from a refrigerator ship that ran aground near Algeciras, southern Spain, in 2007.


  • 昨天艘救援架直升飞机徒劳无功搜寻金纳,今天搜寻工作再度展开。

    Four rescue boats and a helicopter searched in vain for Skinner yesterday and resumed the hunt today.


  • 尽管如此酒吧拥有者——贝利家族成员们回忆起那个改变了他们生活晚上说法仍然有些不同

    Nevertheless, even the various members of the Bellisimo family, who owned the Anchor Bar, recall the night that changed their lives somewhat differently.


  • 还是不要警报系统?阿林吉号巴特已经谙熟的性能。

    Alarms or no, Mr. Butterworth, Alinghi's skipper, said the crew had become accustomed to what it could and could not do.


  • 全书核心故事发生在一加尔各答驶往毛里求“伊比”号上。

    At the book's heart lies the Ibis, a former slave ship, bound from Calcutta to Mauritius.


  • 美国退休海军上校彼得分析人士索马里海盗所谓的”上寻找袭击对象。

    Analysts, such as retired U.S. Army Colonel Ralph Peters, say the Somali pirates work off so-called "mother ships", searching for potential victims.


  • 信号灯由红转绿继续开车拼命臆测强纳克里-克劳夫特波涛汹涌的灰暗大西洋上左右摇摆

    The stoplight had changed to green. She drove on, trying desperately to keep her mind from speculating about his death: The Chris-Craft rocking unsteadily in the turbulent grayAtlantic .


  • 亚特兰蒂科考刚刚顺利结束一个航次驶了圣迭戈,并开始下一次旅程。科考小组各奔东西,汽车满载着冷冻样品

    After a smooth cruise into San Diego, where Atlantis would be embarking on her next expedition, the science teams went their separate ways, cars brimming with cooler-packed samples.


  • 达尔文回国仅仅几年胡克就开始自己冒险之旅乘坐埃里布恐怖号勘察开始踏上去往南极洲那雄心勃勃的征程

    Only a few years after Darwin's return, Hooker was off on his own adventures, an ambitious slingshot around Antarctica aboard HMS Erebus and Terror.


  • 曾经往来滨海(海事公园附近卡拉健康度假村运送游客

    The gondola line once carried visitors from Primorskiy (Maritime) Park to the nearby Skala Health Resort.


  • 曾经往来滨海(海事公园附近卡拉健康度假村运送游客

    The gondola line once carried visitors from Primorskiy (Maritime) Park to the nearby Skala Health Resort.


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