• 帕洛斯·德拉·弗龙特拉港出发向西航行

    He sailed westward from Palos de la Frontera.


  • 1699年,女儿荷兰出发,航行5000英里来到南美洲,在如今苏里南丛林研究昆虫

    In 1699 she sailed with her daughter nearly 5,000 miles from the Netherlands to South America to study insects in the jungles of what is now known as Suriname.


  • 他们收集了19世纪英国海军舰艇航行现代自动化海洋探测器各种温度读数

    They gathered together temperature readings collected by everything from a 19th-century voyage of British naval ships to modern automated ocean probes.


  • 4月10月乘船游览,很多机会许多很棒地方航行游泳观光购物

    With cruises from April to October, you have lots of opportunities to sail, swim, sightsee, and shop in lots of wonderful places.


  • 他们收集英国海军舰队19世纪航行现代自动化海洋探测器测得的各种温度读数

    They gathered together temperature readings collected by everything from a 19th century voyage of British naval ships to modern automated ocean probes.


  • 同样13世纪开始,经过精密计算,绘制地图更为精准,加上航海日志,使航行变得可靠准确

    Also beginning in the thirteenth century, there were new maps refined by precise calculations and the reports of sailors that made it possible to trace one's path with reasonable accuracy.


  • 据推测,荷约夫松的解释启发了埃里克森,并鼓舞15之后格陵兰岛向西航行研究这些新大陆

    Herjólfsson supposedly inspired Erikson with his account, provoking him to sail west from Greenland in search of these new lands about 15 years later.


  • 如今,人们愿意物流这个描述汽车运输公司货物运输代理行航行线路空运飞机邮局一条龙的服务。

    Nowadays firms ranging from trucking companies to freight forwarders, shipping lines, air-cargo carriers and post offices are more likely to use the word "logistics" to describe what they do.


  • 继续阅读南方》,把自己不足道的不舒服感觉谢克雷顿王尔德伙伴们史诗般的大象乔治亚岛航行时,所经受考验和痛苦做一番比较

    I carried on reading South, comparing the trials and tribulations of Shackleton, Wild and crew on their epic open-boat voyage from Elephant Island to South Georgia with my own minor discomfort.


  • 相反曾经告诉航行杂志,他可能会加利福尼亚沼泽地起锚

    Instead, he once told Sailing magazine, he might weigh anchor from the marshlands of South Carolina.


  • 根据传说船员认为如果一直航行见不到陆地,他们将会地球表面坠落。

    According to the myth, the sailors believed after sailing for weeks without spotting land, they would fall off the face of the Earth.


  • 航行自由开放市场公平竞争我们稳定地区秩序清晰通行规则怀有共同愿景

    We share a common vision of a stable regional order with clear rules of the road -from freedom of navigation to open markets and fair competition.


  • 1492年,坚信向西航行抵达亚洲的哥伦布,带领他的三艘远征西班牙帕洛斯起航了。

    Believing that Asia could be reached by traveling westward, Columbus's three-ship expedition set sail from Palos, Spain, in 1492.


  • 尽管帆船顺风航行十分高效它们逆风行驶前缘得到的动力却不如百慕大帆多,帆前缘动力在现代成为主要动力。

    Remarkably efficient sailing downwind or well off the wind, square sails do not generate power from their leading edge as in the Bermuda rig, which has become predominant in modern times.


  • 他们殖民地爪哇派出只小船,称作伊芬号或者号,驶入卡奔塔利亚沿着海湾东部航行了海湾一半

    From their colony at Java they sent out a small vessel, the Duyfhen, or Dove, which sailed into the Gulf of Carpentaria, and passed half-way down along its eastern side.


  • 达瓦索贝尔写这本书《经度讲述约翰哈里森如何计算出轮船海面西航行距离的故事

    The book Longitude by Dava Sobel tells the story of John Harrison who figured out how to calculate how far east or west a ship was on the ocean.


  • 科学杂志美国国家航空和宇宙航行得到独家数据,数据显示2009年南半球历史最热

    Science has obtained exclusive data from NASA that indicates that 2009 was the hottest year on record south of the Equator.


  • 航行最初视野号的工程师们将与时间赛跑:为了木星获得引力推进力,飞船将花时间绕木星旋转。

    Initially, the New Horizons engineers were also racing against the clock: By getting a gravity kick from Jupiter, the spacecraft could shave three years off its total mission time.


  • 1506年去世的时候,他认为欧洲印度来回航行的。

    When he died in 1506 he still thought he had been sailing too and fro from Europe to India.


  • 1968年,美国宇航局阿波罗8号太空直播他们航行当时是历史上收视率最高电视节目

    NASA's Apollo 8 broadcast live from space in 1968 during their journey around the moon. The transmission was the most watched television program ever up to that time.


  • 南丁格尔游历埃及之际,恰逢年轻古斯塔夫·福楼拜也同游此地,更巧的是,亚历山德里亚航行开罗时,他们同在一条船上

    It turns out that Nightingale’s voyage coincided with the young Gustave Flaubert’s, and that they shared the ferry from Alexandria to Cairo.


  • 就意味着L1航行颗卫星到达的时间就会有所不同

    Coming from L1 also means the twins can arrive on different days.


  • 他们利用计算机模型跟踪路径直到上个月俄罗斯轮船STSPallada檀香山航行联络他们,他们没有直接观察到大量碎片带。

    They used computer models to track its path, but until the Russian ship STS Pallada sailing from Honolulu contacted them last month, they had no direct observation of the massive debris field.


  • 我们桥下航行通过。

    We sailed passing under the bridge.


  • 老鼠迅速地游过来追几乎要就在那时艘船桥下航行出去老鼠再也没有尾随过来

    The rat swam swiftly after the boat, and almost caught it. Just then it sailed out from under the bridge, and the rat did not follow anymore.


  • 老鼠迅速地游过来追几乎要就在那时艘船桥下航行出去老鼠再也没有尾随过来

    The rat swam swiftly after the boat, and almost caught it. Just then it sailed out from under the bridge, and the rat did not follow anymore.


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