• 至少理论上来看,大部分国家认同罔顾气候变化有如遭遇陨石般的致命袭击

    At least in theory, most of the world's governments now accept that climate change, if left unchecked, could become the equivalent of a deadly asteroid.


  • 由于政策改变这次释放囚犯包括参与以色列进行致命袭击的巴勒斯坦囚犯。

    In a change of policy, this will include the release of two prisoners involved in deadly attacks on Israelis.


  • 不过目前仍不清楚这些袭击是否近几月里其它几起致命袭击激进分子有关。

    It is not yet clear whether they were linked with militants who have carried out other deadly attacks in recent months.


  • 以色列援助船队发动致命袭击另一援助船只正在驶往巴勒斯坦统治加沙地带。

    More than a month after Israel's deadly flotilla raid, another aid ship is sailing toward the blockaded Palestinian-ruled Gaza Strip.


  • 毒蛇,挨乌鸦受到致命袭击将死时,乌鸦:“我的命运多么不幸呀!”

    It was a poisonous snake, and the bite was fatal, and the dying crow said, "What a cruel fate is mine!"


  • 国家政策指出,加强建立立体化社会安全防控”的工作旨在消除潜在致命袭击

    Work on setting up a "three-dimensional" security network is to be stepped up under a national policy package aimed at eradicating potential deadly attacks.


  • 最近, 反复无常的俄罗斯北高加索地区发生了一系列严重的致命袭击此次爆炸最近的一次

    The bombing is the latest in a string of deadly attacks in Russia's volatile North Caucus region.


  • 去年有超过一百名援助人员执行任务期间遇害这反映全球范围内、此类人员致命袭击数量大幅增加。

    OVER 100 aid workers were killed last year while on duty, reflecting a broad increase in the number of fatal attacks on such staff around the world.


  • 可口可乐于周二逮捕金斯郊外警察和平地结束此次上个月致命袭击牙买加首都中心逃犯追捕

    Coke was arrested by police on the outskirts of Kingston on Tuesday, peacefully ending a manhunt for the fugitive at the center of last month's deadly raids in the Jamaican capital.


  • 当心爱人受到死亡致命袭击时候然而就是这段时间,它可以发现自己优点补偿你受到的损失。

    When death strikes a loved one, then it is a good time for you to discover your strengths so that you can get over the loss.


  • 本月初因涉嫌美国墨西哥领事馆职员实施致命袭击而被捕的名男子交待,贩毒分子的目标是德克·斯一名狱警

    A man arrested over a fatal attack on American consular staff in Mexico earlier this month has said drug traffickers were targeting a Texas jail guard.


  • 五月底,包括名也门议员在内援助前往加沙途中,遭到栗色突击队致命袭击以色列袭击最后凯旋而归。

    Three of the country's members of parliament were on the aid flotilla to Gaza that was lethally raided by Israeli commandos at the end of May.


  • 阿富汗北约盟军逮捕了几名与星期天阿富汗南部发生致命袭击有关的嫌疑人。据报导,这次袭击造成六名美国士兵丧生。

    The attack in the southern province of Kandahar targeted a new outpost operated by Afghan and coalition forces. It was the deadliest strike on coalition troops this month.


  • 阿富汗北约盟军逮捕星期天阿富汗南部发生致命袭击有关嫌疑人。据报导,这次袭击造成六名美国士兵丧生

    Afghan and coalition forces have arrested several suspects in connection with Sunday's deadly attack in southern Afghanistan that reports say left six American soldiers dead.


  • 美国一物种已经导致许多儿童致命袭击事件,在一些禁止豢养杂交动物,还有一些州则规定这种杂交远离狼群才是合法的宠物。

    In the US, where they have carried out a number of fatal attacks on children, hybrids are banned in some states and in others are only legal once they are five generations removed from wolves.


  • 致命恐怖袭击使土耳其成为受害者,因此预计今年土耳其的旅游业都会下滑

    Tourism throughout Turkey is expected to fall this year as the country has been the victim of several deadly terrorist attacks.


  • 世界各地每年只有大约100起鲨鱼袭击人类的事件,其中10起是致命的。

    Around the world, there are only about one hundred shark attacks on humans each year, ten of which proved fatal.


  • 1845年,一种致命疾病袭击爱尔兰农场杀死了所有块茎马铃薯

    In 1845, a deadly disease struck the farms of Ireland, killing all the Lumper potato plants.


  • 这样案例表明即使是通常致命疾病它们袭击一个免疫防御能力不强的社区时,也造成毁灭性的后果

    Cases such as this demonstrate that even diseases that are not normally fatal can have devastating consequences when they strike an immunologically defenseless community.


  • 一系列致命炸弹袭击迫使美国资金重建转向安全防御。

    A wave of deadly bombings has forced the United States to divert funds from reconstruction to security.


  • 人们极为害怕下一次大规模袭击使用致命生物制剂有毒化学物质放射性物质

    The great fear is that the next mass assault will involve the use of lethal biological agents, poisonous chemicals or radioactive material.


  • 公立学校看起来曼谷秩序标志,却不断遭到纵火袭击以及教师引起的枪击事件,泰国南部正处于整个东南亚致命冲突之中

    Public schools, seen as symbols of Bangkok's rule, suffer repeated arson attacks and drive-by shootings of teachers. Southern Thailand is now among the most lethal conflicts in South-East Asia.


  • 即使采用最低遇难者估计数6,000人,这场风暴依然是有史以来袭击美国海岸致命次风暴。

    Even if one USES the low estimate of 6, 000 victims, this storm remains the deadliest ever to hit the U.S. coast.


  • 应该2005年末袭击这个地区场热浪给了这种动物致命的打击,那个时候森林小路上发现几个品种负鼠

    The last straw could have been a heatwave that hit the region in late 2005, when dead possums of several species were found along forest roads.


  • 据有关官员介绍,这种玻璃杯无法再被用作互相袭击的“致命武器”,可为英国节省数十亿医疗开支

    Officials said the country would save billions in healthcare costs by coming up with a glass that doesn't doubleas a lethal weapon.


  • 挪威人为遭遇二战以来致命袭击震惊不已时,32岁犯罪嫌疑人安德斯·贝林·布列维克的照片已经开始浮出水面

    As stunned Norwegians grappled with the deadliest attack in the country since World War II, a portrait began to emerge of the suspect, Anders Behring Breivik, 32.


  • 地区每年遭受致命热带风暴旱灾洪灾泥石流袭击

    The region is every year hit with deadly tropical storms, drought, floods and mudslides.


  • 地区每年遭受致命热带风暴旱灾洪灾泥石流袭击

    The region is every year hit with deadly tropical storms, drought, floods and mudslides.


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