• 要求盘子里的饼干至少块,最多块)并给出评价。

    Then they were asked to rate cookies bytasting at least one (but up to eight) cookies presented on a plate.


  • 一般就是个人,顶多也就两个次却是至少80年来美国公布在册非法活动人数最多的一

    Normally, there have been one or a maximum of two, while I have on record a great number of documented illegal operations in the U.S. for at least the last 80 years.


  • 每天至少工作12小时最多可到1416小时,你完全没有时间找到一个差不多

    I work a minimum 12 hours a day and up to 14 or 16, and you don't have time to bring anyone into the equation.


  • 我们目前展望共和党众议院至少增加35议席但是很难说共和党最多能增加多少议席

    "Our current outlook is for a Republican gain of at least 35 seats in the House, but it is hard to put a ceiling on it," said Wasserman.


  • 如果注定牺牲于服务这个国家那个国家,我唯一希望是,倒下咽气之前至少可以带上最多敌人同路。

    And if I must die, in the service of this or that country, I only hope I can at least take as many of the enemy with me as possible before I fall and breathe my last.


  • 培养最多科学家工程师国家排名中,美国至少落后19个国家。

    The United States also trails at least 19 countries that produce more scientists and engineers.


  • 根据白宫提供的资料,参加此项目的客最多来美工作三次每次不超过两年,而且至少美国境外生活年才能再次入境

    Workers in the program would be limited to three two-year terms, with at least a year spent outside the United States between each term.


  • 为数最多脂肪食品摄入者可能被证实具有类似价格上涨适应性所以对高脂肪食品征税可能对改善健康状况几乎没有帮助,至少如今这些迷恋垃圾食品的人来说是这样。

    The biggest consumers of fattening food may prove similarly resilient to price increases, so a fat tax may do little to improve health, at least for today's junk-food addicts.


  • 拥有两个孩子代表性美国家计可以山姆大叔那里获得最多1800美元的支票,当中至少一部分花出去

    The average American household with two children will get a cheque from Uncle Sam for up to $1,800 and will spend at least some of it.


  • 只要小麦或者燕麦片.最多3/4低糖麦片至少可以提供3的膳食纤维可以继续丹麦点心.

    Sprinkle on a few tablespoons of wheat germ or oat bran. Work up to 3/4 cup of low-sugar whole-grain cereal with at least three grams of fiber per serving, and you'll pass on that Danish.


  • 研究人员已经识别出至少20种在肉类烹调过程中形成可能增加患癌症风险的杂环胺,特别是一种称之为PhIP的杂环胺我们日常饮食中含量最多

    Researchers have identified at least 20 HCAs formed during cooking meat that may increase cancer risk. One in particular, called PhIP, is the most abundant HCA in our diet.


  • 虽然有人对此存有疑虑,榜单编辑评论道这座城市可能拥有世界上最多数量自行车至少认为它对自行车并不友好

    Some feel this debatable, but the editor comments: "I wouldn't call the city with probably the most bicycles of any in the world to be bike unfriendly."


  • 那些走路最多至少每周72个街区(大约7公里),只有比那些走路最少的人一半认知问题

    Those who had walked the most -at least 72 city blocks (or about 7 mi.) each week -were half as likely to have cognitive problems as those who walked the least.


  • 非洲人口最多国家最大能源出口国尼日利亚片大陆巨人拥有1.5亿超过250个民族,和至少36桶原油储量

    Africa's most populous country and biggest energy producer, Nigeria is the continent's giant, with 150m people, over 250 ethnic groups and at least 36 billion barrels of proven oil reserves.


  • 申请人能够配套就读最多证书级别课程,所有证书课程的学期至少,并且课程中包含一门四级证书课程

    Applicants can package up to four certificate level courses, which total at least one year's duration, where one element is a certificate IV level course.


  • 至少目前为止Leaf几乎是在舞台上进行独自表演,尼桑声称,Leaf的电池充电最多可以行驶100英里的路程。

    So for now, at least, the Leaf, which Nissan claims can travel 100 mileson a single battery charge, has the stage pretty much to itself.


  • 食物至少8个美圆最多2个美圆。

    The food cost me at least 8 dollars, but it is worth at most 2 dollars.


  • 说道:“是的夫人。”至少应该的,也是最多能做到的

    I said, "Yes, ma 'am." it was the least I could do, but it was the most also.


  • 至少一个可见图标最多有25个区域50个图标

    There will always be at least one visible icon and never more than 25 regions and 50 ICONS.


  • 曾几何时华尔街至少有些人只是“着眼长期贪婪”,最近几十年来,这里的风气变成“最多,最先拿”。

    Once upon a time, at least some on Wall Street were 'long term greedy. ' But for the last couple of decades, the culture has been to 'get the most and get it first.


  • 公司至少有一名雇员最多15名员工

    The company has at least one employee and at most 15 employees.


  • 所有升级了安排他们帐户其他站点之一转移支付最多120%成员除非升级了至少50%升级

    All upgraded members who have had their accounts transfered from one of the other sites will be paid a maximum of 120% unless you have upgraded with at least 50% of your upgrade.


  • 每位参展摄影师必须带上至少10张最多35希望放入摄影作品集照片参加研讨会。

    Each participant must bring a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 35 images that they wish to include in their portfolio, to the workshop.


  • 作为日常补充每天最多服用4小熊糖,并且8盎司一天至少要喝杯水

    As a dietary supplement, parents may give each child up to four (4) bears per day, with an 8 ounce glass of water. Drink at least two additional glasses of water throughout the day.


  • 尽管欧洲其他国家正在赶超我们或是至少同样方式缓慢增长但是我们营养状况糟糕肥胖者最多国家。

    Although other countries in Europe are catching us up or at least showing a trend growing the same way, we nonetheless remain right at the bottom in terms of poor nutrition and obesity.


  • 请翻译以下单词或句子 1。至少2最多3编制4。要做的事 。

    At least 2. Most 3. Preparation 4. To do and not do things 4…


  • 每场比赛至少提前一个星期发布公告最多可能提前两个星期

    Each race will be individually announced at least one week prior to the race date, preferably two weeks in advance.


  • 每场比赛至少提前一个星期发布公告最多可能提前两个星期

    Each race will be individually announced at least one week prior to the race date, preferably two weeks in advance.


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