• 如果我们生日到了,是否希望至少一个可以一张漂亮的卡片祝贺你呢?

    If our birthday is coming soon, do you wish that at least one person could congratulate you with a beautiful card then?


  • 至少我们大多数工作是因为我们希望能够养活自己家人以及帮助身边

    At the minimum, most of us work because we want to be able to support ourselves, our families, and the people around us.


  • 全部债务都讲出来;希望至少没有欺骗我们

    He has given in all his debts; I hope at least he has not deceived us.


  • 但是希望我们可以至少互相尊重精神前提下求同存异。

    But I hope we can at least agree to disagree in a spirit of mutual respect.


  • 至少我们希望这样。

    At least, we hope it is.


  • 希望至少我们入室抢劫小组团结起来

    We hope our burglary will at least produce a united front in your group!


  • 我们仍然希望约会对象至少愿意把他们自己的饭钱付了

    Still, we like it when our dates at least offer to cover their share.


  • 我们希望以色列受到压力从而至少暂时东耶路撒冷停止建房来表示诚意

    We hope Israel is being pressed to at least temporarily halt building in east Jerusalem as a sign of good faith.


  • 至少中期角度看,可能认为病人治愈了,但我们希望的效果是一劳永逸。

    They could be considered cured, at least in the medium-term and we hope long-term.


  • 明确的讲,我们希望每个后续数字一个数字至少 0.4。

    Specifically, we want each successive number to be at least 0.4 more or less than the last one.


  • 至少那是我们希望的。

    At least that \ 's the hope.


  • 至少希望他们垃圾邮件制造者,那些人上百万其他人发送包含同样消息的邮件,期望我们中的某些人购买某种产品陷入一个骗局

    At minimum, I don't want them to be spammers who mail an identical message to me and ten million other people in the hope that a couple of us will buy a product or fall for a scam.


  • 梅比先生希望我们善意角度来看待杂草至少,对它们多一些好奇心

    Mr Mabey would like us to view weeds more benignly, or at least with greater curiosity.


  • 这里至少我们发现没有思想他们匆匆赶往这种那种希望

    There at least can be recognized the thoughtless man, and he continues to hasten toward some hope or other.


  • 我们经常付出时会期待同等的回报——至少希望得到一点感激表扬

    To often we give something and expect to get an equal measure in return -at least get some gratitude or recognition for our efforts.


  • 说只能供应500,这不够,去年我们销售了700箱,今年肯定销售更多希望至少800箱。

    Last year we sold 700 cases, and I'm sure I can do better this year. I hope you can offer me at least 800 cases.


  • 仍然认为父母的来说,孩子幸福健康重要的。可是希望Yvette至少告诉我们是幸福和健康的。

    I still believe that having a happy and healthy child is the most important thing any parent could desire, but I do at least want Yvette to be able to tell us that she is happy and healthy.


  • 然而正如罗森所说,“如果人们只为相貌有关的优点投票我们希望那些有着较高知识水平的热至少影响。”

    However, as Lawson says, “If people were really voting for other qualities that just happen to correlate with appearance, we would expect the high-knowledge voters to be at least as susceptible.”


  • olap4 j里只是一个可选功能我们希望PaloMondrian至少实现它。

    It will always be an optional feature in olap4j, but we hope that at least Palo and Mondrian will implement it.


  • (墨西哥海湾石油泄漏事件之后我们希望至少我们做到这点)把深海油井平台海岸

    (a year after the BP spill in the Gulf of Mexico, let's hope we've learned how to do that, at least.) Tow the platforms back to shore.


  • 不是我们希望至少有些时候自己孩子能达到的吗?

    Isn't that what we all want for our kids, at least some of the time?


  • 我们中的大多数都有这样希望想法:遇到心仪的人,我们进入一个至少漫长而舒适关系如果不是婚姻的话

    Many of us have hopes and ideas of that perfect person crossing our path and leading us into at least a long, comfortable relationship, if not marriage.


  • 然而虽然我们不想希望北极熊失去它我们至少应该近期这些意识转变有一点担心

    Yet, while not wanting to begrudge the polar bear his ice, we should be at least somewhat concerned at this recent shift in thinking.


  • 现在至少知道怀孕带来什么为了我们两个,我真心希望下次生产不要太难。

    At least I now know what pregnancy entails - I'm hoping for both our sakes she has an easier pregnancy next time.


  • 本文中,我们希望避免这种聪明做出小小的贡献至少我们比较精通领域避免滥用

    In this article, we hope to make a small contribution away from cleverness, at least in an area where we have some expertise, that being metaclass abuses.


  • 结论充满意外希望,那就是,我们或许永远无法真正明白如何得到我们所想要的,或者杜绝我们所讨厌的,无论如何,我们至少为之努力。

    It's an unexpectedly hopeful conclusion: we may never really understand how to get what we want, or stave off the very worst - yet we may manage it anyway.


  • 我们希望避免混乱我们也花很多时间精力至少要让快捷好用

    We want to avoid clutter, but that said, we spent a lot of time and effort to at least keep keyboard shortcut parity.


  • 然而我们没有看到2010年预期我们认为2011年的很少波动环境我们希望至少减少15%20%。

    But, while the high expectations for 2010 were not met, we think activity in 2011 could pick up by at least 15% to 20% in what we hope should be a less volatile environment.


  • 我们经常付出时会期待同等的回报——至少希望得到一点感激表扬

    To often we give something and expect to get an equal measure in return - at least get some gratitude or recognition for our efforts.


  • 我们经常付出时会期待同等的回报——至少希望得到一点感激表扬

    To often we give something and expect to get an equal measure in return - at least get some gratitude or recognition for our efforts.


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