• 母牛分泌牛奶之前小牛自由释放

    Before gushing the milk from the cows, the young calf will be released free.


  • 难道我们不能自由释放

    Can't we set him free!


  • 刹那间心情自由释放

    Your heart is freed all in a moment.


  • 建筑半部分十分开阔视野,创立一种自由释放表达

    It has a completely open view over the allotment behind the house and seems to release itself from the latter.


  • 在未来课程进程理应加强个体生命原生态自由释放

    We should strengthen the original ecosystem of the individual life in new course of release freely.


  • 审美自身本质力量肯定,是人的心理潜能得到自由释放情感体验,是人感性生命力自由表现

    The appreciation of beauty is an affirmation of a personal feeling experience of free physical potential and a free natural displaying for sensitive life.


  • 哈里斯联盟中数一数二最好渗透型球员一直期待着这样进攻体系自由释放自己的能力好好大展一番拳脚

    Harris is the best seepage player who in the alliance ranks among the best, he has been anticipating can release own ability freely in such attack system, well a big exhibition fist foot.


  • 对于名字,她的思想为人已经没有任何记录了,传统无声怀疑者们就可以自由释放他们的想象。但是上天却不允许自由想象

    There is no known record of her name; of her charms of mind and person tradition is silent and the doubter is at liberty to entertain his doubt; but God forbid that I should share it!


  • 一个可能解释与制造ATP组织释放出的自由基有关,人们认为通过破坏细胞促进老化并且导致这种癌症一样的和年龄有关疾病

    One possibility relates to the ATP-making machinery's emission of free radicals, which are thought to contribute to aging and to such age-related diseases as cancer by damaging cells.


  • 虽然释放但他们仍然原主人家户中的主人委托人自由

    Although released, they are still a member of the original owner's family, and are still the owner's client and freedman.


  • 没有一个候选人曾被越共虐待几年的同伴释放拒绝获得自由

    No other candidate was tortured for years by the Vietcong, or refused to be freed unless his fellow prisoners were freed too.


  • 事实上个异常勤勉自由思想者,那个时代众多教条释放自己自己头脑思考,错综复杂幻象中寻一条清晰的道路

    In fact, he was a highly diligent free-thinker, who freed his mind from the many dogmas of his time, to think for himself, and to forge a clear way out of the thicket of delusions.


  • 阿拉法特不能接受,释放所有自由而战卫士

    That was a problem for Arafat, who wanted the release of people he considered freedom fighters.


  • 一旦我们释放这些观念,我们自由了,就不再痛苦了。

    As soon as we release those views, we are free and we don't suffer anymore.


  • 狱中渴望自由南韩囚犯们而言,一个尤其令人高兴日子因为其中有许多人释放

    For South Koreans languishing in prison it is an especially joyful day, since many of them are freed.


  • 所有知道人生自由地球上二十二亿力量就释放

    When all living men know that men are born free, the nergy of twenty-two hundred million human beings will be released upon this earth.


  • 我们释放自由空间中,比如说放到电场里,他们自动排序按同一方向。

    If we put a dipole that has the freedom to move, we put that dipole in an electric field, it will align itself with the field lines.


  • 差遣报告被释放,瞎眼看见受压制的得自由,报告神悦纳人的

    He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind,to let the oppressed go free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.


  • 由于查明伏击的那个夜晚处于酒醉状态命令规定他不予追究,释放恢复了自由

    An order of nolle prosequi, founded on his well authenticated state of intoxication on the evening of the ambush, had set him at liberty. He had taken to his heels.


  • 因为奴仆蒙召的,就是主所释放的人。作自由人蒙召的,就是基督奴仆。

    For he that is called in the Lord, being a servant, is the Lord's freeman: likewise also he that is called, being free, is Christ's servant.


  • 然而前面一旦释放其它线程就将可以自由修改前面的bucket。

    But once the previous lock is released, other threads are now free to modify the previous bucket.


  • 一名个月伊拉克神秘绑架伊朗外交官于是同样神秘地得到释放;而伊拉克则称努力尝试使名伊朗官员重获自由——他们在一月份被驻伊美军逮捕的。

    An Iranian diplomat who was mysteriously kidnapped in Iraq two months ago was released just as mysteriously, and Iraq said it was trying to secure the freedom of five Iranian officials arrested by.


  • 这些自动受体通常最初释放擦掉自由多巴胺总量

    These autoreceptors normally "wipe up" the amount of free dopamine after it is initially released.


  • 现在依赖这个习惯无聊中寻求舒适、幸福自由一个压力释放

    You now depend on this habit for comfort, happiness, freedom from boredom, and as a stress reliever.


  • 但是如果我们通过控制自由信息释放干预基因表达,结果会怎样?

    But what if we intervene on behalf of gene expression by controlling the formation and liberation of free radicals in the body?


  • 注意更多的想法出现了,既觉得讨厌又觉得自由了,讨厌觉得我卸下所有包袱自由是因为发出明亮阳光,我可以检查这些包袱释放掉。

    Annoying, because I just want to be free from all this baggage. Liberating, because now I get to shine a bight light over them, and I can finally examine and releasing them.


  • 注意更多的想法出现了,既觉得讨厌又觉得自由了,讨厌觉得我卸下所有包袱自由是因为发出明亮阳光,我可以检查这些包袱释放掉。

    Annoying, because I just want to be free from all this baggage. Liberating, because now I get to shine a bight light over them, and I can finally examine and releasing them.


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