• 我们是否正在走向乏味数字世界自由网络浏览手机应用程序订制取代、迎合个人偏好量体裁衣

    Are we heading for a less romantic digital world, in which open-ended surfing of the web is replaced by an ordered world phone "apps", tailored to individual preferences?


  • 提供条线索:(尽管他们制作那些光滑手机笔记本向人们提供着自由概念性的、无线可能性但他们的生活完全不是那么回事。

    A clue: it's totally at odds with the liberating, blue-sky, wireless possibilities offered by the sleek phones and laptops.


  • 一支Android手机诞生伊始我们开始开发一项电池测试准确测定它们耐久力然后一些客观数据引入我们自由测试中。

    Ever since the first Android phone appeared, we've been developing a battery test that would accurately gauge their endurance, and lend some objective data to our anecdotal tests.


  • 根据以往的研究研究人员推测手机辐射加速疾病进展因为其他类型的辐射都会造成自由损伤

    Based on previous research, the researchers hypothesized that radiation from phones would accelerate progression of the disease be-cause other types of radiation cause free radical damage.


  • 摄像头手机每个成为自传作者周围通过他们自己的小报式新闻(网络)成为自由狗仔队。

    Even as the camera phone makes each individual an autobiographer, it also makes all the people around her into freelance paparazzi, with their own tabloid-style press (the web).


  • 产品市场可以自由流通,洗发水手机铃声竞争激烈

    They freed markets for products, so that vibrant competition reigns from shampoo to ringtones.


  • 太太希望成为手机自由希望随时联系上。她的想法可以理解的,因为我有一些病史

    My wife won't let me go cell phone free, she likes to know that I'm reachable, which is understandable as I have a few medical conditions.


  • 选择款功能简单手机实践一些简单规则手机焦虑症已经减轻了不少。希望终有一成为一个手机自由

    By opting for a simpler phone and implementing some simple rules I've reduced my cell phone stress, one day hopefully I'll be cell phone free!


  • 只要手机利用复位复位按钮应当回到自由从此冻结

    Just reset your phone using the reset button and it should bring you back freeze free from then on.


  • 另一个值得注意其它手机技术联盟开发的基于Linux手机平台例如LiMo基金同样能便利地结合版权保护软件自由软件。

    Another point worth noting is that Linux-based mobile platforms created by other mobile technology coalitions like the LiMo Foundation also facilitate mixing proprietary and open software.


  • 虽然看上去可能没有iPhone那样时尚,但将手机用户提供自由灵活的体验。

    And while it won't look as sleek as the iPhone, it promises to give mobile-phone users a lot more freedom and flexibility.


  • 触摸表面创造自由官方动态壁纸涟漪动摇手机

    Touch the surface or shake your phone to create ripples, with the free official live wallpaper.


  • 他们特别自由控制自己手机

    They especially hate your freedom to control your own phone.


  • 柏林另一柏林自由大学研究者开发的无人驾驶汽车能够苹果手机应用程序来控制

    "Spirit of Berlin," another self-driving car developed by researchers at Berlin Free University, can be controlled using an iPhone app.


  • 这些特权包括自由会见代理律师,随意使用手机,他们通过这些传达操纵足球比赛命令

    It has a history of murdering law-enforcers in defence of its prison privileges, which include unfettered access to lawyers and mobile phones, used to transmit orders to operatives in the field.


  • 农民工每月的可自由支配支出大部分用于购买大众消费者产品比如方便面快餐啤酒、无醇饮料服装鞋帽手机

    Much of their monthly discretionary spending goes on mass consumer items such as instant noodles, fast food, beer, soft drinks, clothing, footwear and mobile phones.


  • 所以我们所说一切有关于电脑上软件应该自由运行——必须坚持这一点——在智能手机也是这样当然包括平板

    So, everything we say about computers, that the software you run should be free - you should insist on that - applies to smart phones just the same. And likewise to those tablets.


  • 自由跌落作为手机环境试验一个重要试验项目属于实物试验,多产品开发后期进行

    The free-drop examination with practicality is a vital item of environmental examination of mobile phone products, the examination is always performed in the anaphase of product development.


  • 首先手机用户分成比较有代表性三类,分别自由职业者学生企业工作人员

    First of all mobile phone users will be divided into more representative of the three categories are: liberal professions, students and business staff.


  • 在星期三自由时间可以跟工作人员拿手机以便对外联络

    There will be 1 opportunity on Wednesday during free time when you may retrieve your phone to make calls.


  • 结果表明运动锻炼手机电磁辐射自由效应具有抗作用。

    The result indicated that exercise training has an antagonistic effect on the free radicals effect of mobile telephone electromagnetic radiation.


  • 有了“任自由”,法国的法国电信BOUYGUES电信SFR用户首次能够通过手机群的形式相互之间进行交流、会见聊天

    For the first time in France, France Telecom, Bouygues Telecom and SFR subscribers are able to cross over, meet and chat in groups on their mobiles using SMS thanks to Freever.


  • 在推向市场期间,茶打为'自由251 '价格自圆其说道,“制造一只智能手机成本在2,000卢比左右。”

    During the launch, Chadha while justifying the price of Freedom 251 said, "the cost of making one unit of the smartphone is around Rs 2,000."


  • 提请今年获奖足球模拟版本改进体验进行游戏无限自由

    The improvements brought to this year's edition of the award-winning football simulation will allow you to experience an unlimited freedom of play on your mobile phone.


  • 先生关掉手机五个让你摆脱手机重获自由技巧

    Sir, Please Put the Phone Down. 5 Tips to Free You From The Shackles of your Phone.


  • 先生关掉手机五个让你摆脱手机重获自由技巧

    Sir, Please Put the Phone Down. 5 Tips to Free You From The Shackles of your Phone.


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