• 我们房子里,能看到这条街的尽头对面自由学校校园里

    The end of Sudder Street, and the trees on the Free School grounds opposite, were visible from our Sudder Street house.


  • 自由学校”(见注解2)增长则比较缓慢全部是新的公立学校,拥有与专科学校一样运营自由

    There has been a slower trickle of “free schools”, entirely new state schools with the same operational freedoms as academies.


  • 以拥有具有独立性、非选拔性以及公费性的自由学校而受到佳夫先生赏识的瑞典国际排名上经历了一艰难的时期。

    Sweden, admired by Mr Gove for its independent, non-selective, state-funded Free Schools, has had a sticky period in international rankings.


  • Hultin先生瑞典教学联盟开始痛恨自由学校整个想法,但是他们看到他们成员喜欢自由学校工作后也改变了态度。

    Swedish teaching unions initially hated the whole idea of free schools-but once they saw that their members liked working in them, says Mr Hultin, they changed their tune.


  • 例子是,发生2005年自由学校校车辆轿车相撞的事故之后,当时在现场救援的救火队员到现在依然不能受培根鸡蛋味道,因为这些味道会勾那些糟糕的回忆。

    One example happened after the 2005 Liberty school bus crash with a car.Firefighters who worked the scene still can't tolerate the smell of bacon and eggs; the smell brings back the memories.


  • 例子是,发生2005年的自由学校校车辆轿车相撞事故之后,当时在现场救援的救火队员到现在依然不能受培根鸡蛋味道,因为这些味道会勾起那些糟糕的回忆。

    One example happened after the 2005 Liberty school bus crash with a car. Firefighters who worked the scene still can't tolerate the smell of bacon and eggs; the smell brings back the memories.


  • 学校自由主义和个人主义传统滑入无政府状态危险

    The school's liberal, individualistic traditions were in danger of slipping into anarchy.


  • 我看来,自由基于良好规定之上,所以学生应该遵守学校规定。

    In my opinion, freedom is based on good rules, so students should obey school rules.


  • 天的自由会导致“夏季退步”,孩子们会忘记他们在学校学到的一些阅读、写作和数学技能。

    The freedom of summer can cause the "summer drop," where kids forget some of the reading, writing and math skills they've learned at school.


  • 在这本一个小孩放弃所有东西,学校朋友来去自如的自由

    Here was a child who gave up everything: her school, her friends, and her freedom to go where she pleased.


  • 他们同样合法学术地位全国教育课程的约束,使他们当地公立学校有更多自由

    They have the same legal status as academies and do not have to follow the national curriculum, giving them more freedom than local authority schools.


  • 这些鼓励措施必要的。因为直到本周这儿撰写这文章时,很多学校似乎都愿意接受赋予它们的这些新自由

    Such encouragement is necessary because schools so far seem reluctant to embrace their new-found freedoms, as I report in this week's print edition here.


  • 由于新加坡学校缺乏学术自由耶鲁学生报纸——《耶鲁每日新闻》,表示反对耶鲁校方繁华都市扩张

    The school student paper, Yale Daily News, also raised the perceived lack of academic freedom in Singapore schools to argue against Yale’s expansion in the prosperous city state.


  • 他们儿子送到认为给予孩子更大自由学校

    They enrolled their son in a school that they thought would give him more freedom.


  • 由于新加坡学校缺乏学术自由耶鲁学生报纸——《耶鲁每日新闻》,表示反对耶鲁校方繁华都市扩张

    The school student paper, Yale Daily News, also raised the perceived lack of academic freedom in Singapore schools to argue against Yale's expansion in the prosperous city state.


  • 因为趋势意识精英阶层影响教室需要一些时间,所以现在的俄罗斯学校还是非常自由地方

    Because trends and ideas take time to trickle down from the elite to the classroom, Russian schools are still quite liberal places.


  • 大部分学校过去三四即已推出自由选择合住室友方案。

    Most schools introduced the couples option in the past three or four years.


  • 拥有200历史皇家艺术学院是组精致的石制建筑群曾是公立精英学校,培养昔日著名的自由思想家激进人士。

    The handsome stone bulk of the Royal Atheneum, a once-elite state school with a 200-year history, has produced legendary free-thinkers and radicals in its day.


  • 公立学校的班主任私立学校的一样对家长负责他们同样自由尤为重要的是,解雇水平低老师,奖励水平高的老师。

    Make head teachers at state schools as accountable to parents as their peers at private schools are and give them the same freedoms, notably to sack poor teachers and pay more to good ones.


  • 学校可以随意的选择所使用的教材,甚至可以自行编写教材,还可以自由分配教学时间

    Schools can choose their own texts, even write their own, and apportion the school day as they please.


  • 同事们他们的子女创建了轮转式的家庭学校,使孩子们在学习同时他们提供理智和精神上的自由

    She and her colleagues created a revolving home-school for their children to provide intellectual and spiritual freedom while learning.


  • 的“自由剧院”被占领巴勒斯坦第一所演艺学校由于年前以色列人威胁,剧院2006年开办取代母亲讲习班

    His Freedom Theatre, set up in 2006 to replace his mother's workshop (bulldozed by the Israelis four years earlier), was the first acting school in occupied Palestine.


  • 学校医院确实可以自由进入它们却是冷酷的、极少的,拥挤在那里获得教育治疗需要很多民众仍然没有现金

    Schools and hospitals are indeed free to enter, but they are grim, bare, crowded places where getting learning or treatment requires cash that many still do not have.


  • 因此学校官员更大自由

    So school officials have more freedom.


  • 自由党的压力下,他们开始试图大众重新理解这些,不再强调学校工作效率科技,而注重讲述基础东西

    At the pressure group Liberty, they are starting to try to realign public understanding of all this, away from efficiency and technology, towards much more fundamental stuff.


  • 这些政策自由非常奏效:在荷兰,有70%的孩子私立学校学习,花纳税者的钱,而瑞典也达到10%。

    Such freedoms are wildly popular: in the Netherlands 70% of children are educated in private schools at the taxpayers' expense; in Sweden 10% already are.


  • 除了努力提高教师地位这些国家还发布学校成果允许学校其他学校有更大的自由

    They have raised teachers' status by making it harder to become and remain one. They publish individual schools' results, and allow the best more autonomy than the others.


  • 线上课程弗罗里达网上虚拟学校提供的,这个公立学校可以自由选择

    The online courses are provided by Florida Virtual school, which has been an option in the state's public schools.


  • 线上课程弗罗里达网上虚拟学校提供的,这个公立学校可以自由选择

    The online courses are provided by Florida Virtual school, which has been an option in the state's public schools.


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