• 段经历留下深刻印象使他决心囚犯奴隶以及所有被压迫和被剥夺自由些事情

    This experience left a deep impression on him, and made him determined to do something for convicts and slaves and for all who were oppressed and deprived of their liberty.


  • 利比里亚国家一个半世纪来自美国获得自由奴隶建立的。

    The state of Liberia was formed a century and a half ago by freed slaves from the United States.


  • 美国奴隶直到1863年才获得自由

    Slaves were not emancipated until 1863 in the United States.


  • 格泰斯认为由于南方奴隶妨碍了个人自治物质利益自由追求北方主要改革者19世纪30年代就反对奴隶制。

    Gerteis argues that, since slavery in the South precluded individual autonomy and the free pursuit of material gain, major Northern reformers opposed it as early as the 1830s.


  • 南北战争发生之前如果黑色人种生下来就是自由,你仍然可能被迫成为奴隶

    Before the Civil War, if you were black and born a free man, you could still be forced into slavery.


  • 泰勒奴隶拥有者认为加利福尼亚墨西哥应该自由

    Taylor was a slaveholder. But he believed that both California and New Mexico should be free states.


  • 国父这种远见成为主张自由国家道德义务基础美国宪法一份奴隶的文件。

    This vision of the founders served as a basis for asserting that freedom was a national moral imperative, and that the United States Constitution was an antislavery document.


  • 北战争结束后,所有的奴隶都获得自由

    All slaves were set free when the Civil War ended.


  • 林肯随后有关美国不能再以一半奴隶一半是自由形式存在的声明辩护,他的意思并不是每个习俗制度都必须一样

    Lincoln then defended his statement that the United States could not continue half slave and half free. He said he did not mean that customs or institutions must be the same in every state.


  • 这个法案给予支持奴隶人有机会控制制宪会议代表选举而且该法案还给予制宪会议完全自由制定制宪会议的会议规则

    The bill gave supporters of slavery every chance to control the election of delegates to the convention. And it gave the convention complete freedom to make its own rules.


  • 直到今天两个地区仍会就南部脱离奴隶制度保护权利以及自由贸易权利产生争执不下。

    To this day there is an argument raging between the two areas over whether the south seceded to maintain slavery or to protect states' rights, and the idea of free trade.


  • 自由劳动力体制一样但奴隶不同,农奴主对于农奴生存没有任何责任,对于这样昂贵财产死活也没有直接兴趣

    As in a free labor system and unlike slavery, the overlords had no responsibility for the serf's maintenance and no direct interest in his or her survival as an expensive piece of property.


  • 例如一个宣传人生平等,出生时享有天赋生命权、自由追求幸福权利国度怎么存在奴隶

    For example, how could slavery exist in a nation whose people declared that "all men are created equal" and with a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?


  • 美国期望自由奴隶主建立的。

    The United States is a country that is founded by an assembly of slave owners who wanted to be free.


  • 但是又奴隶一样,他们依附自己主人这就保障其成为固定终生劳动力既不会组织起来不会罢工或者自由离开,而市场体制下劳动力可以这样做的。

    Yet as in a slave system, they were bound to their masters, guaranteeing a fixed and permanent workforce that could neither organize nor strike nor freely depart as might laborers in a market context.


  • 但是又奴隶一样,他们依附自己主人这就保障其成为固定终生劳动力既不会组织起来不会罢工或者自由离开,而市场体制下劳动力可以这样做的。

    Yet as in a slave system, they were bound to their masters, guaranteeing a fixed and permanent workforce that could neither organize nor strike nor freely depart as might laborers in a market context.


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