• 感谢各位朋友的光临我的自由天地

    Thanks for all the friends' visit!


  • 我们一起今天开始,完成应该完成工作这个星球上开辟新的自由天地

    Together, starting today, let us finish the work that needs to be done, and usher in a new birth of freedom on this Earth.


  • 生活成为了美好梦想、公正的比赛、自身内在的辽阔天地因此,欢欣的景象产生——自由自发的热情,以及阳光锻造梦想

    Thus it creates a pleasant illusion of freedom, spontaneous abandon, dreams wrought in sunlight.


  • 过去都像在自由的飞翔享受日常生活的快乐能力也一天天地增强

    It gives me a sense of freedom that grows with each passing day and a greater capacity to experience the small joys of everyday life.


  • 每当物理学家们揭开大自然一些规律这些知识用于制造各种装置,它们实现的功能让人叹为观止——例如,飞机自由行走于天地间,广播可让千万足不户,遍知天下事

    When physicists puzzle out the workings of some new part of nature, that knowledge can be used to build devices that do amazing things — airplanes that fly, radios that reach millions of listeners.


  • 成为一方天地主人感觉让我体会到了一丝自由滋味

    The sense of being the owner of the small patch of earth offered a small taste of freedom.


  • 我们天鹅我们天地舞者天地万物我们舞台背景,任我们自由翱翔与自在悠游。

    We swan, our dancers between heaven and earth, our universe is the stage and background of any of our free-flying and free swimming.


  • 您好寒假来临了,这个假期小小的请求自由天地,我一定合理安排好时间

    Hello. The winter holiday is coming, this holiday I have one small request: give me a free world, I can arrange the time reasonably!


  • 充分重视理性自由作用文学批评才能在批评理论上兼收并蓄,开创崭新天地

    Only with close attention to the function of reason and freedom can literary criticism incorporate theories of diverse nature and open up a new world.


  • 心灵求之若渴的,就是这种独处自由境地;与其幻想独处,犹如造物主苦思冥想自己的天地万物

    This freedom of solitude is what my mind is fretting for; it would be alone with its imaginings, as the Creator broods over his own creation.


  • 生活乐趣来自美好情感相信他们给予他们开阔天地只鸟那样自由

    The joy of living comes from fine emotions, trusting them, giving them the freedom of a bird in the open.


  • 成为一方天地主人感觉体会到了一丝自由的滋味。

    Become masters of this side of heaven and earth feeling, so I appreciate the hint of the taste of freedom.


  • 每个都有绝对自由以及天地同寿生命

    Each person has absolute freedom and the life is as long as heaven and earth.


  • 天地里,生怕变的小,把带到你的世界里去吧,开心失去所有自由

    I live in this little world of mine and an afraid to make it the least less. Lift me into thy world and let me have the freedom gladly to lose my all.


  • 职业给了某种自由驰骋的天地当今得到的最大的天地了。

    My job gives me free range of a sort. As much as you can find nowadays .


  • 精神的家园里自由自在生长释放心灵纷繁复杂世俗之中,干净和谐天地

    Let me grow freely in my spiritual homestead and release my inner spirit. In such a complicated and mundane world we can gain a piece of land that is clean and harmonious.


  • 虽然我们现在并不富裕但是相信刚认识你时,我相信,我们一定可以通过自己努力,拥有天地,过上我们向往的自由自在的生活。

    Although, we are just ordinary people. But I believe, I always believed, that we can own a piece of free sky through our hard work.


  • 文学种力量,它我们自由翱翔我们带入天地,让我们阔步向前,对于一些旅行者来说,文学则真的可以让他们去旅行

    Literature has the power to make us soar, to transport us, to move us, and - for a certain class of travelers - to literally make us travel.


  • 小伙子:“假若我们小鸟广阔天地去,我们的建筑顶上,那会多么自由快乐呀!”

    The young man said, "How free and happy it would be, if we were two little birds, then we could fly out into the great world and build our nest in the top of a tree."


  • 经常这样一个时刻世界抛在脑后忘记所有生活压力重新发现伟大户外那片自由天地

    There comes a time to leave the world behind, forget life's pressures and rediscover the freedom of the great outdoors.


  • 主题传播语:交换自由天地辽阔

    More free exchange, more vast world!


  • 条路给予一个完全属于自己天地。在这片天地中,艺术创作引领我穿梭于漫长历史长廊,在时间空间自由地漫步。

    Along the way, I have discovered a place I call my own, where art serves as a guide through the long corridor of history, allowing one to traipse freely through time and space.


  • 张君劢认为本质在于自由意志,天地具有是非、善恶判断能力

    Zhang Junmai thought that "free will" was a nature of man, who had the innate ability to judge what was right or wrong, good or evil.


  • 只因自由穿行于内外两个天地时空中,向前追溯分享先人们感悟,向后延展去触动后续灵魂

    Because it is able to travel between the time and space of the inner and external worlds - looking back to share the insights of the predecessors and carrying on to affect the soul of those to come.


  • 动画世界我们收到礼物之一就是没有边界的广阔天地,可以让我们想象力自由发挥,创造出任何我们能梦想到的角色世界。

    One of the gifts we have in animation is the boarderless playground of our imagination to create whatever characters and worlds we can dream up.


  • 动画世界我们收到礼物之一就是没有边界的广阔天地,可以让我们想象力自由发挥,创造出任何我们能梦想到的角色世界。

    One of the gifts we have in animation is the boarderless playground of our imagination to create whatever characters and worlds we can dream up.


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